inexpugnable oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


too strong to be penetrated
Pon una cadena a través de la puerta, ciérrala, pensarán que es inexpugnable.
Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut, think they're impregnable.


impregnable, unconquerable


Sus medidas de seguridad son rigurosas y virtualmente inexpugnables.
His security measures are rigorous and virtually unassailable.


No obstante, el usuario debe ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables.
Nonetheless, users must be aware that no security measures are invulnerable or warrant a 100% success on the Internet.
unassailable, inexpugnable

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La cárcel de Mühlfeld era tan inexpugnable como había afirmado Christiansen.
Mühlfeld Prison was as forbidding as Christiansen had led them to expect.Literature Literature
—Para cuando vuestras legiones lleguen las murallas serán inexpugnables.
‘By the time your legions arrive the walls will be impregnable.Literature Literature
Un hombre llamado Joe Justinian era mi principal e inexpugnable enemigo.
A man named Joe Justinian was my chief and unassailable enemy.Literature Literature
Entonces para recalcar y establecer en forma inexpugnable que poseía la autoridad divina, añadió: “Pues para que sepáis que el Hijo del Hombre tiene potestad en la tierra para perdonar pecados (dijo al paralítico): A ti te digo: Levántate, toma tu lecho, y vete a tu casa.”
And then to emphasize, and to put beyond question His possession of divine authority, He added: “But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.”LDS LDS
, su obispado, en los diez años venideros, tendrá una frontera inexpugnable.
his bishopric, for ten years to come, shall have an impregnable frontier to make up for its small extent!Literature Literature
El castillo medieval se mantuvo casi inexpugnable hasta el advenimiento de la pólvora.
The medieval castle remained almost impregnable until gunpowder came into use.Literature Literature
Este juego de estrategia sobre gangsters te brinda la oportunidad de construir un cuartel general fuerte y hacerlo inexpugnable.
This The strategy game for gangsters gives you the opportunity to set up a strong headquarters and make it impenetrable.Common crawl Common crawl
Siempre me había creído a salvo, escondida en la inexpugnable fortaleza de mi subjetividad.
I had always felt safe, hidden in my impregnable subjective fortress.Literature Literature
Un sitio donde se consideraban inexpugnables e inalcanzables... hasta que la gripe española dio con ellos.
A place where they considered themselves impregnable and unreachable ... until the Spanish flu had found them.Literature Literature
Dijiste que el amor era «una amistad inexpugnable».
You said that love was “an unassailable friendship”.Literature Literature
La única réplica, que yo puedo imaginar, a esta dificultad es, acaso lógicamente inexpugnable, pero no muy plausible.
ethic The only reply that I can imagine to this difficulty logically unassailable, but is one which not very plausible.Literature Literature
Levanto una inexpugnable barricada moral entre la inquietud y ustedes.
I throw up impregnable moral intrenchments between Worry and You.Literature Literature
Como un niño que arrastra un palo por la arena, trazó los límites de su reino inexpugnable.
A boy dragging a stick through the sand, he drew the boundaries of his unassailable realm.Literature Literature
27:10, NC) Tiro se creía inexpugnable.
27:10, AT) Tyre believed herself impregnable.jw2019 jw2019
Como dice el Nuevo Testamento y explica tan bien Meher Baba: «El amor verdadero es inexpugnable e irresistible».
As the New Testament teaches, and Meher Baba put so well, “true love is unconquerable and irresistible.”Literature Literature
Él vio la Corte del Rey brillando, majestuosa, inexpugnable.
He saw King’s court shining, majestic, impregnable.Literature Literature
Sabido es que Schopenhauer trata al solipsista de «loco encerrado en un blockhaus inexpugnable».
"We know that Schopenhauer speaks of the solipsist as ""a madman shut up up in an impregnable blockhouse."""Literature Literature
El pensamiento era el bastión inexpugnable de la privacidad, y no se rendiría sin luchar.
Thought was the unassailable bastion of privacy, and it would not be surrendered without a struggle.Literature Literature
La puerta de acero tenía una única ventanilla, por lo que la celda era prácticamente inexpugnable.
With just the one crude window in the heavy steel door, the cell was virtually impregnable.Literature Literature
—Mi señor, Artorex es el verdadero héroe de Anderida, vuestro líder, el que capturó la inexpugnable fortaleza.
“My lord, Artorex is the true hero of Anderida, your leader who captured the impregnable fortress.Literature Literature
Se trataba del área penitenciaria, inexpugnable desde el exterior y a prueba de fugas desde el interior.
The whole penitentiary wing was impregnable from without and escape-proof from within.Literature Literature
—Trabajó para reyes y reinas, diseñó un jardín del Paraíso, y una fortaleza inexpugnable.
'He worked for kings and queens, he designed a Paradise Garden, and an impregnable fortress.Literature Literature
Inexpugnable en su virtud la señora Wilkins, dijo: —Nunca he interferido.
Impregnable in righteousness, Mrs Wilkins said, “I have never interfered.”Literature Literature
Amida era la ciudad más importante de nuestra frontera, y se la consideraba inexpugnable.
Amida was the most important of our border cities, and supposedly impregnable.Literature Literature
Los alemanes la fortificaron e hicieron de ella una fortaleza inexpugnable.
The Germans fortified it and turned it into an impregnable fortress.Literature Literature
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