jadeábamos oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

First-person plural (nosotros, nosotras) imperfect indicative form of jadear.

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Jadeábamos como perros cuando llegamos allí.
We were panting like dogs when we got there.Literature Literature
Jacqui y yo jadeábamos encantadas; nos miramos, sacamos la lengua y jadeamos un poco más fuerte.
Jacqui and I were panting goodo, then we exchanged looks and stuck our tongues out and panted a little harder.Literature Literature
Pusimos la mesa de nuevo en su lugar; las dos jadeábamos un poquito cuando nos apoyamos en ella.
We set the table upright again, and both of us panted a bit as we slumped against it.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos y nos temblaban las piernas pero ninguna de las dos filas quería abandonar antes que la otra.
We panted and our legs trembled, but each line was determined not to give in before the other.Literature Literature
Ambos jadeábamos entre beso y beso, tratando de conseguir todo el oxígeno que nos permitía nuestra respiración alterada.
We both gasped between kisses, drawing in as much oxygen as we could, trying to catch our breath.Literature Literature
Era como si nos entrara por la boca y por la nariz cuando jadeábamos para respirar.
It seemed to enter through our mouths and nostrils as we gasped for breath.Literature Literature
No era gruesa, pero pesaba una tonelada, y los dos jadeábamos cuando la dejamos apoyada contra la pared.
It was not thick, but it weighed a fortune, and we were both panting by the time it was leaning against the back wall.Literature Literature
Cuando finalmente nos despegamos ambos jadeábamos y yo me encontraba más que listo para volver a llevármela a la cama.
When we finally broke apart we were both breathing heavily and I was more than ready to take her back to bed.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos al unísono, y sentí que la voluntad de pelear abandonaba mi cuerpo, así como había abandonado el de Agnes.
We gasped in air in unison, and I felt the will to fight seep out of my body, the same way it had fled from Agnes.Literature Literature
Lo hizo, cuando ya me tenía indefensa y las dos jadeábamos.
Which she did, when she had me quite helpless, and both of us were out of breath.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos y gruñíamos golpeándonos mutuamente con rabia mientras rodábamos por el suelo.
Instead, we grunted and heaved, pummeling each other frantically as we rolled across the floor.Literature Literature
Atrapé sus labios con los míos, pero apenas podíamos besarnos de lo mucho que jadeábamos.
I captured her lips with mine, but we were hardly able to kiss, both of us were breathing so hard.Literature Literature
Los dos jadeábamos y nuestro aliento entrecortado se hacía visible en el aire helado.
Both of us were panting, our breath visible in the cold air.Literature Literature
Todos jadeábamos, agachados detrás de los árboles, con la respiración entrecortada.
We all panted, crouching behind trees, our breath pluming.Literature Literature
Él esperó pacientemente, con la mano en la nuca de Iris, y nos observó mientras jadeábamos y gemíamos.
He sat patiently by, with his hand resting on the back of her neck, and watched us gasp and groan.Literature Literature
Los dos jadeábamos todavía cuando el personal sanitario comenzó a clasificar a los heridos según su gravedad.
We were both panting a little as the emergency medtechs started triage on the wounded.Literature Literature
Cuando llegamos a la cima de la colina, ambas jadeábamos y una fina llovizna caía sobre nuestras caras sucias.
By the time we reached the hilltop we were panting and a drizzle was falling on our dirty faces.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos las dos ruidosamente, casi en sincronía.
We were both panting loudly, almost in sync.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos, asomados al borde de lo irreparable.
We were breathing hard, suspended on the edge of the irreparable.Literature Literature
Nuestros besos se hicieron cada vez más profundos y salvajes hasta que los dos jadeábamos en la boca del otro.
Our kisses went deep and wild until we were both panting into each other's mouths.Literature Literature
Ambas jadeábamos cuando llegamos al tercer piso.
We were both panting by the time we got to the third floor.Literature Literature
Al poco tiempo, teníamos la boca abierta y jadeábamos como perros.
Why, in a little while we wanted to hold our mouths open and pant like a dog.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos a la vez, las crudas emociones exponiendo mi alma tanto como mi cuerpo.
We were breathing as one, wrapped up in raw emotion that exposed my soul as well as my body.Literature Literature
En eso no mentía: ambos jadeábamos cuando conseguimos meterla en el asiento trasero.
He wasn’t lying about that: we both were panting by the time we got it secured on the back seat.Literature Literature
Jadeábamos y tosíamos y corríamos y corríamos.
We gasped and coughed and ran and ran.Literature Literature
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