cotillead oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

(Spain) Informal second-person plural (vosotros or vosotras) affirmative imperative form of cotillear.
( Spain) Informal second-person plural ([i]vosotros or vosotras) affirmative imperative form of cotillear.[/i]

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columna de cotilleo
gossip column


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Si no me hubieran enviado al coventri, Amie y yo habríamos cotilleado sobre chicos y reído hasta bien entrada la noche.
If I hadn’t come to the Coventry, Amie and I would have giggled over boys late into the night.Literature Literature
—Bueno, ya hemos cotilleado bastante —dijo Willi—.
`Now we have gossiped enough,’ said Willy.Literature Literature
Vale, de todas formas, si no hubiera cotilleado entonces no hubiera... descubierto lo que ha estado haciendo Damian.
Ok, anyway, if I hadn't have Snooped then I wouldn't Have found out what Damian's Been doing.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He cotilleado todas tus cosas, por cierto.
I went through all your stuff, by the way.Literature Literature
Mamá, ¿me prometes que no has cotilleado con nadie sobre Cuco?
Mum, you do promise that you haven't blabbed to anyone about Cuckoo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Estaba de muy buen humor, después de haber desayunado con las chicas y haber cotilleado en maorí.
She was in high spirits after spending all of breakfast sitting with the girls, gossiping in Maori.Literature Literature
Los agentes habrán cotilleado sobre lo del sábado.
The officers would have gossiped about Saturday night.Literature Literature
Tú y esa víbora habéis cotilleado.
You and that bitch were gossipingOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Siempre han cotilleado mucho; primero, cuando asesinaron al niño y, después, cuando se lio con Freya.
There’s always been a lot of gossip, first when the little boy was killed and then when he took up with Freya.Literature Literature
Se ha cotilleado mucho sobre ese escritor estadounidense, Algren, con quien Simone tuvo una gran aventura.
There was a lot of talk about the American, Nelson Algren, Simone had an affair with.Literature Literature
Al parecer Liesl solo había cotilleado algunos.
Apparently Liesl had only viewed some of them.Literature Literature
Si hubiera habido otra, alguien habría venido a la sombrerería y habría cotilleado sobre ella.
If there had been another, someone would have come into the hat shop and gossiped about it.Literature Literature
No tendría que haber cotilleado con mi abuelo.
I should not have gossiped with my grandfather.”Literature Literature
Tampoco era la chica con la que habían intercambiado ropa, cotilleado, competido y congeniado durante un año y medio.
Nor was she the girl with whom they’d swapped outfits, gossiped, competed, and crushed on for a year and a half.Literature Literature
He cotilleado tus pronósticos.
I just trashed your picks.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No tendría que haber cotilleado con mi abuelo.
I should not have gossiped with my grandfather.’Literature Literature
He cotilleado tu cajón de ropa interior y todo.
Went through your underwear drawer and everything.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nadie lo sabe en Londres, o de otro modo, lady Jersey o Caroline Lamb ya lo habrían cotilleado.
No one in London knows, otherwise Lady Jersey or Caroline Lamb would have tattled it.Literature Literature
La chica entornó los ojos, como si Guidry hubiera cotilleado dentro de su bolso cuando ella no miraba.
She narrowed her eyes, as if he’d snuck a peek in her purse while she wasn’t looking.Literature Literature
¿Así que has cotilleado nuestras cosas?
So you went through our stuff?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Carol no había cotilleado mucho al respecto, entonces.
Carol hadn’t done much gossiping, then.Literature Literature
Para eso habría tenido que admitir que había cotilleado en su ordenador.
“Then I’d have to admit I’d been snooping on his computer.Literature Literature
¿Hemos cotilleado lo suficiente?
Have we gossiped sufficiently?Literature Literature
Parecía que había cotilleado sobre un montón de cosas de sus vidas privadas.
He seemed to have blabbed about a lot of other parts of their private lives.Literature Literature
¿Cuándo he cotilleado?
When have I ever been known to gossip?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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