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del catecismo

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No había traza del catecismo ni del Arte de la navegación moderna de Knight.
There was no trace of the catechism or Knight's Modern Seamanship.Literature Literature
Obligábala a estudiar de memoria largos trozos del catecismo a sabiendas de que era superior a sus fuerzas.
She made her learn by heart long pieces of catechism much beyond her power.Literature Literature
¿Te acuerdas del toro que enloqueció y embistió a los niños que salían del catecismo?
“Do you remember the bull that went mad and charged the children as they were coming out of catechism?Literature Literature
Complacido con este pequeño triunfo, el canónigo pasó a partes más difíciles del catecismo.
Pleased with this small success, the canon moved on to more difficult parts of the catechism.Literature Literature
Se presenta después de la publicación del Catecismo de la Iglesia católica, que tuvo lugar en 1992.
It sees the light after the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in
¿Después del catecismo adónde fuiste?
After catechism where did you go?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Él era la recuperación de la infancia, el recuerdo de aquellas páginas del catecismo.
He was childhood again, bringing back the pages of my catechism.Literature Literature
Antes o después forman parte del catecismo, y no pueden negarse.
They eventually become part of catechism, and cannot be denied.Literature Literature
Como una sola dijeron el siguiente versículo del catecismo.
As one they spoke the next verse of the catechism.Literature Literature
Recuerdo la cita del catecismo católico que estudiaba en clase, de pequeño.
I remember the quotation from my Catholic catechism classes a long time ago.Literature Literature
La última redacción del catecismo pide, prácticamente, que sea abolida.
The latest version of the catechism asks that it be abolished.Literature Literature
Ya hace bastante daño con prender en los muchachuelos que asisten a su escuelita la garrapata del catecismo.
She already does enough damage by giving the little boys who attend her school a dose of the catechism tick.Literature Literature
En Londres, aceptaba las burlas de buena gana, respondiendo a las viejas preguntas con la exactitud del catecismo.
In London, he took the jibes in good part, his responses matching the old questions with the accuracy of catechism.Literature Literature
Al niño, por su parte, no parecían interesarle en demasía los sombreros ni las enseñanzas del catecismo.
The boy, for his part, did not seem very interested either in hats or in the teachings of the catechism.Literature Literature
En los niños, en los jóvenes del catecismo, en la pastoral junto a los sacerdotes.
In the children, in young people receiving catechetical instruction, in pastoral service with the
Aflojó su espalda contra las estacas laterales de la carreta y murmuró porciones del catecismo.
He relaxed his back against the wagon’s beams and murmured portions of the catechism.Literature Literature
Algunos se pasan la vida tratando de vender copias del catecismo anglicano a los judíos.
There are those who spend their lives trying to sell copies of the Anglican Catechism to the Jews.Literature Literature
Karden la miró pensativamente, quizá un poco decepcionado, como si ella se hubiera olvidado del catecismo.
Karden looked at her thoughtfully, a little disappointed perhaps, as if she had forgotten her catechism.Literature Literature
Esta era una de las intenciones fundamentales del Catecismo de la Iglesia católica, ahora condensado en el Compendio.
This was one of the fundamental intentions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which has now been condensed in the
Era la Biblia, en efecto; pero aprendida no del catecismo, sino de Quentin Tarantino.
A passage not from the catechism but from Quentin Tarantino.Literature Literature
La disciplina carente de compasión y la dedicación fueron los temas claves del catecismo.
Ruthless discipline and dedication were the key themes of the Catechism.Literature Literature
Ella había logrado manejar las repetidas preguntas del catecismo porque había aprendido todo de memoria.
She had managed to handle the repeated catechism questions because she had learned everything by rote.Literature Literature
En cuanto a sus lecturas del catecismo y de la Biblia, no le interesaban lo más mínimo.
As for his Catechism and Bible readings he had no heart in them.Literature Literature
El sacerdote vendrá pronto para examinarnos del catecismo y de todo lo demás.
The priest will come soon to examine us on the catechism and everything else.Literature Literature
Los comunistas eliminaron el estudio del catecismo y la historia de la Iglesia desde los programas escolares.
Communists removed study of the catechism and church history from school curricula.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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