estuvieron felices oor Engels

estuvieron felices

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

they were happy

Lo bueno de juntarse con los nerds era que estaban felices de juntarse con cualquiera.
The good thing about hanging out with nerds was they were happy to hang out with anybody.

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Soortgelyke frases

estaban muy felices
they were very happy
no está feliz
she is not happy
estoy feliz cuando estoy con mis amigos
I am happy when I am with my friends
estoy feliz de conocerte
I am happy to meet you
estoy feliz de conocerlo
I am happy to meet you
estoy feliz de conocerla
I am happy to meet you
¿Por qué estás feliz?
estoy tan feliz por ustedes
I am so happy for you
estoy feliz
I am glad · I am happy · I'm glad · I'm happy


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—Entonces estos indios de Cozumel, ¿estuvieron felices de destruir sus ídolos?
‘So these Cozumel Indians – they were happy to destroy their idols?’Literature Literature
Los inspectores estatales estuvieron felices de cooperar.
State inspectors were happy to cooperate.Literature Literature
Algunos estuvieron felices de verlo, y quién soy yo para discutirlo?
Some were happy to see it, and who am I to argue?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Estuvieron felices en servir a Jehová Dios aunque estaban arriesgando su vida al hacerlo.
They were happy in serving Jehovah God even though they were risking their lives in doing it.jw2019 jw2019
Así que, al final, todos estuvieron muy felices: nuestros estudiantes estuvieron felices porque obtuvieron muchos buenos resultados,
So, in the end, everybody was very happy: our students were happy, because they got a lot of good results, some models were happy, because they got a ton of killer photos,QED QED
Sin embargo, no todos estuvieron felices con la idea de la llegada del presidente turco.
Not everyone was happy with the thought of Turkey's president arriving in Armenia, however.gv2019 gv2019
Sí, bueno, estuvieron felices de verme irme.
Yeah, well... they were happy to see me go.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cuando le dije a papá que no podían venir, no estuvieron felices, pero parecían entender en su mayoría.
When I told Dad they couldn’t come, they weren’t happy but they seemed to understand mostly.Literature Literature
¿Pero como puede estar seguro que no estuvieron felices con Don?
But how can you be sure they weren't happy with Don all along?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los Pet Shop Boys declararon en su sitio web que ellos estuvieron felices con las ventas.
Pet Shop Boys stated on their website they were happy with sales.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Me encargué de llamar a un contacto mío al tabloide, ¡y estuvieron felices de ayudarnos!
I took it upon myself to phone a contact of mine at the tabloid, and they were happy to help us!Literature Literature
Kelemvor y Medianoche estuvieron felices de poder descansar y relajarse, si bien apartados uno del otro.
Kelemvor and Midnight were glad to let down their guards and relax - though certainly not around each other.Literature Literature
Fue un sacrificio que estuvieron felices de hacer.
It was a sacrifice they were happy to make.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
El último momento que estuvieron felices fue en mi fiesta.
The last moment they were happy was at my party.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sí, estuvieron felices de que Jehová les había dado esta oportunidad de demostrar su amor ardiente a él.
Yes, they were happy that Jehovah had given them this opportunity of demonstrating their burning love for him.jw2019 jw2019
Vanth e Ikirok estuvieron felices de ayudar en esa tarea.
Vanth and Ikirok were pleased to aid in the effort.Literature Literature
Y ciertamente los bloggers egipcios y los usuarios de Twitter no estuvieron felices con semejante decisión.
And for sure the Egyptian bloggers and Twitter users were not happy with such a decision.gv2019 gv2019
Se lo pasaron de maravilla y los padres de Hugo estuvieron felices con ellos -.
They had a wonderful time, and Hugo’s parents loved them.Literature Literature
los modelos estuvieron felices porque lograron que les tomen muchísimas fotos increíbles,
Cousin Jan- Marco and myself, we were happy, because we could teach them a little bit more advanced lighting.QED QED
Kelemvor y Medianoche estuvieron felices de poder descansar y relajarse, si bien apartados uno del otro.
Kelemvor and Midnight were glad to let down their guards and relax – though certainly not around each other.Literature Literature
Cuando se abrió, todos estuvieron felices de ver a Roja de pie en la entrada.
It opened and everyone was happy to see Red standing in the doorway.Literature Literature
Y en Blüdhaven, estuvieron felices de librarse de mí.
I put in for the transfer myself, and Bludhaven... they were happy to get rid of me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entonces los doctores estuvieron felices de darte de alta?
So the doctors were happy to discharge you?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aún cuando Kanybek Sagynbaev, el campeón mundial, no ganó la competencia, los kiguisos estuvieron felices de ver el torneo:
Even though Kanybek Sagynbaev, the world champion, did not win the contest, the Kyrgyzstanis were happy to watch the match:gv2019 gv2019
Tim en Tim's El Salvador Blog reporta [en] que, “no todos estuvieron felices de ver a Barack Obama en suelo salvadoreño.
Tim in Tim's El Salvador Blog reports that, “not everyone was happy to see Barack Obama on Salvadoran soil.gv2019 gv2019
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