estar harto oor Engels

estar harto

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

be fed up

Pero para el cuarto o el quinto, la gente estará harta del tema.
But by the fourth orfifth, people will be fed up with it.

to be fed up


to be tired of

Eres demasiado joven para estar harta de ellas.
You're too young to be tired of options.

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Soortgelyke frases

estamos hartos
we are sick
estoy tan harto
I'm so tired
estoy harto de
I'm fed up with
¡ya estoy harto!
I've had enough!
estaba harto
I was sick · I was so tired
están hartos
they are sick
estoy harto de que
I'm tired of you
estoy harto
I am fed up · I am so tired · I have had enough · I'm fed up · I'm full · I've had enough
estoy harta
I am so tired


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Escucha, se que probablemente estarás harto de oír esto pero, lo siento mucho.
Look, I know you're probably sick of me saying it, but I'm so sorry.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Danube soltó una risita pues, en realidad, ya empezaba a estar harto de la conflictiva Iglesia abellicana.
Danube managed a chuckle, for in truth, he had heard enough from the troublesome Abellican Church.Literature Literature
Estoy seguro de que tu subrino debe estar harto ya del Closet.
I'm sure your nephew is sick of the closet by now anyway.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
El rey protestó, afirmando estar harto de tales disensiones.
The King protested that he was weary of such dissensions.Literature Literature
Con franqueza, empezaba a estar harta de que la gente intentara matarme.
Frankly, I was getting very tired of people trying to kill me.Literature Literature
Seguramente Tom estará harto del modo en que Mary se está comportando últimamente.
Tom's probably sick and tired of the way Mary's been behaving lately.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Empezaba a estar harto de la misma mentira sin sentido.
He was growing weary of that same old pointless lie.Literature Literature
¡ Empiezo a estar harta de oírte!
I've had it with your whining!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yo pensaba que los chavales de hoy en día debían estar hartos de pasar miedo.
You know, I’d have thought that kids these days would have had enough of being scared.”Literature Literature
Yo empezaba ya a estar harta de viejas historias.
But I’d had enough of the old stories.Literature Literature
—Escucha, supongo que estarás harto de oírlo, pero siento lo de tu hermano.
“Listen, I guess you’ll be hearing this a lot, but I’m sorry about your brother.Literature Literature
Veo que no me libro de esto, pues empiezo a estar harto de tanto pasillo subterráneo.
I see that there is no getting out of it, although I am beginning to have enough of these underground passages.Literature Literature
Estará harto de que la gente le pida fotos —dice Chris, desplazándose un poco a la izquierda.
This is very kind of you, Jason, you must have to do it a lot,’ Chris says, moving to his left a little.Literature Literature
Escuchaba a Chopin, pese a estar harto de las variaciones de piano que tenía en el archivo.
He was listening to Chopin, even though he was tired of the piano variations he had stored.Literature Literature
Empezaba a estar harto de cuidar de ti
I was getting awful tired of taking care of youopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Además, estaba empezando a estar harto de ponerme la bota en ese pie.
Besides, I was getting tired of putting boots on that foot.""Literature Literature
Cada Netflix es una película distinta, ¿cómo puedes estar harta de todas, en general?
Each Netflix is a different movie, so how can you be sick in general of it?”Literature Literature
Los habitantes de este país ya empiezan a estar hartos de violaciones a la justicia.
The people in this country are plain sick of rapes of justice.”Literature Literature
A esa edad ya estarás harta de bailes de cacería y muchachotes irlandeses.
You’ll be weary of all the hunt balls and the Irish boys.Literature Literature
Cuando vuelva del monasterio japonés probablemente estaré harto de todo.
After I come back from the monastery in Japan I'll probably have my fill of it anyhow.Literature Literature
Yo empezaba a estar harto de tanto interés en mi trabajo.
I was getting tired of this interest in my work.Literature Literature
Para ser más precisos: Han seguía harto y ahora ya estaba fastidiado de estar harto.
More accurately: Han was still fed up, and now he’d just about had it.Literature Literature
Soy lo bastante mayor para estar harta de ceremonias.
"""I'm old enough to be tired of ceremony."""Literature Literature
De acuerdo, técnicamente, no puedes estar harta de un sitio donde no has estado.
Okay, technically, you can't be over a place you've never been to.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os diría que habéis crecido muchísimo, pero estoy segura de que debéis de estar hartos de oírlo.
I would say, ‘How you’ve grown,’ but I’m sure you must be tired of hearing that.Literature Literature
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