hablar dormido oor Engels

hablar dormido

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Hay sonambulismo, hablar dormido, comer mientras está dormido.
There's sleep walking, sleep talking, eating while you're asleep.

to talk in one's sleep


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Andar dormida, hablar dormida, chatear dormida, comer dormida era lo que cabía esperar, sobre todo tomando zolpidem.
Sleepwalking, sleeptalking, sleep-online-chatting, sleepeating—that was to be expected, especially on Ambien.Literature Literature
Y lo cuenta como si hablara dormido.
And you tell it as if you were still asleep.Literature Literature
En ese instante la abuela empezó a hablar dormida
At that instant the grandmother began to talk in her sleep.Literature Literature
Quizá hablara dormida o dijera palabrotas.
Perhaps she talked in her sleep, or swore.Literature Literature
Esto lo hace hablar dormido, me dijo.
This would make him talk in his sleep, she told me.Literature Literature
Entre hablar dormido y quitarme las cobijas no muy bien.
Well, between the talking in the sleep and the stealing of the covers not too well, actually.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—¿Sabes que desarrollaste la costumbre de hablar dormida?
‘Did you know you have developed a habit of talking in your sleep?’Literature Literature
¿ Y si se pone a hablar dormida?
And you begin to speak during sleep?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
La reacción de Betty fue parecida: —Mi voz sonaba en la cinta como si hablara dormida.
"Betty's reaction was similar: ""I thought he sounded as though he were asleep."Literature Literature
Hay sonambulismo, hablar dormido, comer mientras está dormido.
There's sleep walking, sleep talking, eating while you're asleep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sí, ahí es a donde me dirigía antes de escucharte hablar dormida.
Yeah, that's where I was heading before I heard you talking in your sleep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Hablas como si hablaras dormida...
"""You sound like you're talking in your sleep . . ."""Literature Literature
En ese instante la abuela empezó a hablar dormida.
At that instant the grandmother began to talk in her sleep.Literature Literature
¿Acaso es este el mismo hombre al que oímos hablar dormido?
Is this the same man whom we heard talking in his sleep?Literature Literature
Había sido inducida artificialmente a hablar dormida.
It was an artificially induced sleep talking.”Literature Literature
Su voz era aire puro y estaba extrañamente desconectada, como si hablara dormida.
Her voice was pure air and oddly disconnected, as if she were speaking in her sleep.Literature Literature
No hablar dormido sino escribir como sonámbulos en on line recta.
Not talking in their sleep, but, like somnambulists, writing directly online whatever came to mind.Literature Literature
No hay nada patológico en la mayor parte de los casos de sonambulismo o en hablar dormido.
For the most part, there is nothing pathological about sleepwalking or sleep talking.Literature Literature
Sin embargo, puedo hablar dormido, incluso mantener una conversación con una persona en estado de vigilia.
Yet it is possible for me to talk in my sleep, even hold a conversation with a conscious person.Literature Literature
Algún día, hablarás dormido... y estaré cerca cuando eso suceda.
Someday, you're gonna talk in your sleep... and when that day comes, I wanna be around.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Si iba a dormir a casa de alguna amiga, no podía conciliar el sueño, porque temía ponerme a hablar dormida.
If I spent the night at a friend’s place, I couldn’t fall asleep for fear of giving myself away while I was dreaming.Literature Literature
La gente que acude a nosotros tiene desórdenes del sueño que los hacen hablar dormidos y levantarse de la cama.
“The people who come to us have sleep disorders—disorders that make them talk in their sleep and get out of bed.”Literature Literature
Cuando George empieza a hablar dormido, ella empieza a sospechar y su primo Freddie Dewdrop lo sigue, permitiéndole saber la verdad.
When George sleep-talks, she becomes suspicious and has her cousin Freddie Dewdrop follow him, allowing her to learn the truth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La mitad de las veces nos limitábamos a hablar hasta quedarnos dormidos.
Half the time we just drift off to sleep.Literature Literature
No te voy a hablar mientras estás dormido.
I'm not going to talk to you while you're asleep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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