fascinases oor Engels



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Informal second-person singular (tú) imperfect subjunctive form of fascinar.

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estaba fascinado
I was fascinated
me fascina
allure · becharm · beguile · bewitch · captivate · capture · catch · charm · dazzle · delight · enamor · enamour · enchant · engross · enrapture · enthral · enthrall · entrance · fascinate · grip · hypnotise · hypnotize · intrigue · love · magnetise · magnetize · mesmerise · mesmerize · ravish · rivet · spellbind · to be fascinated · to engross · to fascinate · to love · to rivet · trance · transfix · transport · wow


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Quizá le fascinase la idea de ser viuda.
Perhaps she fancied the idea of being a widow.Literature Literature
Había en esto algo que estaba muy mal, estaba completamente mal que este chico la fascinase así.
There was something very wrong about this, altogether wrong that this child should fascinate so.Literature Literature
Me avergonzaba de que me fascinase esta historia y este criminal monstruoso, Jean-Claude Romand.
I was ashamed of my fascination with the story of this monstrous criminal Jean-Claude Romand.Literature Literature
Pero sí que tenía un apetito insaciable por convertirse en experto de cualquier tema que le fascinase.
But he seemed to have an endless appetite for turning himself into an expert on any topic that fascinated him.Literature Literature
Von Braun se fascinase con el espacio.
Von Braun would become fascinated with space.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No es que Chablis no me fascinase; al contrario, me tenía obsesionado.
Not that Chablis didn't fascinate me; she haunted me.Literature Literature
Era como si el capitán fascinase a Cox.
It was as if Cox was fascinated by the captain.Literature Literature
Quiso desviar los ojos, pero alguna cosa en aquella humedad oscura prendía su mirada suelta como si la fascinase.
He tried to turn his eyes away, but something in that dark dampness held his fascinated eye.Literature Literature
La historia no era algo que fascinase a todo el mundo, aunque en ella apareciesen injusticias y un tesoro perdido.
Not everyone was fascinated with history, even if it involved injustice and a lost treasure.Literature Literature
Bailey se comportó como si la fascinase, y Tibby no era inmune a una persona que creía que ella era superenrollada.
Bailey acted like she was fascinated, and Tibby wasn’t immune to a person thinking she was cool.Literature Literature
Llevaba dos años sin publicar ningún artículo, y al menos cuatro o cinco sin emprender ningún proyecto que lo fascinase.
It had been two years since he’d published a paper, four or five since he’d done work that absorbed him.Literature Literature
Aunque Sid defendía sus posiciones, la escuchaba como si su fervor le fascinase.
Though Sid defended his position, he listened to her as if her warmth fascinated him.Literature Literature
Otra mujer, alguna belleza de ensueño que le atrajese, fascinase y consolase.
Another woman, a ravishing beauty to attract and fascinate and comfort him.Literature Literature
Quizá fascinase tanto a causa de sus errores.
Maybe the building fascinated people so much because it was just wrong.Literature Literature
Pero nunca le oí decir nada que me fascinase.
But I didn’t hear anything that fascinated me.Literature Literature
Está mirando fijamente la pelota, dándole vueltas en la mano como si le fascinase.
He’s staring down at the baseball, turning it in his hand like he’s fascinated by it.Literature Literature
Se comportaba como si el acto del amor le fascinase y disgustase al mismo tiempo.
She behaved as though the act of love fascinated her while it disgusted her.Literature Literature
Era como si le fascinase mi nueva cara.
It was like he was fascinated by my new face.Literature Literature
Puede que le fascinase sobremanera una historia que cantaban los bardos y quiso conservarla.
He may have been especially intrigued by a story told by one of the bards and wanted to preserve it.Literature Literature
Había dejado que él la fascinase en los días en que era ella joven y alocada.
She had allowed him to fascinate her in those days when she had been young and silly.Literature Literature
Tuve un profesor genial, que hizo que me fascinase investigar cada vez más las posibilidades infinitas del ecommerce.
I had a great teacher, who made me interested in investigating more and more the infinite possibilities of ecommerce.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Puede que alguna vez haya visto a alguien con un look que me fascinase y lo he tenido que reinterpretar, pero la verdad es que me gusta elegir por mí mismo y no dejar que nada ni nadie me influya a la hora de vestirme.
Maybe I can see someone with a fascinating look and I ́ve had to reinterpret it, but being honest I like to choose by myself and I do not let anyone or anything influence me.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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