hermoso, -a oor Engels

hermoso, -a

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


A Tom le gustaban las mujeres hermosas. A él también le gustaban el vino lujoso y los autos deportivos.
Tom liked beautiful women. He also liked expensive wine and fast sports cars.

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Soortgelyke frases

feliz Día de las Madres a mi hermosa mamá
happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mom
quiero a mi hermosa novia
I love my beautiful girlfriend
dio a luz a una hermosa niña
she gave birth to a beautiful girl
amo a mi hermosa novia
I love my beautiful girlfriend
feliz Día de la Madre a mi hermosa mamá
happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mom


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Habrá reducido nuestras miríadas de visiones hermosas a una sola».
He will have pruned our myriad beautiful visions down to one.Literature Literature
Sus ojos eran aún más hermosos a través de la visera del casco.
His eyes were even more beautiful through the visor.Literature Literature
Apuesto a que eres hermosa a cualquier hora del día.
I bet you're beautiful any time of the day.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Cómo puedo compararme con alguien como Sarah, o como las demás mujeres hermosas a las que usted admira?
“How can I possibly – compare with anyone like Sarah or indeed the – beautiful women you – admire?”Literature Literature
Es una vista hermosa, a menos que resulte ser tu nave madre.
Beautiful sight, unless it happens to be your base ship!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eran hermosas, a pesar de lo lúgubre, como el resto de las flores de la iglesia.
It was beautiful in its own grim way, as were the rest of the flowers in the church.Literature Literature
Entonces vio que ambos eran hermosos, a pesar de carecer por completo de pelo.
Then she noticed they were both beautiful, despite complete hairlessness, not even eyebrows.Literature Literature
Una de esas mujeres hermosas a cualquier edad, con un aire de malicia que los años no borran.
One of those women who is beautiful at any age, with a malicious air that the years had not erased.Literature Literature
Tal vez lo que a un hombre le parezca hermoso, a otro no.
What one man finds beautiful, another may not.”Literature Literature
Me encanta todo lo que es bello, inquietante, horrible y hermosa a la vez.
I love anything that's beautiful and disturbing and horrifying and gorgeous at the same time.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No preguntaré si tengo rivales; no busco parecer hermosa a tus ojos.
I ask not if I have rivals; I sigh not to be fair in thine eyes.Literature Literature
Es demasiado hermoso, a pesar de los miembros rotos.
It’s too beautiful, even with the missing limbs.Literature Literature
—Recuerdo que pensé que los dragones eran hermosos a su manera.
“I remember thinking that dragons were beautiful in an awful kind of way.Literature Literature
Ella tenía un rostro poco agraciado, pero la mayoría de los rasgos que volvían hermosa a Katie.
She had a plain face, but most of the features that made Katie beautiful.Literature Literature
Gracias a Stephanie Mooney por darle una vida hermosa a la cubierta con la que yo soñé.
Thank you, Stephanie Mooney, for beautifying the cover I dreamed up.Literature Literature
Con los años, tuvo muchos jóvenes hermosos a su servicio en el taller y en casa.
Over the years, he would have many beautiful young men as part of his studio and household.Literature Literature
Para ella él estaba entero y era hermoso a pesar de la condición de su piel.
He was whole and beautiful to her in spite of the condition of his skin.Literature Literature
Los sitios tan hermosos a los que fueron y recordaba muy claramente su primera noche de casados.
She remembered the beautiful places they went to and remembered very clearly their first night of marriage.Literature Literature
Era hermosa, a pesar de la palidez y la flacura.
She was beautiful, despite her pallor and thinness.Literature Literature
El narciso era un niño tan hermoso a que hizo sobre esa su madre si estuvo preocupado.
Narcissus was a so beautiful child that it made about that its mother if worried.Common crawl Common crawl
Ésta era una mujer hermosa, a su modo nada convencional, y de cierta exuberancia.
She was a beautiful woman, in her own unconventional way, and with a certain richness.Literature Literature
Encontró hermosa a la mujer y volvió a dormirse.
He found her beautiful, and went back to sleep.Literature Literature
Pronto vi a un caballero ricamente ataviado, joven y, creo, hermoso a la vista, avanzando.
Soon I saw a cavalier, richly dressed, young and, methought, graceful to look on, advance.Literature Literature
Quedamos condenados desde el momento en que Dios decidió hacer hermosas a las mujeres.
We were damned the minute God decided to make women beautiful.Literature Literature
Era tan hermosa a la luz de las velas como a la luz del día.
She was as beautiful in candlelight as she was in daylight.Literature Literature
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