con voz temblorosa oor Engels

con voz temblorosa

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—Padre —dijo el casero con voz temblorosa— no estamos seguros en nuestras camas.
‘ “Brother,” he said, “you are sick and weary and we are sent to conduct you to a place of peace.”Literature Literature
«No tendremos con qué taparle los piececitos cuando volvamos del hospital», dijo con voz temblorosa.
“We won’t have anything to put on the baby’s feet when we come home from the hospital,” she said in a quavering voice.Literature Literature
Pero bajaba la vista ruborizada cuando Kreisler, poniendo la mano en el corazón, con voz temblorosa murmuraba: «¡Julia!»
However, she cast her eyes down and blushed when Kreisler, laying his hand on his heart, whispered, ‘Oh, Julia!’Literature Literature
—¿Por qué —dijo la dama con voz temblorosa—, condujiste a una pobre doncella sola por estas calles lluviosas?
"""Why,"" said the lady, with a trembling voice, ""didst thou bring a poor maiden through the rainy streets alone?"""Literature Literature
—Porque no eres más que basura —dijo con voz temblorosa por la ira—.
"""Because you're nothing but trash,"" she said, her voice quivering with anger."Literature Literature
—El cadáver está abajo —dijo Bradbury, con voz temblorosa, señalando la puerta del sótano, que permanecía abierta.
"""The body is down there,"" Bradbury said, pointing through the open basement door."Literature Literature
Con voz temblorosa, Veronika preguntó: -¿Cómo está Charlotte?
With a voice that quavered a bit Veronika asked, 'How is Charlotte doing?'Literature Literature
Antes de salir para Manchester fui a la policía —me susurra al oído, con voz temblorosa.
‘Before I went to Manchester, I went to the police,’ he whispers in my ear, his voice uneven.Literature Literature
—Debería —dijo Danilo con voz temblorosa— haberte ofrecido mi espada.
"Danilo said, trying to steady his voice, ""I should have ... offered you my sword."Literature Literature
Con voz temblorosa, Lewis habló del vuelo.
In a shaky voice, Lewis told about the flight.Literature Literature
Gritaba con voz temblorosa, como si la acosara una manada de lobos o de insectos venenosos.
She was calling in a tremulous voice, as if beset by wolves or stinging insects.Literature Literature
Lo único que pude contestar con voz temblorosa fue: ‘¡Todo marcha bien!’.
The only thing I could answer with a trembling voice was, ‘Everything is all right!’LDS LDS
Frederica, que había buscado refugio en su pañuelo, dijo con voz temblorosa que tenía razón.
Frederica, seeking refuge behind her handkerchief, said in trembling accents that she feared he was right.Literature Literature
—Todo se hará como desea por la mañana, majestad —murmuró mi chambelán, con voz temblorosa.
“Everything will be as you wish in the morning, Your Majesty,” my chancellor whispered, his voice shaking.Literature Literature
—Tengo miedo —dijo de repente el niño, con voz temblorosa.
‘I’m afraid,’ said the boy suddenly, his voice trembling.Literature Literature
—Se interrumpió un instante, sumamente incómoda, y prosiguió luego con voz temblorosa—.
She stopped for a moment, terribly uncomfortable, then began again with trembling voice.Literature Literature
Bilbo no es Hitler, Nathan —repetí con voz temblorosa—.
"""Bilbo is not Hitler, Nathan,"" I repeated."Literature Literature
Bueno, claro, si crees en eso... pero me miró —dijo Katie-Mary con voz temblorosa.
Well, sure, if you go for that kind—’ But he looked at me—” Katie-Mary’s voice faltered.Literature Literature
—exclamó Salviati con voz temblorosa cuando finalmente se encontró cara a cara con Ezio.
Salviati exclaimed in a trembling voice when he finally foundTro face to face with Ezio.Literature Literature
—Aquí no hay nadie, mamá —protestó Nick, con voz temblorosa de miedo.
“There’s no one here, Ma,” Nick protested, his voice quavering with fear.Literature Literature
—gritó con voz temblorosa y extendió una mano vacilante como si muriera de sed en el desierto.
he cried in a trembling voice, and he extended a shaking hand as if he were dying of thirst in a desert.Literature Literature
No sabes lo que he sufrido en estas horas —dijo con voz temblorosa.
You don’t know how much I’ve suffered during these past hours,” she explained in a shaky voice.Literature Literature
—No hay nada que puedas hacer, Emmy —dijo Carly con voz temblorosa.
“There’s nothing you can do, Emmy,” Carly’s shaking voice said.Literature Literature
- Si eres la diosa -dije con voz temblorosa-, muéstrame tu rostro.
“If you are the goddess,” I said tremblingly, “show me your face.”Literature Literature
—Tengo doscientos quince dólares —dijo al fin Joana, con voz temblorosa.
“I have two hundred and fifteen dollars,” said Joanna, in a frightened tone.Literature Literature
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