donaban oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of donar.
Second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative form of donar.

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Corrían todo tipo de rumores sobre las enormes sumas que Kevin y Aurelia donaban a buenas causas.
Perhaps it even did: rumor spoke of the enormous sums Kevin and Aurelia gave to good causes.Literature Literature
Las compañías locales donaban antiguos fabricadores, secuenciadores y redecillas de tejido.
Local companies donated old fabbers, sequencers, and tissue trellises.Literature Literature
Me gustaba mirar las cosas que donaban los demás.
I liked looking at things other people had let go of.Literature Literature
Se vendían, donaban y redistribuían armas.
Private arms were being sold, donated, and redistributed.Literature Literature
Andrés anotaba detalladamente quiénes y qué donaban.
Andrés took careful note of who gave what.Literature Literature
Durante la celebración de año nuevo, las familias más ricas del pueblo donaban comida a los mendigos.
During the New Year celebration, the wealthiest families in the village donated meals to the street beggars.Literature Literature
Encontramos amigos que donaban aceite o queroseno, lo que nos permitía encender lámparas para las clases nocturnas.
We found friends who donated oil or kerosene, so we could light lamps for night classes.Literature Literature
"Doddridge, Macknight, y .Stuarl. rela· donaban ""el primero"" con ""tabernáculo,"" pero _de manera impropia."
Doddridge, Macknight, and Stuart, connect “the first” with “tabernacle,” but improperly.Literature Literature
El origen del museo se encuentra en el hecho de que anualmente todos los capitanes y alféreces de las filaes moras y cristianas donaban sus trajes a la Asociación de Sant Jordi, entidad organizadora de la fiesta de moros y cristianos en Alcoy.
The origin of the Museum lies in the fact that every year all the captains and lieutenants of the Moorish and Christian filà donated their costumes to the Sant Jordi Association, organizer of the festival of Moors and Christians in Alcoy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
El orfanato tenía su propia enfermería, con médicos y enfermeras que donaban parte de su tiempo voluntariamente
The orphanage now has its own infirmary with doctors and nurses who give some of their time voluntarilyMultiUn MultiUn
Los padres, al no poder mantenerlos, los donaban a Khang Phi siendo infantes.
Parents unable to provide for them had donated them to Khang Phi as infants.Literature Literature
En 1981, tras varios proyectos piloto, American Express llevó a cabo una campaña en el Festival de Artes de San Francisco por la que se donaban fondos a diversas organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
Following various pilot schemes in 1981, American Express developed a campaign which donated funds to a number of different non-profit organizations as part of the San Francisco Arts Festival.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sin embargo, las personas mejor informadas —los médicos— casi nunca donaban sus cuerpos.
Yet the best-informed people—doctors—almost never donated their bodies.Literature Literature
Había olvidado que en Navidad ella y Maxine donaban pan a los albergues.
I’d forgotten that she and Maxine donated bread to homeless shelters on Christmas.Literature Literature
Otros, creyendo que no volverían nunca, donaban todo a la Iglesia.
Others, expecting never to return, gave everything over to the Church.Literature Literature
Las mujeres no tenían dinero propio para donar, así que donaban su tiempo.
Men donated money; women didn’t have money of their own to give away, so they gave time.Literature Literature
En su informe de # a la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, el Relator Especial se refería al trato discriminatorio dispensado a los judíos etíopes cuando donaban su sangre para transfusiones (véase # párrs # a
In his report to the Commission on Human Rights in # the Special Rapporteur cited discriminatory treatment of Ethiopian Jews who donated their blood for use in transfusions (see # parasMultiUn MultiUn
Eran muy ricos y donaban dinero para construir un ala nueva que recibiría el nombre de su hija.
They were very wealthy and donated money for a new hospital wing that was to be named after their daughter.Literature Literature
Dado que los donantes tenían distintos calendarios financieros y donaban a diversas organizaciones, era difícil hacerse una idea clara del destino de la financiación, conciliar las prioridades y evitar duplicaciones.
Due to donors having different financial years and donating to a range organisations, it was difficult to obtain a clear picture where funding was going, to align priorities and avoid duplication.UN-2 UN-2
Sacaban a subasta lo que tenía valor monetario, donaban lo que no, y yo me quedaba solo con lo que deseara conservar.
They’d auction what held monetary value, donate what didn’t, and I’d pack only what I wanted to keep.Literature Literature
El y Shelby donaban un cuadro al museo, y el cuadro llevaría su nombre.
He and Shelby were donating a painting to the museum, and it would have his name on it.Literature Literature
Por ese entonces los estudiantes de medicina donaban semen a cambio de dinero, ¿no?
Medical students donated sperm for money back then, right?”Literature Literature
Al preparar esta historia estaba buscando a niños que no hubieran sido fotografiados anteriormente y la fundación Pearl Buck Foundation me explicó que trabajan con muchos estadounidenses que donaban dinero para ayudar a estos niños.
In the course of doing the story, I was looking for children who hadn't been photographed before, and the Pearl Buck Foundation told me that they worked with a lot of Americans who were donating money to help some of these kids.QED QED
Teníamos que ir allí porque los Lewis donaban un ala al museo de Richmond.
We had to go down because the Lewises gave a wing to the museum down in Richmond.Literature Literature
Tú sabes, cuando era estudiante los chicos donaban esperma por dinero para la cerveza.
You know, when I was a student, guys would donate sperm for beer money.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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