eran simpáticos oor Engels

eran simpáticos

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

they were nice


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Soortgelyke frases

eres muy simpática
you are so nice
eres muy simpático
you are very nice · you're very likable · you're very nice
los maestros son simpáticos
the teachers are nice
mis maestros son simpáticos
my teachers are nice
es simpático y chistoso
he is nice and funny
él es simpático
he is nice
la gente es muy simpática
the people are very nice
era simpática
she was nice
era simpático
he was nice


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Eran simpáticos y le gastaron una broma sobre su oreja hinchada.
They were friendly and made a joke about his swollen ear.Literature Literature
Los gemelos eran simpáticos, pero la miraban de una forma extraña.
The twin brothers were nice boys, but they kept looking at Rana in an odd way.Literature Literature
Las dos eran simpáticas y parecían ricas.
They both were friendly and seemed to be wealthy.Literature Literature
, pensé para mis adentros, esas historias eran simpáticas: los caballos de carga, el camión atascado.
I thought to myself, These stories were charming: the dray horses, the stuck truck.Literature Literature
Eran simpáticos.
They were nice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los médicos eran simpáticos y lo miraban como una curiosidad y una oportunidad.
The medical men approached him amiably as both a curiosity and opportunity.Literature Literature
Así, elegantemente vestida, conversé con personas que no me eran simpáticas sobre temas que no me interesaban.
Tonight I sat in trappings of grandeur, and talked with people I didn't care about, of things I wasn't interested in.Literature Literature
Esos seres le eran simpáticos y admirables por su ciega fidelidad, por su ofuscada fuerza y resistencia.
Worthy of love and admiration were these people in their blind loyalty, their blind strength and tenacity.Literature Literature
—Me trataban muy bien y eran simpáticos —explicó—.
“They treated me really well and were kind,” she said.Literature Literature
Los negros que yo conocía bien eran distintos, personas que me eran simpáticas o antipáticas.
The black people whom I knew well were different, individuals whom I liked or disliked.Literature Literature
No lo dijo, pero usted debería saber que nuestras opiniones eran " simpático " respecto de algunos asuntos importantes.
He didn't say, but you should know our opinions were simpatico upon certain important matters.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eran simpáticos, pero no lo entenderían.
They were fun to talk to, but they would not understand this.Literature Literature
La mayoría eran simpáticos y serviciales, como siempre había pensado que debía ser la gente.
For the most part, they were friendly and neighborly, just the way she’d always thought people should be.Literature Literature
Los bebés eran simpáticos.
The babies were cute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Me acuerdo de Henry Dee y de su novia Lisa; eran simpáticos conmigo —dijo—.
“There was Henry Dee and his girlfriend, Lisa—they were nice to me,” she said.Literature Literature
Eran simpáticos, daba la impresión de que me querían.
They were friendly, they seemed to want me.Literature Literature
Vernon Street eran feas y peladas; pero también cómodas —en cierto modo eran simpáticas.
Vernon St. were bare and ugly; but they were comfortable—even, in a certain way, pleasant.Literature Literature
Eran «simpáticas» y eran «interesantes» y eran «inteligentes».
They werenice” and “interesting” and “smart.”Literature Literature
Aquellas mujeres eran simpáticas, amables y divertidas.
These women were all friendly and relaxed and funny.Literature Literature
—Yo creía que eran simpáticas —comentó Silas en tono comedido, casi en un aparte.
I thought they were nice, Silas said quietly, almost an aside.Literature Literature
Eran simpáticos y me ayudaron a sentirme a gusto.
They were friendly and helped put me at ease.Literature Literature
Eran simpáticas muchachas de Maycomb, de excelente carácter, que no habían llegado a la meta.
They were jolly Maycomb girls of excellent character who had never made the grade.Literature Literature
Los muchachos eran simpáticos y educados, y la mayoría aprendió algo en el descenso.
The kids were friendly and polite, and most of them made some improvement in the course of the run.Literature Literature
Algunas eran simpáticas, pero no se parecían en nada a Drili.
A few were friendly, but they weren’t anything like Drilli.Literature Literature
No congeniaba con ellos como con Newt, Alby y Minho, pero la mayoría eran simpáticos.
He didn’t click with them like he had with Newt, Alby, and Minho, but they were mostly cool.Literature Literature
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