intentarais oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

(Spain) Informal second-person plural (vosotros, vosotras) imperfect subjunctive form of intentar.
( Spain) Informal second-person plural ([i]vosotros, vosotras) imperfect subjunctive form of intentar.[/i]

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Soortgelyke frases

pueden intentar
me recordó mi último intento
intentar coger
intentar abrir
has intentado
have you tried · you have tried
intentaron minimizar la gravedad de la situación
they tried to play down the seriousness of the situation


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O deseaban que intentarais matarme, ¡y puede que también desearan dañar la gran cúpula de Atalantaya!
Or they wanted you to attempt to kill me, and maybe even to damage the great dome of Atalantaya!Literature Literature
¿Os referís a antes o a después de que intentarais violarme?
“Would that be before or after you tried to rape me?”Literature Literature
Si lo intentarais de nuevo, podríais sacarla cuando aún era una niña.
If you tried again you could pull her out when she was still a little girl.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Estoy seguro de que si lo intentarais, podríais volar.
If you'd just try, I'm sure you'd be able to fly.Literature Literature
Si vosotros intentarais verlas de este modo, probablemente os gustarían las consecuencias.
If you would try treating them that way, you might like the results.Literature Literature
¡Es como si con esas preguntas intentarais obligarme a darles la espalda a aquellos años que pasé esperando!
It’s as if people are trying to force me to turn my back on all those years when I was sitting and waiting!’Literature Literature
—Seríais un iluso si lo intentarais —replicó Anwyn—, porque cuarenta hombres de mi guardia esperan en las dunas.
‘You’d be foolish to try,’ replied Anwyn, ‘especially as there are forty more of my men waiting in the dunes yonder.’Literature Literature
O más bien, a lo que queda de ella después de que intentarais matarnos a todos.
“What’s left of them after you tried to kill them all.”Literature Literature
Mi querida niña, no podríais tener una conducta licenciosa aunque lo intentarais.
My dear child, you could not behave in a wanton manner if you tried.""Literature Literature
En resumen, que yo os sugeriría que no intentarais detenerme.
In short, I would not suggest trying to stop me.Literature Literature
Si intentarais huir para evitar este matrimonio legal, pondríais en ridículo la alianza de vuestro padre.
If you were to attempt to run to escape your legal marriage, you would make a mockery of your father’s alliance.Literature Literature
Lo mismo daría que intentarais levantar una montaña.
“You may as well attempt to lift a mountain.Literature Literature
Sería más inteligente que intentarais vivir juntos los dos solos, una temporada, antes de tomar cualquier otra decisión.
You'd be wise to try to live together for a while before making any decisions.""Literature Literature
―Suena como si intentarais copiarnos.
“Sounds like you’re trying to copy us.”Literature Literature
Intentarais lo que intentaseis, la habéis golpeado y pudisteis haberla matado.
“Whatever you were trying to do, you struck her and could have killed her.Literature Literature
Muy bien, ayer temía que intentarais escaparos.
‘Very well, yesterday I was concerned that you should not attempt to slip away.Literature Literature
¿Nos dolió mucho que intentarais matarnos?
Our feelings were hurt when you tried to kill us?”Literature Literature
Pero podría temer que le siguierais el rastro e intentarais llevarla a casa.
But she might be afraid you would get on to her trafl and try to bring her back.”Literature Literature
No me extraña que intentarais guardar el secreto.
No wonder you tried to keep it secret.”Literature Literature
Y en cuanto a vos, Herriard, me gustaría que lo intentarais.
And as for you, Herriard, I’d like to see you try to lay a finger on me.’Literature Literature
—Sería para mí todo un placer que lo intentarais, mi primer capitán —le contestó.
It would give me great pleasure to let you try, First Captain, he said.Literature Literature
Ya contaba con que intentarais algún truco, así que pedid a vuestros matones que se aparten.
“I expected you to try some form of treachery, so tell your bully boys to step away.Literature Literature
¡Os ordené que no intentarais liberarme!
I commanded you not to try to free me!""Literature Literature
Me gustaría que los dos lo intentarais ahora, por favor.
She said, “I’d like you both to have a go now, please.Literature Literature
Si lo intentarais, sólo conseguiríais que os siguiéramos.
If you tried to, we’d only follow you.Literature Literature
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