cotilleaba oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of cotillear.
Formal second-person singular (usted) imperfect indicative form of cotillear.
First-person singular (yo) imperfect indicative form of cotillear.

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columna de cotilleo
gossip column


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Ella opinaba que la Honich cotilleaba entre mis cosas y me propuso que la amenazara con denunciarla a la policía.
She said Frau Honich was snooping around my apartment and suggested I threaten to go to the police.Literature Literature
Era una familia ruidosa y simpática, en la que se cotilleaba mucho sobre la familia de Maryan.
They were a clamorous, friendly family, full of gossip about Maryan’s side of the family.Literature Literature
El niño, al ver una mariposa, comenzó a correr tras ella, provocando así la cólera de su madre que le había ordenado que se quedase quieto mientras ella cotilleaba con la vecina.
The boy, upon seeing a butterfly, proceeded to run after it, provoking the anger of his mother, who had ordered him to stay quiet while she gossiped with the lady next door.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Mucha gente cotilleaba sobre ella, y lenguas malvadas la calumniaron.
Many people gossiped about her, and evil tongues slandered her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fumaba, bebía y cotilleaba, y vivía con todos aquellos niños en una pequeña casa verde al borde del pantano.
She smoked and drank and gossiped and lived with all those kids in a small green house at the edge of a swamp.Literature Literature
Necesitaba contárselo a alguien y sabía que yo no cotilleaba.
She needed to tell someone and she knew I won’t go gossiping.’Literature Literature
No se iría a casa y no le importaba si todo Londres cotilleaba durante diez años completos.
She was not going home and didn’t give a ripe fig if all of London talked about it for ten full years.Literature Literature
Observando con amargura a la parejita que cotilleaba estaba la trágica figura de Georgina Waddilove.
Watching the gossiping couple, somewhat sourly, was the tragic figure of Georgina Waddilove.Literature Literature
Cotilleaba mucho, incluso cuando eran jóvenes.
She had been a gossip, even when they were young.Literature Literature
Además, Saxon no cotilleaba; era un buen sirviente y ya se había reformado.
Besides, Saxon did not gossip; he was a good servant, shaping very well nowadays.Literature Literature
Era el tipo de cosas que podías hablar tranquilamente con Nazareth, pues nunca cotilleaba ni hacía preguntas estúpidas.
It was the sort of thing you could safely say to Nazareth; she never gossiped, and she never asked stupid questions.Literature Literature
Ganza le había dicho la verdad: allí el aire realmente cotilleaba.
Ganza told the truth: the air did gossip.Literature Literature
Osei cotilleaba detrás de la puerta y supo que mentía a sus padres a propósito de dónde se encontraba y con quién.
Osei eavesdropped outside her door and learned she was lying to her parents about where she was and whom she was with.Literature Literature
Era inevitable enterarse cuando Effie cotilleaba porque no le parecía necesario hacerlo con un susurro.
It was hard not to eavesdrop when Effie gossiped, since she saw no cause to lower her voice to a whisper when she did.Literature Literature
Lacy trabajaba con Hugo, pero cotilleaba y se iba de compras con Verna.
Lacy worked with Hugo, but she gossiped and shopped with Verna.Literature Literature
No cotilleaba, y era muy trabajadora y eficiente.
She didn’t gossip and she was very hardworking and efficient.Literature Literature
Y luego cotilleaba durante tres horas.
And then he would talk for three hours on end.Literature Literature
Por lo visto, se cotilleaba mucho en el pueblo sobre esa mujer que vivía en su casa.
Apparently, there’d been a lot of talk in the village about this woman who was living in their house.”Literature Literature
Si yo cotilleaba en su vida personal, ella no me contaría nada.
If I pried into her personal life, she wouldn’t tell me anything.Literature Literature
La gente vieja holgazaneaba y cotilleaba tomando el café.
The old people idled and gossiped over their coffee.Literature Literature
Se agarraba al brazo de su madre, cotilleaba, como antes, pero ahora le apuntaba con el índice.
She was clinging to her mother’s arm and whispering, as ever, and pointing at him.Literature Literature
Cotilleaba acerca de viejos amigos y se vanagloriaba de los nuevos, hablando siempre con solemnidad, aunque sin tapujos.
He gossipped about old friends and boasted about new ones, speaking freely and solemnly.Literature Literature
Arreglaba las flores, iba a la peluquería, cotilleaba con la criada y descansaba.
She arranged flowers, went to the hairdresser, gossiped with the maid, and rested.Literature Literature
Cotilleaba acerca de viejos amigos y se vanagloriaba de los nuevos, hablando siempre con solemnidad, aunque sin tapujos.
He gossiped about old friends and boasted about new ones, speaking freely and solemnly.Literature Literature
Era que se trataba de Jeff, y el modo en que le sonreía y cotilleaba todas las noticias... aquello era el hogar.
It was that it was Jeff, and the way he smiled at Collin and dished all the news—that was home.Literature Literature
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