decepcionabas oor Engels



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Informal second-person singular (tú) imperfect indicative form of decepcionar.

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Siempre le decepcionaba y, sin embargo, siempre notaba que era adecuado volver a su propio hogar.
He was always disappointed, and yet he always felt the rightness of returning to his own place.Literature Literature
Sin duda le decepcionaba que no fueran a la fortaleza de lord Cynvelin.
No doubt she was disappointed they were not going to Lord Cynvelin’s stronghold.Literature Literature
La decepcionaba la esposa de Jamie.
She was disappointed in Jamie’s wife.Literature Literature
–Creía que estabas muy preocupada por si lo decepcionabas.
“I thought you were worried about disappointing him.”Literature Literature
Amy jamás lloraba cuando recibía su merecido, pero sí cuando decepcionaba a su padre.
Amy never cried when she was disciplined, but she cried when she disappointed her father.Literature Literature
Me decepcionaba no poder hacer lo que me diera la gana con él (follármelo hasta perder el sentido).
I was disappointed that I wasn’t getting to do what I wanted with him (fuck him senseless).Literature Literature
En cierto modo, tanta ineptitud le decepcionaba, pero por otro lado se alegraba.
In a way he’d been disappointed by their stupidity, but in another way he’d been glad.Literature Literature
Siempre le decepcionaba que su madre no reconociera la importancia de Anónimo.
She was always disappointed that her mother didn’t fully recognize Nameless’s importance.Literature Literature
Había planeado esto en secreto durante toda la semana y se sentiría aplastada si ahora él la decepcionaba.
She had secretly planned for this all week, and she would be crushed if he disappointed her now.Literature Literature
Lucy no podía disimular el hecho de que su hermano le preocupaba y la decepcionaba.
Lucy could not disguise the fact that her brother worried and disappointed her.Literature Literature
Le decepcionaba darse cuenta de lo importante que era el dinero de Andrew para ellos.
It was disappointing to observe how important Andrew’s money had been to them.Literature Literature
Lo que me decepcionaba era su gusto.
I was disappointed in her taste.Literature Literature
Mi papá nunca perdió una oportunidad para hacerme saber cuando lo decepcionaba, y yo lo hago con mi nieto.
My dad never missed an opportunity to let me know when I disappointed him, and I do it to my grandkid.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
También le decepcionaba que ellos no supieran que sabía.
He also felt a slight disappointment that they did not know he knew.Literature Literature
A Cam le decepcionaba la pusilanimidad de Reagan.
Cam was disappointed by Reagan’s timidity.Literature Literature
Con todo, se le ocurrió que debía preguntar, para tener la certeza de que no le decepcionaba.
Still, she had felt she should ask the question, make sure she wasn’t somehow disappointing.Literature Literature
Además, la respuesta de Sean la decepcionaba.
Besides, Sean’s response frustrated her.Literature Literature
Si decepcionaba a aquella gente, no lo olvidarían, y ella tampoco lo haría.
If she let all these people down, they wouldn't forget it, and neither would she.Literature Literature
En realidad, decepcionaba un poco.
In truth, it was a little disappointing.Literature Literature
Además, lo decepcionaba que la responsabilidad de proteger no se hubiese puesto en práctica como se deseaba, lo que se debía a la división entre los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad a ese respecto
Moreover, he was disappointed that the responsibility to protect had not been implemented as desired and attributed this failure to the division among Council members on the subjectMultiUn MultiUn
Hasta hace poco, Nikon decepcionaba en el aspecto del ruido, sin embargo, Nikon toma de nuevo el control con la D700.
Until recently Nikon disappointed when it comes to noise, however, Nikon took control again with the D700.Common crawl Common crawl
Tampoco era la primera vez que él me decepcionaba a mí.
Wasn't the first time he disappointed me either.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yo no sabía muy bien si eso me decepcionaba.
I wasn’t sure if I was disappointed.Literature Literature
Se había criado cerca del océano, que nunca decepcionaba, nunca hacía concesiones.
He’d grown up near the ocean, which was never a disappointment, never compromised.Literature Literature
Aurinel no se interesaba por Erythro, lo cual la decepcionaba.
Aurinel wasn't interested in Erythro, which was disappointing.Literature Literature
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