largarlos oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Compound of the infinitive largar and the pronoun los.

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Lleva la boca tensa, apretada; tiene un aire un tanto peligroso, como si fuese capaz de largarle un mordisco.
Her mouth is set in a tight, thin line; she looks somehow dangerous, as if she might snap in two.Literature Literature
El Sueco piensa que durante toda su vida ha esperado para largarle esas cosas terribles.
All his life, thinks the Swede, waiting to lay into me with these terrible things.Literature Literature
Indudablemente Johnny Keems había cometido algún error y el propio Wolfe debió largarle un rapapolvo.
Unquestionably Johnny Keems had made a go for it, and Wolfe himself must have shooed him off.Literature Literature
Antes de largarlo todo, empina el codo
Always have a drink before you leakopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
- repite con impaciencia el Unteroffizier, cuyo mayor deseo parece ser largarle una patada a Albert en el trasero
repeats the Unteroffizier impatiently, looking as if what he’d most like to do was give Albert a kick in the backside.Literature Literature
Era de bastante mala educación correrse dentro de una mujer y largarla luego así, con semen resbalándole por el trasero.
It was pretty rude to come inside a woman and ship her off like that with come running down her ass.Literature Literature
–Pero quizá podamos largarles algunos tiros a los piojosos árabes esos.
"""We could take a few pot shots at those lousy Arabs."""Literature Literature
Ahora tendría que largarle la obra completa.
Now he would have to give him the whole chapter.Literature Literature
Puede que no hables, pero ella va a largarlo todo como un loro.
Maybe you won’t talk, but she’ll cackle like a parrot.Literature Literature
Venía casi todas las tardes a ver a nuestra madre, antes de encarnar las nasas y salir al mar a largarlas.
He dropped in to see our mother almost every afternoon, before baiting the traps and setting them out at sea.Literature Literature
Conseguí una receta de codeína de un viejo médico, después de largarle un rollo sobre migrañas y dolores de cabeza.
I got a codeine script from an old doctor by putting down a story about migraine headaches.Literature Literature
¿O ahora nos da por largarle soliloquios a la nave?
"""Or have we taken to soliloquizing the spacecraft?"""Literature Literature
Aprovechándome de la situación, sitúe a mi detector de mentiras sobre él y comencé a largarle preguntas.
Taking advantage of the situation, I latched my motorized lie detector onto him and began snapping the questions.Literature Literature
Cuando me puse a largarle el rollo, tratando de ganar tiempo, le dije que se iba a pudrir en la cárcel.
When I was running off at the mouth, trying to stall him, I told him he’d die in prison.Literature Literature
No pretendía largarles un sermón, pero si entras en mi aula, tendrás que escuchar lo que yo te diga.
I didn’t mean to be so preachy, but if you’re gonna come into my classroom, you’re gonna hear what I have to say.Literature Literature
Además, no se me ocurriría largarle una patraña infundada sobre un plan entre el príncipe y mi hermano.
“Besides, I am not about to tell her some unfounded nonsense about a plot between His Highness and my brother.”Literature Literature
¿Y si Molly decide largarles el rollo a estos pájaros?
‘I’ve been sitting here thinking, what if Molly decides to spill her guts to these birds?Literature Literature
Podría largarles sin el menor rebozo mis impresiones sobre William Harrington, pero poco importan mis opiniones.
I could give you my honest opinion of William Harrington, but what I think is of no consequence.Literature Literature
Lo más seguro es que ya hayan vendido su cama, así que no podremos LARGARLA de vuelta a la residencia.
They've probably already sold her bed, so we won't be able to TURF her back there.Literature Literature
Me di la vuelta para largarle cuatro frescas cuando a quién iba a ver escabullándose por Stony Batter sino a Joe Hynes.
I turned around to let him have the weight of my tongue when who should I see dodging along Stony Batter only Joe HynesLiterature Literature
Sabía solamente que Guido tenía la vaga intención de largarla a alguien, por ejemplo a mí.
I knew only that Guido had half a mind to get rid of herpalm her off on me, for instance.Literature Literature
Haría mejor en apostarse junto a la ventana de Jasmine y largarle ese sermón a Patsy.
Seems like you should wait outside of Jasmine’s window and give that lecture to Patsy.Literature Literature
Una vez que pruebas esa magia, no quieres largarla.
Once you've gotten a taste of that magic, you don't wanna let it go.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kate no tenía ningún interés por escuchar la historia inventada que iba a largarle sobre cómo consiguió la pistola.
Kate didn’t want to hear what bullshit story he was peddling to disavow this weapon.Literature Literature
Quiero decir, si nos ha visto, si se dedica a largarlo por toda la fabrica, si Irene se entera, ¿qué vas a hacer?
“I mean, if he saw us, if he spread it all over the factory, if Irene found out about it—what would you do?”Literature Literature
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