conocer la causa oor Engels

conocer la causa

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Porque si la autopsia no se ha realizado, no podemos conocer la causa de muerte.
Because if the autopsy hasn't been performed yet, then we can't be sure that's COD.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Para los subordinados es muy útil conocer la causa de cualquier estado de ánimo poco habitual.
It is so helpful to subordinates to know the cause of any unusual moods.Literature Literature
Dichoso aquel que pueda conocer la causa de las cosas.
Happy is he who was able to learn the causes of things.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Sea lo que sea, hechizo de alguna clase, o delirio, hay que conocer la causa para curarlo.
Whatever it is, spell of some sort, or delirium, you have to know the cause if you're to heal it.""Literature Literature
A medianoche, el mundo conocerá la causa de los Illuminati.
By midnight the world will know the Illuminati cause.Literature Literature
El forense necesita conocer la causa de la muerte.
The coroner needs a cause of death.Literature Literature
Sí, cierto, no conocer la causa no significa que ella no exista.
Yes, I grant you, not knowing the cause doesn’t mean there isn’t one.Literature Literature
Además, conocer la causa genética de una enfermedad es solo el primer paso del proceso.
Furthermore, knowing the genetic source of a condition is only the first step of the process.Literature Literature
El conocer la causa, o las innumerables causas que engendran temor, ¿vaciará eso la mente de temor?
Knowing the cause, or the innumerable causes that breed fear, will that empty the mind of fear?Literature Literature
Conocer la causa de un problema y comprender el problema son dos cosas enteramente diferentes.
Knowing the cause of a problem and understanding the problem are two entirely different things.Literature Literature
Mira, en primer lugar, tengo que conocer la causa.
Look, first, I need to isolate the cause.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rosie creía conocer la causa, aunque le extrañaba.
Rosie supposed she knew the cause, though it surprised her.Literature Literature
En su tratamiento es importante conocer la causa subyacente.
In treatment, it is important to know the underlying cause.Literature Literature
Recayó y desesperó por llegar a conocer la causa de su debilidad.
He relapsed, and despaired of ever knowing the cause of his frailty.Literature Literature
Conocer la causa es la primera etapa para llegar a algunas conclusiones importantes en relación con ese trastorno.
Knowing what the cause is, is the first step in arriving at several important conclusions about a condition.Literature Literature
Lo más importante para nosotros es conocer la causa de esas muertes, no lo que vino después.
“The most important aspect for us is the cause of death, not what happened afterwards.”Literature Literature
Querían conocer la causa de la indisposición que estaba acabando con algunas de nosotras.
They wanted to understand the cause of the affliction that was killing some of us.Literature Literature
—¿Quieres decir que podemos conocer la causa de todo pensamiento, apetito, capricho, sueño?
“Are you saying that we can know the cause of every thought, appetite, whim, dream?”Literature Literature
Carolyn se dio cuenta de que las sombras poblaban sus ojos y deseó conocer la causa.
Carolyn noted his eyes were filled with shadows, and wished she knew the cause of them.Literature Literature
¿Y desaparecerán los celos si se llega a conocer la causa?
And will jealousy disappear when the cause is known?Literature Literature
—Estoy ansiosa por conocer la causa de la muerte —le dijo al doctor.
“I’m anxious to know the cause of death,” she said.Literature Literature
Y yo en cambio quiero conocer la causa de la muerte antes de permitirles darle sepultura.
And I would like to have a cause of death before they are allowed to bury her.”Literature Literature
—El barro dificulta conocer la causa de la muerte.
‘The mud makes it difficult to guess the cause of death.Literature Literature
Suicidio, asesinato, ataque al corazón... Me daba igual, hubiera preferido no conocer la causa de su muerte.
Suicide, murder, heart-attack—I didn’t even wish to know the manner of his passing.Literature Literature
Hubiera querido consolarle, pero no podía hacerlo sin conocer la causa de su angustia.
I wanted to comfort him, but I could not until I knew the cause of his trouble.Literature Literature
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