fascinará oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive form of fascinar.
First-person singular (yo) imperfect subjunctive form of fascinar.

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estaba fascinado
I was fascinated
me fascina
allure · becharm · beguile · bewitch · captivate · capture · catch · charm · dazzle · delight · enamor · enamour · enchant · engross · enrapture · enthral · enthrall · entrance · fascinate · grip · hypnotise · hypnotize · intrigue · love · magnetise · magnetize · mesmerise · mesmerize · ravish · rivet · spellbind · to be fascinated · to engross · to fascinate · to love · to rivet · trance · transfix · transport · wow


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En labios de Mitchy estas palabras suscitaron una imagen que por un momento semejó fascinar a su amigo.
The words had made on Mitchy's lips an image by which his friend appeared for a moment held.Literature Literature
Luego, incluso Maira Kalman hizo una increíble instalación críptica de objetos y palabras de tipo envolvente que fascinará a los estudiantes mientras permanezcan ahí.
And then even Maira Kalman did this amazing cryptic installation of objects and words that kind of go all around and will fascinate students for as long as it's up there.ted2019 ted2019
No podía dejarse fascinar por Treena ni por sus amigos.
He wasn't supposed to be fascinated by Treena or her merry little band of friends.Literature Literature
Iba a fascinar a ese rico inútil hasta que les diera lo que tanto necesitaban: dinero.
She would charm that rich good-for-nothing into giving them what they so badly needed.Literature Literature
Prepárate porque este lugar te va a fascinar.
“Get ready, because this place will blow your mind.Literature Literature
Hoy, tal vez más que en el pasado, es fácil dejarse distraer por las preocupaciones y los problemas de este mundo y dejarse fascinar por falsos ídolos.
Today, perhaps more than in the past, it is so easy to allow ourselves to be distracted by the cares and worries of this world and to succumb to false idols.vatican.va vatican.va
Si tienes unas velas, le pones burbujas y música, te fascinará.
If you had some candles and bubbles and music, you'd love it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por mucho que le fascinara esta parte del mundo, no tenía ningún deseo de ir al Oeste y convertirse en una pionera.
As fascinated as she was with this part of the world, she had no desire to go west and become a pioneer.Literature Literature
No lo olvidéis, esto es Asia Central, no todo esta garantizado, pero no dudéis ni un solo momento que os sorprenderá y fascinara.
Do not forget, this is Central Asia, not everything is guaranteed, but please do not hesitate even one moment that he surprised and fascinated.Common crawl Common crawl
Frederick era un caso que podría fascinar a cualquier psicólogo.
Frederick was a topic to fascinate any psychologist.Literature Literature
Él la miró como si no se le hubiera ocurrido y la posibilidad le fascinara.
He stared at her as if that had never occurred to him and yet the possibility fascinated him.Literature Literature
-Todo esto fascinará a mis lectores.
"""All this will fascinate my readers."Literature Literature
El tópico parecía fascinar a la audiencia.
The topic seemed to fascinate his audience.Literature Literature
Tenía un gran encanto personal y sabía cómo fascinar a las mujeres.
He had great personal charm and knew how to fascinate women.Literature Literature
Le fascinará este relato de la vida real.
You will enjoy this real-life experience.jw2019 jw2019
—La capacidad de fascinar al lector; de admirarlo por la inteligencia que contiene o por la belleza que genera.
‘Its ability to fascinate the reader; to make him admire it for its intelligence or its beauty.Literature Literature
Luke prefería el brillo menos convencional de Tasia que le iba a fascinar siempre.
Luke far preferred Tasia's radiant and unconventional beauty, which would never lose the power to fascinate him.Literature Literature
Si el Pontífice de Roma no es más que el jefe de una secta, ¿cómo es que de tal modo alcanza á fascinar el mundo?
How did the Roman Pontiff, if he be only the chief of a sect, manage to fascinate the world to this extent?Literature Literature
Colón tenía una sorprendente capacidad para fascinar a la nobleza, y ello provenía de su porte y su actitud.
Columbus had an amazing power to charm the nobility, and it all came from the way he carried himself.Literature Literature
Roland parecía fascinar a la señorita Traición.
Roland seemed to fascinate Miss Treason.Literature Literature
Me fascinará oír cómo reconcilias las dos posturas.
I'm fascinated to hear how you are going to reconcile the two.""Literature Literature
Él seguía mirándose en el espejo como si la cuestión lo fascinara.
He kept staring in the mirror as if fascinated by the technology.Literature Literature
Lo que se cuenta de sus vidas nunca ha dejado de fascinar a la sensibilidad filosófica y poética.
Their purported lives have never ceased to fascinate philosophic and poetic sensibility.Literature Literature
—Un día una mujer te fascinará y esclavizará y tú la anhelarás con todas las fibras de tu cuerpo.
"""One day, someone's going to fascinate you, draw and ensnare you, and you'll crave her with every cell in your body."Literature Literature
El niño (o niña) busca fascinar a sus padres.
The little boy (or girl) seeks to fascinate his or her parents.Literature Literature
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