la comida era oor Engels

la comida era

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

the food was

La comida era horrible, y el camarero, malhumorado.
The food was horrible, and the waiter, surly.

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Soortgelyke frases

es una sociedad consumista como la nuestra
it is a consumer society like ours
yo soy como el chile verde
i am like a pepper green
la comida es buena y abundante
the food is good and plentiful
¿cómo es la comida en el hotel?
what's the food like at the hotel?
fines que no sean el consumo humano como alimento
purposes other than human consumption as food
mi comida favorita es el bife
my favorite food is steak
mi comida favorita son las pastas
my favorite food is pasta
como es el lugar
as it's the place
la comida es necesaria
the food is necessary


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Comprobó que la percepción mental de la comida era más importante que el alimento en sí mismo.
He found that the mental state connected with food was most important, not the food itself.Literature Literature
Aquellas veladas no resultaban muy divertidas, pero la comida era excelente.
The dinner parties were not amusing.Literature Literature
La comida era simple, abundante y merecedora de que se le hicieran todos los honores.
The meal was simple, abundant, deserving of an accolade.Literature Literature
El trabajo era fácil y la compañía alegre, pero la comida era terrible.
The work was easy and the company was cheerful but the food was terrible.Literature Literature
¿Sobreviviría alguien si la comida era tan escasa que los niños ya empezaban a pasar hambre?
Would anyone survive if food was already so scarce that kids were going hungry?Literature Literature
La comida era servida en platos de oro y plata.
The meals were served in dishes of gold and silver.Literature Literature
La comida era magnífica, el servicio impecable y el sitio una maravilla.
The food was amazing, the service was impeccable, and the location was glorious.Literature Literature
No era un lugar bonito, pero las habitaciones estaban limpias y la comida era buena.
It wasn’t a very nice place, but the rooms were clean and the meals were good.Literature Literature
Cuando yo era niño, la comida era comida.
You know, when I was a kid food was food.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La comida era buena y la atmósfera, una vez que uno se acostumbraba a ella, acogedora.
The food was good and the atmosphere, once they became accustomed to it, was welcoming.Literature Literature
Dónde yo creci, la comida era escasa.
I grew up with food shortages.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La comida era picante, pero también deliciosa.
Again, the food was spicy, but enjoyably so.Literature Literature
La comida era sólo una parte del problema, al fin y al cabo—.
The food was part of the problem after all.Literature Literature
La comida era mucho mejor que a bordo de la Tuamotu.
The food was even better than it had been aboard Tuamotu.Literature Literature
La comida era siempre un tema de interés para él.
Food was always a matter of interest to him.Literature Literature
He comido de tu plato y la comida era exactamente igual que la mía.
“I ate from your plate, and your food was exactly like mine.Literature Literature
El camarero de la chaqueta blanca servía con discreción y eficiencia, y la comida era excelente.
The white-jacketed waiter served with self-effacing skill, and the food was excellent.Literature Literature
La comida era muy picante, muy condimentada y muy buena.
The food was very hot, very spicy, and very good.Literature Literature
La comida era un plato de espaguetis vegetarianos porque la novia de Bill no come carne.
The lunch was a spaghetti dish of some sort because Bill’s girlfriend doesn’t eat meat.Literature Literature
El local estaba limpio y bien iluminado, y la comida era deliciosa.
It was clean, well lit, and the food was delicious.Literature Literature
La comida era buena y la compañía, mejor.
The food was good, the company better.Literature Literature
La comida era excelente y la atmósfera amistosa.
The food was excellent and the atmosphere friendly.Literature Literature
La comida era buena (aunque, por supuesto, nos quejábamos de ella) y se nos cuidaba bien.
The food was good (though of course we grumbled at it) and we were well cared for.Literature Literature
La comida era excelente, la mejor que Harry había saboreado desde su llegada al país.
The food was superb, the best Harry had eaten since his arrival.Literature Literature
Ciertamente, la comida era kosher, pero ¿lo era también el vino?
The food was kosher, but what about the wine?Literature Literature
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