ir a misa oor Engels

ir a misa

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to go to mass



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ir a la misa
go to church
fuimos a la misa
we went to church
ve a la misa
go to church


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De niño me gustaba mucho ir a misa para oír hablar al sacerdote.
As a boy, I loved listening to the priests in church.jw2019 jw2019
Debes ir a misa.
It's church.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Debo levantarme para ir a misa de 10:00.
I gotta get up for ten o'clock mass tomorrow. OK.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Me gustaría ir a misa —dijo Elizabeth en cuanto terminamos de almorzar tras la partida del profesor.
“I’d like to go to Mass,” Elizabeth said as we were finishing a late lunch after the professor had departed.Literature Literature
Bien, no van a ir a misa, pendejo
Well, they ain' t gonna be going to Mass, pendejoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
También salían los domingos, pero sólo después de ir a misa con la familia.
They were out again on Sunday too, but only after they had gone to church with the rest of the family.Literature Literature
Tenderos con delantal barrían las aceras de sus comercios mientras la gente se reunía para ir a misa.
Aproned shopkeepers swept the sidewalks outside their establishments while people assembled for morning Mass.Literature Literature
Cansada de tanta hipocresía, Tess dejó de ir a misa cuando acabó el instituto.
Tess grew weary of the hypocrisy and stopped attending services once she graduated from high school.Literature Literature
—Sylvie —dijo Mustafá—, si no te deshaces de ese fastidioso demonio volveré a ir a misa.
“Sylvie,” announced Mustapha, “if you do not get rid of that boring devil, I will start attending Mass again.”Literature Literature
—Bueno, pues tendremos que mejorar nuestros intentos de ir a misa, ¿no?
"""Well then, we’ll have to try to do better about getting ourselves to Mass, won’t we?"""Literature Literature
El tío Edwin paga bien, aunque les haga ir a misa dos veces los domingos.
Uncle Edwin pays well even if he makes them all go to church twice on Sundays.’Literature Literature
Pero, al menos, ir a misa es optativo.
But at least churchgoing is optional.Literature Literature
En 1984, Kurt y Jesse se habían vuelto inseparables, hasta el punto de ir a misa juntos.
He and Jesse had become inseparable during 1984, and this extended to going to church together.Literature Literature
"""Adiós, querida; debo vestirme para ir a misa."
Adieu, ma chère, I must dress for church.Literature Literature
Antes solía ir a misa a diario y escuchaba las canciones del coro de los niños cantores.
She used to attend Mass almost every day, listening to the choirboys sing.Literature Literature
Mañana debo madrugar para ir a misa
I gotta be in temple early tomorrowopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Su padre empezó a obligarla a ir a misa.
The father began to force her to go to Mass.jw2019 jw2019
De inmediato perdí la confianza en las doctrinas de la Iglesia Católica y dejé de ir a misa.
I immediately lost confidence in the teachings of the Catholic Church and stopped attending Mass.jw2019 jw2019
Todos los putos domingos, me levantaba y lo primero que tenía que hacer era ir a misa.
Every single fuckin’ week, I’d, I used to sit on Sunday, and the first thing I hadda do was, I hadda go to Mass.Literature Literature
Un baberito para ir a misa.
A little bib to wear to mass.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Finalmente, el 10 de diciembre permitieron a la familia ir a misa de nuevo.
At last, on 10 December, the family was allowed out to mass again.Literature Literature
Era domingo; Dunia se disponía a ir a misa.
It was Sunday, and Dunia was getting ready to attend mass.Literature Literature
Es una tradición familiar, como ir a misa del gallo.
It's a family tradition, kind of like going to Mass on Christmas Eve.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uno de ellos, un misionero, me dijo que en realidad no era tan importante ir a misa.
One of them, a missionary, told me it wasn’t really so important to attend Mass.jw2019 jw2019
Pero volvió al otro día para ir a misa.
But he came back the next morning to take me to Mass.Literature Literature
1545 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.