ducharon oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural preterite indicative form of duchar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) preterite indicative form of duchar.

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Soortgelyke frases

alcachofa de la ducha
shower head · showerhead
entonces tomo una ducha
then I take a shower
¿Te tomas una ducha todos los días?
plato de ducha
la alcachofa de la ducha
shower head
brazo flexible de ducha
flexible shower arm · flexible shower hose


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Se ducharon juntos y Lily salió primero.
They showered together, and Lily got out first.Literature Literature
Se ducharon y salieron en su coche.
They showered and left in her car.Literature Literature
¿Crees que ellos salieron, mataron a Riverton, se ducharon y volvieron a entrar?
You think they snuck out, killed riverton, showered, then snuck back in?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se ducharon y luego cada uno se dedicó a revisar su correspondencia.
They showered and then each checked his or her e-mail.Literature Literature
Ya la ducharon y le pegaron las alas.
They've just got to hose her down and tape the wings on.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se ducharon juntos, y después Allie se puso el vestido, que se había secado durante la noche.
They showered together, and afterward Allie put on her dress, which had dried overnight.Literature Literature
Se ducharon juntos y Anne pensó que habría una tercera vuelta, pero no estaba destinado a suceder.
They showered together and Anne thought they’d have a third round, but it was not to be.Literature Literature
Salieron y se ducharon; después se frotaron mutuamente.
They went and showered, then toweled each other down.Literature Literature
—Kjikerud estaba medio inconsciente, pero lo ducharon, le vendaron la herida y lo encamaron.
'Kjikerud was semi-conscious, but they showered him, bandaged the wound and put him to bed.'Literature Literature
Luego se ducharon juntos y, en efecto, el rotulador no se borró, ni siquiera un poco.
They showered together then, and yes, the marker didn’t come off, not the least bit.Literature Literature
—Kjikerud estaba medio inconsciente, pero lo ducharon, le vendaron la herida y lo encamaron.
‘Kjikerud was semi-conscious, but they showered him, bandaged the wound and put him to bed.’Literature Literature
Después se ducharon, y finalmente hicieron el amor.
Then they showered, and finally they made love.Literature Literature
Además, tenemos comederos llenos de hamburguesas, y duchas públicas, con instrucciones para aquellos que jamás se ducharon.
We also have food troughs full of cheeseburgers and public showers with instructions for those who've never showered before.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Con vírgenes que dicen que se ducharon pero es mentira?
Ugh! Why would I want to be with a bunch of skinny virgins who lie about showering?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cuando llegaron las luces del alba, ella estaba alicaída y, después de que se ducharon, lo envió a casa.
In the light of dawn, she was subdued, and after they’d showered she sent him home.Literature Literature
Se ducharon y encontraron ropas limpias.
They showered and found clean clothes.Literature Literature
Pero ellos sí se ducharon después del partido, se limpiaron la sangre.
But they showered after the game, washed the blood off.Literature Literature
El día antes de la llegada todos los hombres se ducharon.
On the day before his arrival, every man took a shower.Literature Literature
Lo pesaron, ducharon y vistieron con la ropa que llevaría a la silla.
He was weighed, showered, and dressed in the clothing he would wear to the chair.Literature Literature
Se ducharon, salieron del gimnasio y fueron a ver a Rose al registro.
They’d showered, left the gym, and gone over to see Rose at the registrar’s office.Literature Literature
Más tarde se ducharon juntos, acabaron el vino y regresaron a la cama.
Afterward they showered together and finished their wine and went back to bed.Literature Literature
Después, se ducharon juntos, por primera vez.
Then they showered together, the first time ever.Literature Literature
¿No se ducharon ayer?
Didn't you shower last night?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Con el Sea Robin ya a salvo, los hombres de la NUMA se ducharon y se pusieron ropa limpia.
With the Sea Robin safely on its way, the NUMA men hit the showers and got into dry clothes.Literature Literature
Se ducharon y durmieron un poco antes de retomar sus posiciones en el hospital.
They showered and managed a quick nap before reassuming their positions at the hospital.Literature Literature
102 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.