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El brazo y la pierna derechos eran más largos que los izquierdos y, al igual que Sebastián, era un poco estevado.
His right leg and arm were longer than the left, the legs being slightly bowed like Sebastian’s.Literature Literature
Llevaba ropas de cuero negro, y toda una vida pasada a lomos de caballo lo había convertido en estevado.
He wore black leather clothing, and a lifetime spent on horseback had made him bandy-legged.Literature Literature
La prensa lo describe como alguien de escasa estatura, con las piernas estevadas y los brazos largos.
The papers describe him as short, with bow-legs and long arms.Literature Literature
Una mujer que debía de ser estevada o algo así ahora tiene las rodillas orientadas hacia atrás.
A woman who might have been bow-legged or something now has knees that point backwards.Literature Literature
Con los años había encogido y Bowman advirtió un día que tenía las piernas estevadas.
She had become shorter over the years and Bowman one day noticed for the first time that she was bowlegged.Literature Literature
¡Reumatismos y fiebres, piernas estevadas, asmas y toda clase de horrores!
‘Rheumatisms, and fevers, and crooked legs, and asthmas, and all kinds of horrors!’Literature Literature
Era delgado y chupado, y Honey no tuvo que verle andar para saber que era estevado.
He was lean and spare, and she didn't have to see him walk to know that he'd be bowlegged.Literature Literature
Estevado como siempre, Matho por fin estaba lo bastante lejos.
Bandy-legged as ever, Matho was far enough away at last.Literature Literature
Y era estevada.
And knock-kneed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aquel cirineo de piernas estevadas no tendrá nunca oportunidad de exhibir su fortaleza en favor mío.
That bow-legged Cyrenean would never have had the opportunity to exhibit his strength on my behalf.Literature Literature
El nadador desnudo habría sido incluso más alto si no fuera tan estevado.
The naked swimmer would have been even taller had he not been so bowlegged.Literature Literature
Sus ropas y su andar levemente estevado lo señalaban como jinete y todos sus movimientos eran rápidos y precisos.
His clothes and slightly bow-legged walk marked him as a horseman, and his every movement was quick and precise.Literature Literature
Las piernas eran cortas, estevadas, casi dobladas.
The legs were short, bandy, almost bowed.Literature Literature
Quizá los nuevos no se vuelvan estevados y desastrados como los antiguos.
Maybe the new one won’t become all bow-legged and down-at-heels, as the old one did.”Literature Literature
Era un fumador de pipa estevado y enjuto al que rara vez alguien le había visto la calva en la coronilla.
He was a bowlegged, raw-boned, pipe smoker who’d rarely shown the top of his bald head to anyone.Literature Literature
Mientras meneaba la cabeza, el cartógrafo caminó en dirección a Pilya sobre sus piernas cortas y estevadas.
Shaking his head, the mapkeeper came stumping toward Pilya on his short bandy legs.Literature Literature
Es del sur de Londres, duro y estevado y tozudamente pesimista.
He is from South London, tough and bandy-legged and doggedly pessimistic.Literature Literature
Esos andares estevados le habían dañado las rodillas y, como resultado, sus piernas habían perdido agilidad.
This bowlegged stance had damaged his knees, as a result of which, his legs were not as agile as they used to be.Literature Literature
Era delgado y chupado, y Honey no tuvo que verle andar para saber que era estevado.
He was lean and spare, and she didn’t have to see him walk to know that he’d be bowlegged.Literature Literature
Tenía las piernas cortas y estevadas, el vientre liso y el inexistente trasero de un muchacho.
He had short, bandy legs, a flat stomach, and the nonexistent bum of a young boy.Literature Literature
A la entrada, en una estevada silla que hablaba de tiempos lejanos, casi siempre se encontraba sentado el viejo Abel.
Just inside the door, on a bandy-legged chair of elder days, old Abel almost always sat.Literature Literature
Tampoco se recomienda el ballet para niños que tengan la coyuntura del dedo gordo demasiado desarrollada, una exagerada curvatura del arco plantar, pies faltos de flexibilidad con poca o ninguna curvatura, ni para niños patizambos o estevados como resultado del raquitismo.
Nor is it recommended for children with enlarged big toe joints, highly arched feet, tightly knit feet with little or no arch, knock-knees and bowlegs due to rickets.jw2019 jw2019
—Patman sonrió con su triste sonrisa al hombrecillo estevado con el rifle—.
Patman was grinning his sad smile down at the short, bowlegged man with the rifle.Literature Literature
A medida que los huesos se debilitan, pueden arquearse, lo que deriva en una postura de estevado.
As the bones weaken, they may bend — causing you to become bowlegged.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
El apóstol Pablo no llegó nunca a superar el asombro que sentía por el hecho de que él, un hombre estevado, calvo y despreciado por muchos, hasta considerado con desdén en muchos círculos, era, sin embargo, miembro del Cuerpo de Jesucristo y había sido llamado por Dios antes de la fundación del mundo, habiendo recibido tremendas bendiciones que le permitieron estar capacitado para afrontar cualquier cosa que le exigiese la vida y eso es, precisamente, lo que significa pertenecer al Cuerpo de Cristo.
The Apostle Paul never got over his amazement that he -- bowlegged, baldheaded, despised by many, regarded with contempt in many circles -- was nevertheless a member of the Body of Jesus Christ, and was called of God before the foundation of the earth and given such tremendous blessings that he was equipped for everything that life could demand of him. That is what it means to belong to the Body of Christ.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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