la mecedora oor Engels

la mecedora

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


Tendrías que mover la estufa para poner la mecedora.
You'd have to remove the oven to put the glider in.


Además de los beneficios emocionales, sin embargo, hay muchos beneficios prácticos en la mecedora.
Besides the emotional benefits, however, there are many practical benefits to the rocker.

rocking chair

El hombre indicó que estaba dispuesto a dormir en la mecedora del porche.
He indicated he’d be happy to sleep in the rocking chair on the porch.

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el caballito mecedor
rocking horse


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La mecedora nos movía adelante y atrás, y puse un pie abajo sobre el suelo para detenerla.
The swing moved us back and forth, and I put a foot down hard onto the deck to stop it.Literature Literature
La piel de la criatura de la mecedora era áspera..., de hecho, más que áspera.
The skin of the creature in the rocker was rough ... more than rough, in fact.Literature Literature
La mecedora de Marta cruje y, a lo lejos, un perro ladra alarmado.
Marta’s rocker squeaks, and far off, a dog shouts out an alarm.Literature Literature
Siguió en la mecedora hasta que oscureció y llegó la hora de cenar.
He remained in the chair until it was dark and time to eat.Literature Literature
El mandril que se había subido a la mecedora y el resto del grupo huyeron hacia la selva.
The mandrill on the rocking chair and the rest of the group fled into the jungle.Literature Literature
Estaba en la mecedora, vestida pero dormida.
She was in her rocking chair, dressed but asleep.Literature Literature
Entristecido por tantas rememoraciones, Candy se levantó de la mecedora y paseó nerviosamente por la habitación.
Saddened by too many memories, Candy rose from the rocking chair and nervously paced the room.Literature Literature
Era preferible seguir sentado en la mecedora, sin pensar, sin pensar, sin pensar.
Much better to rock in this chair, and not think, not think, not think.Literature Literature
En el salón vio la parte superior del cuerpo de su madre inclinado sobre la mecedora del padre.
In the living room she could see her mother was hunched in her father’s rocking chair.Literature Literature
Lewis Skiba estaba sentado en la mecedora del torcido porche de su casa de madera, contemplando el lago.
Lewis Skiba sat in the rocking chair on the crooked porch of the battenboard cottage, looking out over the lake.Literature Literature
Pero ni siquiera el dinero acumulado en la caja negra que guardaba bajo la mecedora era lo mejor.
But not even the money tucked away in the black box buried in the dirt below his easy chair was the best part.Literature Literature
Con aire de segura autoridad, la hermana Rita se sentó en la mecedora de madera.
With an air of comfortable authority, Sister Rita seated herself in the wooden rocker.Literature Literature
No pude reconocerlo hasta que te vi con Darcy en la mecedorala dominó la ternura—.
I couldn’t admit it to myself until I saw you in the rocking chair with Darcy.”Literature Literature
Grace se balanceaba en la mecedora, con el té en alto: si se derramaba no le caería encima.
Grace was swaying on the rocking chair and holding her tea high: if it spilled, it would miss her.Literature Literature
La mecedora del salón había pertenecido a su tía abuela.
The rocking chair in the living room had belonged to her great-aunt.Literature Literature
¿Qué? La Mecedora.
I saw it down in the basement earlier.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se sacó las manos de los bolsillos y fue a sentarse en la mecedora enfrente de ella.
He took his hands out of his pocket and crossed to sit in the platform rocker opposite her.Literature Literature
El hombre sentado en la mecedora de su porche era un amigo.
The man sitting in the rocking chair on her porch was a friend of hers.Literature Literature
(Fue justo en ese momento cuando la mecedora estalló en llamas
(It was at just that moment that the smoldering platform rocker burst into flame.)Literature Literature
En el cobertizo, echó un vistazo a las piezas de la mecedora que quería fabricarle a Isabel.
In the shed, he looked at the pieces of the rocking chair he was planning to make for Isabel.Literature Literature
Dio unos pasos hacia atrás y volvió a ocupar su sitio en la mecedora.
Took a few steps back and resumed his place in the rocker.Literature Literature
¡ Me rompiste la mecedora!
Hey, you broke my rockin'chair.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Oí que la mecedora de tía Mae crujía un poco más, y ambas quedaron en silencio.
I heard Aunt Mae’s rocker just creak for a while, and they were both quiet.Literature Literature
En este momento estoy sentado en la mecedora verde.
I’m sitting in the green rocking-chair now.Literature Literature
Instintivamente, se colocó tras la mecedora y miró a Cag sin parpadear.
Instintivamente, was placed after the rocking chair and it watched at Cag without parpadear.Literature Literature
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