correr a ciegas oor Engels

correr a ciegas

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¿Qué otra alternativa tenía más que correr a ciegas por las entrañas de París, casi al azar?
What else could he do but rush blindly on, almost randomly through the tunnels beneath Paris?Literature Literature
La probabilidad matemática se vino abajo y Katherine echó a correr a ciegas.
Mathematical probability went out the window, and Katherine broke into a blind sprint.Literature Literature
Intento correr a ciegas y choco contra una barrera —¿su cuerpo?
I try to run, blind, and hit a barrier – his body?Literature Literature
Si alguna vez se presentaba la necesidad, quería ser capaz de correr a ciegas por la nave.
If the need ever arose, he wanted to be able to run through the ship blindfolded.Literature Literature
Veamos la manera de que nuestro pensar no se limite a correr a ciegas detrás de ella.
Let us see to it that our thinking does not merely run after it blindly.Literature Literature
Pero no me gusta salir a correr a ciegas por el bosque como una idiota.
But I do not go running blindly around the woods like an idiot.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A la larga tardaría más, me dije, si me dedicaba a correr a ciegas colina abajo.
It would cost more time in the long run, I reasoned, if I stumbled blindly down the hillside.Literature Literature
No quería correr a ciegas por las calles y no había ningún sitio abierto donde meterse.
He didn't want to run wildly down the street, and there were no stores open to slip into.Literature Literature
—No te pido que los hagas correr a ciegas.
"""I'm not asking you to run them blind."Literature Literature
Era como correr a ciegas y encontrarte al pie de un acantilado.
It was like rushing and rushing blindly until you found yourself at the foot of a cliff.Literature Literature
Quería correr a ciegas, pero me obligué a detenerme para escuchar.
I wanted to run blindly, but I made myself stop and listen.Literature Literature
O mejor dicho, como correr a ciegas.
More like running blind, really.Literature Literature
Si surgía la oportunidad de fugarse, no quería correr a ciegas.
If there was a chance later for escape, he did not want to run blindly.Literature Literature
Entonces, ¿voy a correr a ciegas, en lo tocante a Midwinter, este terrible riesgo?
I am going blindfold then – so far as Midwinter is concerned – into this frightful risk?Literature Literature
La arrastró a un extraño y oscuro paisaje interior donde sintió el impulso de correr a ciegas.
It plunged her into a strange and lightless interior landscape through which she was compelled to run blindly.Literature Literature
Sólo debía tener cuidado de no correr a ciegas; tenía que encontrar la manera de bajar.
He just had to be careful not to run blindly over the edge; he had to find a way down.Literature Literature
Ella echó a correr a ciegas, apartándose del dudoso cobijo de la camioneta.
She ran blindly, leaving the dubious safety of the truck.Literature Literature
¿Qué otra alternativa tenía más que correr a ciegas por las entrañas de París, casi al azar?
What else could he do but rush blindly on, almost randomly, through the tunnels beneath Paris?Literature Literature
El leopardo descubrió los dientes y se precipitó; el cazador echó a correr a ciegas.
The leopard bared its teeth and charged, snarling, and the hunter fled blindly along the hillside.Literature Literature
Correr a ciegas pone a nuestra gente en peligro.
Running blind puts our people at risk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Comenzó a correr a ciegas, golpeándose contra la piedra, chocando contra un muro tras otro.
He began to run blindly, smashing his body against stone, crashing into one invisible wall after another.Literature Literature
Olivia quería precipitarse entre los árboles, correr a ciegas por las sombras, llamar a gritos a Noah.
Olivia wanted to rush headlong into the trees, run blindly through the shadows, shout for Noah.Literature Literature
Pero es enervante correr a ciegas.
It is unnerving running blind.Literature Literature
Luego, un terror pánico le inundó el corazón, y echó a correr a ciegas, internándose en el bosque.
And then panic fear rushed into his heart, and he ran blindly, dashing through the wood.Literature Literature
Pero estaba cansado y no le gustaba la idea de correr a ciegas.
But he was tired and he didn’t like the idea of running about blindly.Literature Literature
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