hojeaba oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of hojear.
First-person singular (yo) imperfect indicative form of hojear.

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—Un amigo —contestó Cohen mientras hojeaba un manoseado catálogo Scott—, de San Francisco.
“A friend, ” Cohen said, leafing through a battered Scott catalogue, “in San Francisco.”Literature Literature
Mientras Fox hojeaba The Independent, se dio cuenta de que el hombre lo escrutaba de manera subrepticia.
While Fox skimmed the Independent, he was aware of the man studying him surreptitiously.Literature Literature
Llevaba sentada prácticamente todo el día, con la mirada perdida mientras hojeaba ejemplares antiguos de Vogue.
I’d been sitting there nearly all day, staring into space and paging through old copies of Vogue.Literature Literature
Las chicas de las revistas que hojeaba llevaban mucha más ropa, incluso las que estaban en la playa.
The girls in the magazines she was looking at wore a lot more clothes than that, even the ones at the beach.Literature Literature
Después, con su caca al lado de él, hojeaba las páginas de un libro, volviéndolas.
Then with his pooh beside him, he leafed through the pages of a book, turning the pages.Literature Literature
Se había sentado en el catre y hojeaba distraídamente los libros.
He was sitting on the cot, thumbing through the books distractedly.Literature Literature
Mientras hojeaba el extraño montón, una corriente de aire arrancó un trozo de papel de la última carpeta.
As he sifted through the awkward pile, a breeze snatched a bit of paper from the last.Literature Literature
Mamá sí lo comentó varias veces: mientras hojeaba una revista, me pidió que «contara el chiste para reírnos todos».
But Mama commented several times as she leafed through her magazine, asking me ‘to share the joke’.Literature Literature
Era como vivir en una de esas casas de diseño que solía codiciar cuando hojeaba las páginas de las revistas de moda.
It was like living in one of the designer pads she used to covet on the pages of glossy magazines.Literature Literature
Y entonces, tenía una parte que uno hojeaba los libros.
And then there was a part where one looked at books.Literature Literature
Ursula hojeaba una revista en la sala de estar.
Ursula was paging through a magazine in the living room.Literature Literature
Suspirando, volvió a la lectura mientras él hojeaba una guía de Venecia.
Sighing, she went back to her reading as he flipped through a guidebook of Venice.Literature Literature
Estábamos en la cama, y ella hojeaba una revista sobre cocinas—.
We were on the bed, and she was flipping through a magazine about kitchens.Literature Literature
Mientras hojeaba su diario y admiraba lo que en él había escrito, una sombra se cernió sobre sus páginas.
As he was flipping through his diary, admiring his own entries, a shadow fell across the page.Literature Literature
Pulaski, socarrón, hojeaba las páginas de la carpeta de la mesa, pero el negro lo interrumpió.
Pulaski, quizzical, was flipping through the folder on his desk, but the black guy interrupted him.Literature Literature
Mientras yo hojeaba libros cerca, tres chicas se pararon a hablar con él.
While I browsed nearby, three coeds stopped to chat with him.Literature Literature
Louis, por hacer algo, hojeaba el periódico y se le demoraba la vista en la sección de valores «extrabursátiles».
Louis, for appearances’ sake, flipped through the paper and his eyes were drawn to the Unlisted Securities section.Literature Literature
Mientras comía, la madre de Elena suspiraba, bostezaba y hojeaba las revistas de modas llegadas de París.
Hélène’s mother sighed, yawned and flicked through Paris fashion magazines while she ate.Literature Literature
Catherine hojeaba el correo, buscando una carta de su amiga Sarah, quien estaba veraneando en Inglaterra.
Catherine thumbed through the mail, hunting for a letter from her friend Sarah, who was in England for the summer.Literature Literature
Esperó junto a la mesa del cardenal mientras monseñor Fargo hojeaba los papeles.
He waited by the Cardinal’s desk while Monsignor Fargo thumbed through the papers.Literature Literature
Su madre, todavía reclinada en el sofá, hojeaba un ejemplar de Punch.
Her mother, still reclining on the sofa, was flicking through a copy of Punch.Literature Literature
Comió espárragos y berenjenas mientras hojeaba un catálogo de Bergdorf en busca del vestido de noche perfecto.
She ate asparagus and eggplant while flipping through a Bergdorf ’s catalogue looking for the perfect gown.Literature Literature
Sarah fingió despreocupación, haciendo como que hojeaba una revista en el salón, sentada en el sofá.
Sarah feigned nonchalance, pretending to leaf through a magazine on the sofa in the lounge.Literature Literature
Me tomé el bocadillo mientras hojeaba el periódico.
I ate my sandwich while glancing through my newspaper.Literature Literature
—Deja de preocuparte, cariño —contestó Edward mientras hojeaba unos papeles que había sobre el altar—.
‘Oh, do stop fretting, darling,’ replied Edward, who was flicking through some papers that were lying on the altar.Literature Literature
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