gente alegre oor Engels

gente alegre

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

happy people

Mira cuánta gente alegre.
Look at all those happy people.

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La gente alegre del norte cruza la calle bajo mi ventana.
Happy people from the north cross the road under my window.Literature Literature
Eran gente alegre y dicharachera.
They were cheerful and talkative fellows.Literature Literature
—Es como si las casas estuvieran llenas de gente alegre —dijo Edith.
“As though the houses were full of gay people,” said Edith.Literature Literature
Gente alegre con caras sonrientes, no enmohecidas como en aquel antro de donde te he sacado.
Cheerful people, not moldy faces like in that hole... where I found you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los estadounidenses son gentes alegres, no son tan lúgubres, tan poco sociables ni tan depresivos.
Americans are happy people, they are not so bleak, so unwelcoming, so depressing.Literature Literature
La «Gente Alegre», como las llamaban los de la región.
The ‘Gay People’ as the natives called them.Literature Literature
La música significaba que había gente; y, a juzgar por el sonido, gente alegre que estaba celebrando algo.
Music meant people, and happy people by the sound, someone celebrating.Literature Literature
Dios ayuda a la gente alegre.
God helps cheerful people.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Parecía como si quisiera estrangular a toda esa gente alegre y chillona que se saludaba con tanta efusividad.
He looked as though he wanted to strangle all these shrill, merry people who greeted each other so effusively.Literature Literature
Normalmente evitaba a la gente alegre, pero Ellie poseía un encanto especial.
Usually I avoided cheerful people, but there was something about Ellie.Literature Literature
La gente alegre no se suicida.
Happy people do not kill themselves.""Literature Literature
Gente alegre los franceses.
Happy people, the french.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Son gente alegre, los colombianos, de aquella alegría vital que nace como antídoto al fatalismo.
Colombians are a happy people, that vibrant happiness that develops as an antidote to fatalism.Literature Literature
He insistido para que sólo venga gente alegre.
‘I’ve insisted that only jolly people come.’Literature Literature
Sólo gente alegre con un apetito sano.
Just cheerful, healthy people with appetite!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los waponis son gente alegre que vive pescando y recogiendo fruta.
The Waponis are a cheerful people who live simply fishing and picking fruit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Un mundo agradecido es un mundo de gente alegre.
A grateful world is a world of joyful people.ted2019 ted2019
La calle seguía abarrotada de gente alegre y excitada, dispuesta a aguantar hasta la madrugada.
The street was still clogged with people, all gay and excited, more than ready to regale until the wee hours.Literature Literature
La gente alegre y joven como ellos, alguna vez anduvieron, hablaron y disfrutaron allí.
Folks blithe and young as themselves had once walked, talked and taken their pleasure here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Imagen: gente alegre y bien vestida en una fiesta; cámara lenta).
(visual: happy, well-dressed people at party, slo-mo)Literature Literature
La ciudad entera bullía de gente alegre.
The whole city was swarming with glad-hearted folk.Literature Literature
Dios, odiaba a la gente alegre.
God, he hated cheerful people.Literature Literature
La mayoría estaban tan sucios y apestaban tanto como R.V., pero también eran gente alegre, amable y generosa.
Most were as dirty and smelly as R.V., but they were also cheerful and kind and generous.Literature Literature
Gente alegre, invitados y demás.
Fun people, house guests and so on.Literature Literature
Nueva Orleans, ciudad de cucarachas, de podredumbre, la ciudad de nuestra familia, y de gentes alegres y felices.
New Orleans, city of roaches, city of decay, city of our family, and of happy, happy people.Literature Literature
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