la gasolinera oor Engels

la gasolinera

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


verb noun
Me vio en la gasolinera cuando fui por nafta.
He saw me at the garage getting petrol.

gas station

Girando a la izquierda encontrarán la gasolinera.
Turning to the left, you will find the gas station.

petrol station

En aquel tiempo, Till solía ir a la gasolinera a robar comida.
Back then, Till used to go to the petrol station and steal food.

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—Habéis hablado con ese tipo, Gabby Richard son, el de la gasolinera —les acusó—.
“You’ve been talking to that Richardson fellow who runs the gas station,” he accused them.Literature Literature
La gasolinera estaba ahora más cerca, y se preguntó qué demonios estaban buscando.
The gas station was closer now, and she wondered again what she was supposed to be looking for.Literature Literature
Puedes comenzar en el almacén, en la gasolinera.
You can start in the grocery store, at the gas station.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—¿Conoces la gasolinera de la esquina de Culross con Oakley?
You know the service station on the corner of Culross and Oakley?Literature Literature
—Era uno de los matones de la tienda de la gasolinera.
It was one of the thugs from the gas station’s store.Literature Literature
—No, todavía tengo el Mazda aparcado allá, en la gasolinera.
“No, my Mazda’s still parked over there at the convenience store.Literature Literature
Tengo unos arreglos esculpidos a mano por Verónica de Reikiavik, ¿y tu secretaria compro eso en la gasolinera?
I've got hand sculpted arrangements by Veronica of Reykjavik and your secretary stopped off at a garage.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Puestos a elegir, mejor que el hostal, prefieres la gasolinera.
Given a choice, you prefer the gas station to the hostel.Literature Literature
Identificaron al técnico de laboratorio y al auténtico propietario de la gasolinera gracias a las fichas dentales.
They identified the lab tech and the real owner of the gas station through dental records.Literature Literature
Unos ladrones atacaron la gasolinera de Arago esta mañana por 1,500 galones.
Thieves hit the Arago Fuel station early this morning for 1,500 gallons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Acababa de abandonar la gasolinera y de repente me ofrecían aquel chollo.
I had just resigned from the gas station and here I was being offered this gig.Literature Literature
—Porque ya estaba cerca, en la gasolinera.
"""Because he's already nearby, at the petrol station."Literature Literature
Los amigos que cuidaban de tu camioneta debían esperarnos en la gasolinera que acabamos de pasar.
“My friends who were keeping your car were supposed to meet us back at that gas station we passed.Literature Literature
En realidad, había pasado por la gasolinera, pero solo porque en un pueblo de ese tamaño era inevitable.
He had driven past the station, but only because, in a town this size, it was unavoidable.Literature Literature
Arranqué el Volvo y eché un vistazo a la gasolinera antes de alejarme conduciendo.
I started the Volvo and glanced back once at the gas station before I drove away.Literature Literature
Desapareciste por la doble puerta acristalada que había frente a la gasolinera y ya no podía verte.
You disappeared through the glass double doors at the front of the service station and soon you were no longer visible.Literature Literature
Se ha ido la luz en la gasolinera.
Power's out at the gas station.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La llamé cuando entré en la gasolinera y me dijo que no pasaba nada.
“I called her when I was at the gas station, and she said it was okay.Literature Literature
Trabajan aquí, en el supermercado, en la gasolinera o en algo peor.
They work here or at the supermarket or pumping gas or worse.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¡ Te digo que esta noche iremos a la gasolinera! ¡ Que la cosa está buena!
I'm telling you that tonight we're going over to the filling station...'cos they're busy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Así es que volví a la gasolinera.
So back to the gas station I went.jw2019 jw2019
Es de Roger, el de la gasolinera
It' s Roger' s, from the gas stationopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
—A aquella historia en la gasolinera.
“That business at the gas station.Literature Literature
tendría que ser como esos tipos que pasan el tiempo en el AM-PM o la gasolinera.
I should be like those guys who hang at the AM-PM or the Gas'n'Sip.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quiere que vuelva a trabajar en la gasolinera cuando estés mejor.
Wants him to come work at the Gas-N-Go when you’re all better.”Literature Literature
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