con desgana oor Engels

con desgana

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

in a desultory fashion

Tras 12 meses sin empleo alguno, el típico desempleado seguía en la búsqueda, pero con desgana y sin muchas esperanzas.
After 12 months of continuous unemployment, the typical unemployed worker still searched for a job, but in a desultory fashion, without much hope.

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Extiende los brazos para ofrecerme algo, un bulto informe que contemplo con desgana a través de la bruma.
She holds out her hands to me offering me something, a shapeless lump which I peer at unwillingly through a mist.Literature Literature
Con desgana, Alex apagó su puro de dos dólares y se puso a trabajar.
Reluctantly Alex tapped out his two-dollar cigar and went to work.Literature Literature
Ángela tomó la criatura con desgana y miró disgustada a la enfermera cuando ésta abandonó el cuarto.
Angela held the baby slackly and eyed the nurse with dislike as the latter went out of the room.Literature Literature
Sólo su promesa, y, aún así, a trompicones y mantenida con desgana.
She had only his promise, and that given under duress, and kept reluctantly.Literature Literature
Supongo que me estarán esperando —añadió con desgana.
“I suppose they’ll be waiting for me,” he added reluctantly.Literature Literature
Aun así, Occidente o bien permanecía en silencio o bien condenaba los hechos con desgana.
Yet the West was either silent or half-hearted in its condemnation.Literature Literature
Dijo con desgana: —Honey, estás estupenda.
He said perfunctorily, Honey, you look wonderful.Literature Literature
La secretaria me ayudó con desgana a tender la cobija entre la silla de ruedas y la niña.
With the secretary’s halfhearted assistance, I spread the quilt between the wheelchair and the girl.Literature Literature
No sonrió y, en lugar de inclinarse, se limitó a asentir con desgana.
He did not smile and, rather than bowing, merely nodded perfunctorily.Literature Literature
Participaba con desgana en la conversación, y a menudo se limitaba a asentir.
She participated listlessly in their conversations, often limiting herself to nodding along.Literature Literature
Adrede, dejé que sonase tres o cuatro veces y luego cogí el auricular con desgana.
I deliberately let it ring three or four times and then picked up the receiver reluctantly.Literature Literature
Se movía lentamente, con desgana, como si no le importara la dirección que tomaba.
He moved slowly, limply, as if the direction didn’t matter to him.Literature Literature
Miro con desgana mis dos manzanas, y le lanzo una.
I looked reluctantly at my two Apples, and threw Him one.Literature Literature
No es que fuera un holgazán que caminase con desgana por el bosque.
It’s not that Rex was a plodding slouch that waddled through the forest.Literature Literature
Mose caminó con desgana detrás del caballo.
Mose trotted reluctantly along behind the horse.Literature Literature
La postura descuidada del jovencito no cambió, el cuchillo continuaba a un lado, sostenido con desgana.
The youth’s sloppy stance did not change, the knife held loosely at his side.Literature Literature
Porque todo fue con desgana
'Cause, like, everything's like blasé.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ASTROV (cogiendo con desgana el vaso).- Creo que no me apetece.
ASTROV [unwillingly taking the glass] : I don’t really want it.Literature Literature
Will Garrison aplastó con desgana un mosquito.
Will Garrison idly swatted at a mosquito.Literature Literature
–Sabes muy bien lo que Roberto significa para mí -dije con desgana.
'You know very well what Robert means to me,' I said somewhat ungraciously.Literature Literature
Jezal se preguntó con desgana qué pasaría si finalmente se cayera.
Jezal wondered idly what would happen if it fell off.Literature Literature
Los mexicanos miraron nuestros equipajes con desgana.
The Mexicans looked at our baggage in a desultory way.Literature Literature
Entramos al estacionamiento y los seguí con desgano al interior del edificio.
We pulled into the parking lot and I reluctantly followed them into the building.Literature Literature
Su mente volvió con desgana al problema de la biblioteca.
Her mind went back reluctantly to the problem of the lending library.Literature Literature
Estaba pelando nabos con desgana en el fregadero, y había interrumpido su trabajo para expresar aquella amarga queja.
He had been listlessly slicing turnips over the sink, and had interrupted his work to make his protest.Literature Literature
1352 sinne gevind in 28 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.