inhalaba oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of inhalar.
Formal second-person singular (usted) imperfect indicative form of inhalar.
First-person singular (yo) imperfect indicative form of inhalar.

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inhalar el futuro, exhalar el pasado
inhale the future, exhale the past


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Oí un chasquido y observé que sus delgados hombros subían y bajaban bajo la americana mientras inhalaba.
I heard a click and watched his slim shoulders rise and fall under his suit jacket as he inhaled.Literature Literature
Cada respiración que inhalaba le raspaba los oídos y le dejaba en la lengua un gusto áspero a humo de carbón.
Each in-drawn breath rasped in his ears and left the acrid taste of coal smoke on his tongue.Literature Literature
Cada dos segundos Leddy inhalaba fuertemente con ruido de mocos, como si se rasgara un trozo de papel.
Every two seconds Leddy’d draw in this big deep breath with the sound of snots like paper tearing.Literature Literature
No sabía tan mal cuando inhalaba poco a poco.
It did not taste so bad when he inhaled it gently.Literature Literature
A medida que la gente los encendía e inhalaba, decía: —¡Eh!
As people lit up and inhaled, he’d go, “Hey!Literature Literature
En su negra boca había una agitación casi imperceptible cada vez que inhalaba y expulsaba el aire.
There was an almost imperceptible flap to his black lips as he breathed in and out.Literature Literature
– Quiero saberlo todo -dijo, mientras el preso inhalaba del bote azul y circular-.
‘I want to know everything,’ he said while the arrestee inhaled from the round blue receptacle.Literature Literature
«Qué frágiles son los niños», pensó Bonnie mientras se inclinaba e inhalaba el dulce olor de su hija.
How fragile children are, Bonnie thought, leaning over, inhaling her daughter’s sweet smell.Literature Literature
Permaneció inmóvil, aguzando todos los sentidos, escuchando mientras inhalaba los abrumadores aromas de la casa.
He stood stock-still, reaching out with all his senses, listening as he inhaled the overpowering smells of the house.Literature Literature
Las moscas negras se arremolinaban más que nunca alrededor de él y las inhalaba cada vez que respiraba.
The blackflies were swirling about him worse than ever, and he breathed them in with each breath.Literature Literature
Mientras inhalaba el rico aroma de Jada, se dio cuenta de que solo podía estar en un lugar: la vieja mina.
And as he inhaled Jada’s rich scent, he knew there was only one possible place she could be going.Literature Literature
Evelyn absorbía cada detalle mientras bebía el té e inhalaba el dulce aroma del tabaco.
Evelyn absorbed every detail about him as she sipped her tea and inhaled the sweet aroma of his cheroot.Literature Literature
No... un miembro de Shadow Falls, pero esta no era la primera vez que inhalaba esta misma esencia.
Not... a Shadow Falls member, but this wasn’t the first time she’d inhaled this certain scent.Literature Literature
Lo inhalaba y, en unos cuatro segundos y medio, se convertía en un cohete farmacológico.
The smoke became a pharmacological rocket in about four and a half seconds.Literature Literature
Le ardían los pulmones de modo tranquilizador mientras inhalaba su cigarrillo.
Her lungs burned reassuringly as she inhaled her cigarette.Literature Literature
Él padecía de pulmón negro provocado por el polvo de carbón que inhalaba durante sus turnos de doce horas.
He was suffering from black lung caused by the coal dust he inhaled during his twelve-hour shifts.Literature Literature
Inhalaba pegamento, una adicción que puede dañar el sistema nervioso del feto
She was addicted to glue sniffing, which may damage the nervous system of a developing foetusMultiUn MultiUn
Von Namtzen pareció meditar su pregunta mientras inhalaba el aroma de su brandy.
Von Namtzen appeared to consider the question, inhaling the aroma of his brandy.Literature Literature
Se oyó que alguien inhalaba rápido, pasos que huían, un gruñido, un gemido y luego él ruido de la lucha.
There was a sharp intake of breath, a scuttle of steps, a grunt, a moan, and then the noise of struggle.Literature Literature
Si el objetivo lo inhalaba, podías recoger las señales durante años después de eso.
If the target inhaled it, you could pick up signals from it for ages afterward.""Literature Literature
Sentí que mi corazón dejaría de latir si no inhalaba otra vez.
I felt that my heart would stop beating if I didn’t inhale again.Literature Literature
Llegó; mientras ella inhalaba suavemente por los labios entreabiertos, él le reclamó la boca con la suya.
It came, and as she inhaled softly with parted lips, he claimed her mouth with his own.Literature Literature
Cuando inhalaba, creaba un cierre casi hermético con la máscara pegada a la cara.
When I was inhaling, I made a nearly airtight seal with the mask by sucking it to my face.Literature Literature
Aunque inhalaba con avidez el humo del pitillo, era visible que esperaba, crispada, el menor sonido de Caroline.
She took great gulps of smoke, but seemed to be sitting on edge, as if waiting for the slightest sound from Caroline.Literature Literature
Eloise inhalaba la dulce fragancia de Agnes pero resistía la tentación de meterse en su cama.
Eloise inhaled the sweet fragrance but resisted the urge to climb into Agnes’s bed.Literature Literature
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