con recelo oor Engels

con recelo

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


of look: with disapproval
No deberíamos mirar con recelo semejante política por sus posibles fallos.
We should not look askance at such a policy because of its potential shortfalls.


Cruzan una barrera que a veces debe medirse en años luz. Ambas generaciones se observan con recelo y desconfianza.
They cross a barrier that at times, must be measured in light years, the two generations eye each other warily and distrustfully.






Por favor, no me mires con recelo.
Please don't look at me suspiciously.

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Ahora eran quinientos camaradas los que me miraban con recelo.
Now, five hundred comrades were looking at me askance.Literature Literature
Se detuvieron al final del salón y lo miraron con recelo.
They stopped at the end of the hall and looked at him warily.Literature Literature
Pero Stalin continuaba mirando con recelo la decisión de ayudar a la República.
But Stalin continued to have misgivings about helping the republic.Literature Literature
Ella miró con recelo la tranquila superficie azul.
She looked to the calm blue surface jealously.Literature Literature
Seguía observando con recelo los edificios que se recortaban en el cielo, pero se obligó a prestar atención—.
He was peering mistrustfully out at the skyline, but he forced himself to pay attention.Literature Literature
Ambas miramos al abrigo con recelo.
We both looked at the coat dubiously.Literature Literature
Después se acordó con recelo de aquellas doscientas libras, importe de su entrada como socio del I.N.E.C.
Then came a sharp doubt about that two hundred pounds for membership of the N.I.C.E. club.Literature Literature
Sentado en su celda de piedra, Conan los miró con recelo y temor en cuanto entraron.
Conan sat in his stone cell, and eyed them doubtfully and slyly from the moment they entered.Literature Literature
Pero la nueva escasez al parecer hacía que la gente mirase con recelo tal extravagancia.
But the new scarcity seems to have made people look askance at this extravagance.Literature Literature
– No puedo hacer eso -le contestó él mientras se arrellanaba en el asiento y la miraba con recelo.
"""I can't do that,"" he replied, leaning back in his seat and fixing her with a weary look."Literature Literature
Sin embargo, todos mis predecesores... sus informes deberían ser leídos con recelo.
All my predecessors, though . . . their reports must be read with a jaundiced eye.Literature Literature
A los de fuera se los miraba con recelo y desdén.
Any outsider was regarded with suspicion and disdain.Literature Literature
Cuando abandonó los aposentos privados, los guardias la miraron con recelo.
When she left the private chambers, the guards eyed her suspiciously.Literature Literature
Nos miramos una a la otra durante un buen rato, al principio asustadas, después con recelo.
We stare at each other for a long moment, at first in shock, then wariness.Literature Literature
Examinando subitamente y con recelo las ventanas, cuyos visillos velaban a quien os observaba.
Suddenly suspiciously watching the windows, whose curtains hide the observer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pero cada dos compases se equivocaba de nota a propósito y miraba a la señorita Grant con recelo.
But every other measure she played the wrong notes on purpose and eyed Miss Grant askance.Literature Literature
–Eres mi invitado -admitió el monarca, si bien sus mohosos párpados se entrecerraron con recelo.
"""You are my guest,"" acknowledged the king, though his moldy eyelids lowered suspiciously."Literature Literature
Brünner añade: ―Incluso la idea de ̳Tres Personas‘ debe considerarse con recelo.
(Page 227) He adds, “Even the idea of ‘Three Persons’ is to be regarded with misgiving.Literature Literature
—Tal vez conseguiría subir —dijo con recelo—, pero entonces ¿qué?
“You might get up,” he said dubiously, “but then what?”Literature Literature
Miré con recelo los grandes ojos azules de Howie.
I looked doubtfully at Howie’s big blue eyes.Literature Literature
Volvió a la sala y dejó la caja en la mesa de café, mirándola con recelo.
She returned to the living room and set the box down on the coffee table, eyeing it warily.Literature Literature
Folie lo vio mirar con recelo a Brougham.
Folie saw him look warily toward Brougham.Literature Literature
Miró con recelo a Row y se preguntó si habría estado ocultándoselo todo ese tiempo.
She looked at Row suspiciously, wondering if he had been holding back on her all these years.Literature Literature
Lo cojo casi con recelo, como si ocultara un peligro.
I take them almost with revulsion, as though they concealed something dangerous.Literature Literature
Sus ojos verdes la observaban con recelo desde un rostro lleno de duros planos y ángulos.
Green eyes watched her suspiciously out of a face with hard planes and angles.Literature Literature
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