estaba harto oor Engels

estaba harto

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

I was sick


I was so tired

O quizá debí huir de él también, pero estoy harta de huir
Or maybe I should have run away from him too, but I was so tired of running

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Soortgelyke frases

estamos hartos
we are sick
estoy tan harto
I'm so tired
estoy harto de
I'm fed up with
¡ya estoy harto!
I've had enough!
estar harto
be fed up · to be fed up · to be tired of
están hartos
they are sick
estoy harto de que
I'm tired of you
estoy harto
I am fed up · I am so tired · I have had enough · I'm fed up · I'm full · I've had enough
estoy harta
I am so tired


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Estaba harto de ser la primera y la última referencia del cáncer de próstata”, comentó.
I was so sick of being the first and last contact for prostate cancer’, he says.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de ser el chivo expiatorio de todos.
She was tired of being everyone's whipping boy.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de tener que decirle a mi hija que no tenía padre.
I was tired of having to tell my daughter she didn’t have a father.Literature Literature
Haden había llamado a Broximon para decirle que ya estaba harto.
Haden had called Broximon to say that he was stuck.Literature Literature
Ya estaba harta de ver a los bufones en la miseria, y de llamarlos «bufones».
I’d had enough of seeing the harlies in poverty, and of having to call them ‘harlies’.Literature Literature
Eran un estorbo, me los enviabas cada vez que estabas harta de ellos.
They were an inconvenience, parcelled off to mine whenever you were sick of them.Literature Literature
Albie estaba harto de aquella comedia.
Albie was tired of this playacting.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de dudar de sí misma.
She was so tired of doubting herself.Literature Literature
—¿Estabas harto de todos nosotros, o solo de mí?
Were you sick of us all, or was it just me?Literature Literature
Estaba harto de ser, alternativamente, el ingenioso, el amante o el bufón de una serie de amigos falsos.
Sick to death of playing, by turns, the wit, the lover or the buffoon for a series of false friends.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de la religión, fuese la del hombre blanco o la de mi pueblo.
I had had it with the white man’s religion and even with my own religion!jw2019 jw2019
Estaba harto de virtuosa indignación femenina.
I was tired of righteous female indignation.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de sentir vergüenza.
She was tired of feeling shame.Literature Literature
El hombre respondió que no lo conocía, pero que estaba harto de oírlo llamar «el Justo».
The man said no, but explained that he was irritated at constantly hearing him called “The Just.”Literature Literature
Estaba harto de aquel invierno aparentemente interminable.
He was weary of this seemingly endless winter.Literature Literature
Estaba harta de los hombres, me dijo.
She was " off men ", she said.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hacia el final del verano yo ya estaba harto, no podía aguantarlo más.
Come the end of summer and I couldn’t stand it any more.Literature Literature
Había esperado dos años para hablarle de nuestro pasado y estaba harto de esquivarlo.
I'd waited two years to talk to her about our past and I was sick of skating around it.Literature Literature
Estaba harto, y ella quiso seguir sus indicaciones, escapar de Sly en cuanto pudiera, pero no podía.
She wanted to do as he said, to escape Sly as soon as possible, but she couldn’t.Literature Literature
Joanna ya estaba harta y ahora sólo quería volver a su querido Nuevo México lo antes posible.
He could feel that she had had enough and wanted to get back to her beloved New Mexico as quickly as possible.Literature Literature
Bueno; así era, y yo estaba harto preocupado, por mi trabajo, para pensar demasiado en ello.
Well—so it went, and I was too busy with preparations to think much about it.Literature Literature
Y sobre todo estaba harto de muertes.
And most of all I was sick of death.Literature Literature
Dante estaba harto de que Sarah intentara fingir que no existía atracción entre ambos.
Dante was damn tired of Sarah trying to ignore the attraction between the two of them.Literature Literature
La respuesta es: porque estaba harto de los personajes negros del Doctor Flag.
The answer is: because I was fed up with Doctor Flag’s Negro characters.Literature Literature
Estaba harta, por experiencia, del egoísmo de su tío, a veces manifiesto y a veces sutil.
She was, after long experience, wary of her uncle‟s selfishness, sometimes blatant, sometimes subtle.Literature Literature
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