haberles oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Compound of the infinitive haber and the pronoun les .
Compound of the infinitive haber and the pronoun les.

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Se considera que hay flagrancia cuando el autor del hecho punible es sorprendido en el momento de intentarlo o cometerlo, o inmediatamente después de haberlo consumado o cuando sea sorprendido con objetos o elementos con los cuales se ha cometido el delito o cuando se le persiga por las autoridades o particulares.
A person is deemed to be in flagrante delicto when he is found at the moment of attempting to commit an offence or immediately thereafter or when he is found in possession of objects or articles with which he has committed an offence or when he is being pursued by the authorities or private individuals.UN-2 UN-2
* * * La mañana siguiente pensó que debía de haberla hecho surgir del laberinto de su inconsciente.
THE NEXT DAY, he believed he might have called her up from the maze of his unconscious.Literature Literature
Ahora me gustaría haberles quitado todo lo que llevaban encima en vez de dejarles los bolsillos medio llenos.
I wish now I'd taken everything from them instead of leaving them with their pockets still half-full.Literature Literature
Pudimos haberlos salvado, de no haber sido por la cobardía de nuestro jefe.
We could have saved them, if not for the coward commanding us.Literature Literature
¿Alguien recuerda haberla oído?
Does anyone recall having heard it?Literature Literature
No tendría que haberlo hecho, porque la reacción —un gritito muy femenino seguido por un «Pero ¿qué mierda?»
I really shouldn’t have done it, though, because his reaction—a girlish squeal followed by a high-octave “Ahh!Literature Literature
Se trata de un regalo que le hizo otra persona porque lo necesitaba y se siente agradecido por haberlo recibido.
This was a gift you were given by another person because you needed it, and you were grateful for this gift.Literature Literature
Nombre y dirección del representante autorizado del fabricante (de haberlo)(3): ...
Name and address of manufacturer’s authorised representative (if any)(3): ...eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Rebeldes de 23M en un camión por las calles de Goma, tras haberla capturado (29 de noviembre de 2012). Voz de América vía Wikimedia Commons, Dominio público.
M23 rebels on a truck in the streets of Goma, after they captured it (November 29, 2012) Voice of America via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domaingv2019 gv2019
Tal vez podría haberlo hecho, pero Jane habría muerto.
"""Perhaps I might have, but then Jane would have died."Literature Literature
Al día siguiente, tras haberlo sentado ante la ventana, bajó al jardín, en donde se puso a correr y a llamarle.
The next day, after seating him by the window, she went down to the garden and began to run about, calling out to him.Literature Literature
En efecto, Bovary podía triunfar; nadie le decía a Emma que su marido no fuese hábil, y qué satisfacción para ella haberlo comprometido en una empresa de la que su fama y su fortuna saldrían acrecentadas.
In fact, Bovary might succeed. Nothing proved to Emma that he was not clever; and what a satisfaction for her to have urged him to a step by which his reputation and fortune would be increased!Lagun Lagun
Lo que ahora fuera capaz de demostrar, para justificarse, cualquiera podría haberlo utilizado para condenar a Mulhare.
What he would be able to prove now, to justify himself, anyone else could have used to damn Mulhare.Literature Literature
Un cliente con el que trabajaba debía de haberlo hecho, pero no pudo.
One client I worked with should have filed, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.Literature Literature
* ¿Qué dijo Pablo a los santos sobre Dios (en el versículo 3) que podría haberlos consolado en sus tribulaciones?
* What did Paul tell the Saints about God in verse 3 that might have comforted them in their tribulations?LDS LDS
El desánimo de Chade parecía haberlo despojado por completo de sus capacidades ese día.
Chade's discouragement seemed to have damped all his ability that day.Literature Literature
Odiaba llamar la atención sobre sí mismo, sobre su yo académico, y le preocupaba haberlo hecho sin darse cuenta.
He hated drawing attention to himself, to his academic self, and was worried he had done so.Literature Literature
Meneó los dedos y se preguntó qué podía haberle animado.
He wiggled his toes and wondered what could have made him so chipper.Literature Literature
Era halagador haberle dado de desayunar.
It was downright flattering to have fed him.Literature Literature
Tienes los mismos ojos que mi padre tenía... antes de haberle incendiado su concesionaria de coches.
You have the same kind eyes my daddy had... before I burned down his car dealership.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Recuerdo haberle visitado en Scarsdale.
I remember visiting him in Scarsdale.Literature Literature
Así que pensó que tendríamos que haberle ofrecido dinero para que dejara montar a Johanna.
So he thought we could at least have offered to pay for Johanna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Girgis se paró y se volvió, cerrando un poco los ojos, como si no estuviera seguro de haberla oído bien.
He slowed and turned, eyes narrowed slightly as if he wasn't quite sure if he'd heard her right.Literature Literature
—Sí, y de haberlo hecho, no habría ido a ver a Craig Michaelson.
"""Yes, and if I had, I wouldn't have gone to see Craig Michaelson."Literature Literature
Sí, pero Craig y / o Rosie podrían haberle inyectado antes de salir a las 8 PM.
Yes, but Craig and / or Rosie could've injected him just before they knocked off at 8pm.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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