contarles oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Compound of the infinitive contar and the pronoun les .
Compound of the infinitive contar and the pronoun les.

tell them

No les contarán de las carreras, van a encontrar otras cosas para contarles.
They won't tell them about races, they'll find different things to tell them.

to tell them

No puedo esperar para contarles las buenas noticias.
Can't wait to tell them the good news.

to tell you

De manera que pueda contarles mi historia, tendré que contarles la de ellos.
In order to tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

déjenme contarles sobre
let me tell you about
quiero contarles algo
I want to tell you something
déjenme contarles
let me tell you


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Mi abuela no tiene por qué contarle mi vida a nadie, y menos aún a un hombre al que sólo ha visto un par de veces.
It’s not Nan’s place to share my history with anyone, least of all with a man that she’s met a handful of times.Literature Literature
–¡Y ni se te ocurra contarle a mamá lo que pensabas hacer!
“And don’t even think about telling Mom what you tried to do!”Literature Literature
—Doctor Baggeley —dijo—, quería contarle que he recibido visita.
“Doctor Baggeley,” he said, “I wanted to tell you I’ve had a visitor.”Literature Literature
—Salvo contarle a todo el mundo que soy tu madre.
“Except tell the world I’m your mother.”Literature Literature
Era una buena historia, la mejor que podía contarle a una madre destrozada.
It was a good story too—the best one to tell a devastated mother.Literature Literature
Ahora bien, Matlabane se propuso encontrar a Isaac para contarle que sus tres amigos habían hallado la religión verdadera.
Meanwhile, Matlabane decided to search for Isaac and show him how his three former friends had found the true religion.jw2019 jw2019
Y lo que era peor, todavía le quedaba la pequeña cuestión de contarle a Julian lo que acababa de hacer.
Worse, there was the little matter of telling Julian what she had done.Literature Literature
El endurecimiento venía después, cuando los muertos eran tantos que se hacía imposible contarlos.
Hardness came later, when the numbers of the dead were so great they became impossible to count.Literature Literature
La tuya he sabido hoy, y así, al Gran Señor me voy a contarle tu maldad.
I’ve discovered yours today, and so I shall go to the Grand Signor to tell him of your wrongdoing.Literature Literature
Prométeme que no vas a ir corriendo a contarle esto a... nadie.
Promise me you won’t go running off to report this to . . . anyone.”Literature Literature
¿O indicaba quizá que tenía que contarle todo a la posadera?
Or did it indicate that he should tell the landlady everything?Literature Literature
No había olvidado la tristeza que había ensombrecido sus ojos al contarle que no recordaba a su padre.
He hadn't forgotten the fleeting sadness he'd seen in her eyes when she'd told him she didn't remember her father.Literature Literature
Quiero morirme, y luego se ponía a contarle al tipo lo que le había pasado en el día.
And then she started telling the guy everything that had happened to her that day.Literature Literature
Creo que ella debería contarle la historia.
In fact, I think you ought to let her tell you the story.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dice que no puede contárnoslo, Harriet, que si le obligamos a contarlo se morirá.
He says he cannot tell us, Harriet, that if we make him tell us he will die.Literature Literature
En caso contrario, probablemente ni se hubiera preocupado de contarla.
Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have cared to tell it.Literature Literature
Aun así, la idea de contarle que había perdido a su mujer y a su hija me hacía temblar de miedo.
The idea, though, of telling him he’d lost his wife and daughter made my whole body throb with dread.Literature Literature
El tipo que lo tiene entre las manos ha sido detenido y amenaza con contarlo todo.
The man who has it has been arrested and he's threatening to spill the whole story.'Literature Literature
Le acompañaba a todas partes, y tenía que contarle historias sobre él todas las noches.
He accompanied her everywhere, and I had to tell stories about him every night.Literature Literature
Miré a Brit y de repente deseé poder contarle todo, decirle la verdad.
I glanced at her and all of a sudden I wanted to tell her the truth—tell her everything.Literature Literature
De todo eso, limítate a contarle la verdad.
That part, just tell him the truth.Literature Literature
Los padres no deben contarle todo a sus hijos.
Parents aren’t supposed to tell their kids everything.”Literature Literature
—¿Por qué no contarle a la policía lo que sabe?
“Why not stay and tell the cops what he knows?”Literature Literature
Bueno, Scott, no estoy segura de contarlo...... particularmente a quién acabo de conocer.Sólo está tratando de ayudar
Well, Scott, I' m not sure I would sayopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
¿Puedo ir a contarle a mi mamá?
Can I go tell my mom?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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