huelo con la nariz oor Engels

huelo con la nariz

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I smell with my nose


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Hueles bien —dije, con la nariz apretada contra su pecho.
You smell good,” I said, my nose pressed against his chest.Literature Literature
Él huele la fruta, incluso la toca con la nariz, pero..., no.
He sniffs it, even touches it with his nose, but... no.Literature Literature
Hueles muy bien —dice con la nariz pegada a mi pelo—.
You smell good,” he says, his nose in my hair.Literature Literature
Lo " hueles " con el cerebro, no con la nariz.
You smell it with your brain, not your nose.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Es como bloodening oído sonidos tenido relaciones sexuales con la nariz huele bloodening y esta es su bebé.
It's like ear-bloodening sounds had sex with nose-bloodening smells and this is their baby.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se sorbe la nariz con fuerza pero la única sangre que huele es la suya.
Sniffs hard, but the only blood he can smell is his own.Literature Literature
Si huele con el instinto ¿Para qué necesita la naríz?
If he smells with his gut, what does he use his nose for?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—y metiendo la nariz por la cama decía con mucha seriedad:—¡Huele a Marta!
"And putting his nose to the bed, he said with great seriousness, ""It smells like Marta!"""Literature Literature
No es con la nariz sino con todos los sentidos como se huele si alguien es real o no.
You don't smell with your nose, you smell with all your senses if someone is real or not.Literature Literature
La acariciaba con la yema de los dedos; después acercó la nariz, murmurando: —Vaya, hoy hueles a azahar.
He caressed her with the tips of his fingers, then he sniffed her and murmured: ‘You smell of orange blossom today.’Literature Literature
- Hueles igual -dijo ella con voz ronca, colocando la nariz justo en el cuello de su fina camisa de seda-.
“You smell the same,” she said roughly, putting her nose right into the collar of his fine silk shirt.Literature Literature
¡Con la nariz agudizada para que huela sin sentimentalismos!
Sharpen your nose and smell without sentimentality!Literature Literature
Huele tan mal que tengo que taparme la nariz con la mano y respirar por la boca.
You smell so bad that I have to hold my hand over my nose and breathe through my mouth.Literature Literature
¿Cómo es posible que, con una nariz como la tuya, no huelas el agua?
with a nose like yours, can you not scent water?Literature Literature
Huele como la nieve —Mircha señaló hacia el este con la nariz e inspiró profundamente.
Smells like snow,' Mircha pointed his nose east and inhaled deeply.Literature Literature
Papá rodea la cintura de mamá con los brazos, acerca la nariz a su cuello y la huele como a una flor.
Daddy circles his arms around Momma’s waist, dips his nose to her neck and smells her like a flower.Literature Literature
Con la nariz en su pelo, la huelo, agradecido por que haya dejado que la consuele una vez más.
My nose in her hair, I inhale, appreciative that she’s letting me comfort her once again.Literature Literature
El suavizante empleado para lavar tu suéter huele tan fuerte como si te hubieran rociado la nariz con ambientador.
The fabric softener in your sweater smells as strong as air freshener fired up your nostrils.Literature Literature
Lo frutal se percibe con la nariz; y en la boca se “huele” a través de la vía retronasal.
You smell the fruitiness with your nose; in your mouth, yousmellit through your retronasal passage.Literature Literature
Huele a azufre —exclamó Gildas, tapándose la boca y la nariz con los dedos—.
It smells of brimstone,’ Gildas exclaimed, covering his mouth and pinching his nose with his fingers.Literature Literature
Huelo con la nariz.
I smell with my nose.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
¿O que en realidad no hueles con la nariz?
Or that you don’t actually smell with your nose?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Con la nariz cerca de su cuello, dijo: —¡Qué bien hueles!
With his nose near her neck, he said, “You smel so good.”Literature Literature
Mi abuelo lo contemplaba con desprecio, agitando los agujeros de la nariz como alguien que huele a vómito.
My grandfather stared contemptuously, his nostrils flaring as if he smelled vomit.Literature Literature
Cuando encuentra con la nariz las fibras rizadas de la alfombra interior, huele el aroma químico y floral del champú.
As his nose meets the curled fibres of the interior carpet he smells only the floral chemical scent of shampoo.Literature Literature
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