guarda cama oor Engels

guarda cama

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stay in bed

¿Tengo que guardar cama?
Must I stay in bed?

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guardar cama
stay in bed · to stay in bed
tiene que guardar cama
has to stay in bed


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* * * Cristián guarda cama durante una semana.
Christian keeps to his bed for more than a week.Literature Literature
Lo único que haría es decirme que guarde cama y beba mucho líquido.
All he’d do is tell me to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids.Literature Literature
Guarde cama y tome la medicina según las indicaciones del frasco.
Keep in bed and take the medicine as directed on the bottle.Literature Literature
El médico le ha pedido que guarde cama.
His doctor begged him to stay in bed.Literature Literature
Greta ya no guarda cama, lleva unos días levantada, parece que se está recuperando, a Dios gracias.
Greta is no longer in bed any longer, she has been up for a few days, it looks like she’s getting better, thank God.”Literature Literature
Por espacio de varios días, se refugió en la enfermedad y guardó cama.
For a few days she took refuge in illness and kept to her bed, but this way out could not last.Literature Literature
Pero guardé cama como el médico me había ordenado.
But I did go to bed as the doctor advised.Literature Literature
Magnus guardó cama tres días durante los cuales estuvo sometido a los cuidados de Rosa.
Magnus lay in bed for three days and submitted to Rose’s nursing.Literature Literature
Serge estuvo malo, guardó cama, permaneció días enteros leyendo en su cuarto.
Serge was poorly, kept his bed, and spent whole days in reading in his room.Literature Literature
No hace falta que guardes cama, sólo tómate las cosas con calma.
You don’t have to stay in bed, just take things slowly and quietly.”Literature Literature
Durante el mes que guardé cama oí otra voz.
DURING THE MONTH I was in bed I heard another voice.Literature Literature
Que guarde cama, y póngale compresas de mostaza en el pecho.
Keep him in bed and put mustard plasters on his chest.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
guardar cama to stay in bed La semana pasada guardé cama.
is Used esperar / to wait for Espero guardar cama La el autobus. / / to stay In 1 am bed semana pasada guarde cama.Literature Literature
Lo único que haría es decirme que guarde cama y beba mucho líquido.
All he'd do is tell me to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids.Literature Literature
Por último, el pequeño guarda cama de momento a causa de un resfriado.
And finally, as for the younger boy, he’s in bed at present with a cold.Literature Literature
—Siempre dicen eso, pero ¿quién guarda cama por un simple resfriado?
“They always say that, but who ever heard of staying in bed with a lousy little cold?Literature Literature
Estuve enfermo diez días, guardé cama y no fui a la escuela.
’ * I was ill for ten days, stayed in bed, and did not go to school.Literature Literature
¿Debo demostrártelo ordenando que guardes cama hasta que haya nacido mi hijo?
Shall I prove it by ordering you to bed until my child is born?""Literature Literature
No hace falta que guarde cama.
You don’t have to stay in bed.Literature Literature
Otras veces, sin embargo, una economía enferma y guarda cama sin motivo aparente.
At other times, though, an economy just sickens and takes to its bed for no obvious reason.Literature Literature
Le diagnosticaron fiebre ondulante, y guardó cama la mayor parte del otoño y todo el invierno.
He was diagnosed with undulant fever and kept in bed most of the fall and winter.Literature Literature
La semana siguiente guardó cama y tuvo tiempo de sobra para pensar.
During the next week, Norm was confined to bed and had a lot of time to think.Literature Literature
Claro que él es muy conservador; basta con que estornudes una vez y ya quiere que guardes cama.
But, of course, he’s very conservative; if you so much as sneeze he wants to put you to bed.”Literature Literature
—Me complacería verla comprometida antes de que su hermana guarde cama —remarcó mi padre—.
“I’d be pleased to see her betrothed before her sister is brought to bed,” my father remarked.Literature Literature
A los diez años volvieron a dolerle las articulaciones y guardó cama durante algún tiempo.
At ten years she had joint pains again, and was kept in bed for some time.Literature Literature
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