molesten oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural present subjunctive form of molestar.
( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural (ustedes) imperative form of molestar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) present subjunctive form of molestar.

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Soortgelyke frases

me molesta tener que ayudarle
I resent having to help him
estás molesto conmigo
are you mad at me · are you upset with me · you're annoyed with me · you're upset with me
te molestaría
se molestó por algo
personas molestas
no quiero molestar
molestar a alguien por algo
partículas molestas
está muy molesto por lo que hiciste
he's very upset about what you did


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A vista de ellos vale la pena pagar el precio que pagan para que estas cosas no les molesten.
To them the price they pay for not being annoyed in these matters is worth it.jw2019 jw2019
Que no nos molesten.
Don't disturb us.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Cómo podía haberme olvidado de colgar el letrero de «No molesten» después de lo ocurrido?
How, after everything, could I have neglected to put out the Do Not Disturb sign?Literature Literature
No quiero que me molesten, ¡ váyase al diablo!
I don't want to be bothered, go to hell!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se tomarán las disposiciones adecuadas para que los deslumbramientos y reflejos causados por la iluminación artificial interior no molesten al conductor.
Provisions shall be made to protect the driver from the effects of glare and reflections caused by artificial interior lighting.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Y por supuesto, tenemos que mantener a esos granujas de Strath Clota a raya, para que no molesten.
And, of course, we’ll have to keep those rascals in Strath Clota from being a nuisance.’Literature Literature
Pero señora, no quiere que lo molesten.
But, madam, he doesn't wish to be disturbed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Sí, bueno tú y yo sabemos que Walder no deja que pequeñas cosas como esas lo molesten.
“Yeah, well, you and I both know Walder doesn’t let little things like that bother him.Literature Literature
Puede que veamos algunos, pero dudo de que nos molesten o nos causen problemas.
We might see some sharks, but I doubt they’ll bother us or give us any trouble.Literature Literature
No es necesario que se molesten.
It's not necessary, madam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Encárgate de que no me molesten durante una hora.
“See I am not disturbed for one hour.”Literature Literature
Es asombroso que se molesten en casarse.
It's a wonder they even bother to get married.”Literature Literature
—¿Esperas que los niños molesten al clan hasta la muerte?
“You hope that the children will almost pester the Clan to death?”Literature Literature
Iremos arriba, así será menos probable que nos molesten.
“We will go above-stairs; we’re less likely to be disturbed.”Literature Literature
Podemos pasear por el barrio de Ripley sin que nos molesten los guardias.
You can roll around in Ripley's neighborhood up there in Bloomfield Hills, not get sweated by the private security.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""En realidad, no creo que se molesten,"" dijo Mara, ondeando una mano a su tablero de control."
"""Actually, I don't think they'll bother,"" Mara said, waving at her control board."Literature Literature
No molesten, está estudiando su papel.
Don't bug him you guys, he's studying his role.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por favor, no se molesten por mí, yo
Please do not trouble yourself on my behalfopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A cambio, les pido que no molesten a la gente del valle
In return, I ask them not to pester the people in the valley.”Literature Literature
—No obstante, dudo que se molesten en mirarles el dedo gordo del pie.
'I doubt they bother with big toes, though.'Literature Literature
Cuando la máquina disponga de varios puestos de mando, cada uno de ellos deberá estar equipado con todos los órganos de accionamiento necesarios sin que los operadores se molesten ni se pongan en peligro mutuamente.
When machinery has two or more operating positions, each position must be provided with all the required control devices without the operators hindering or putting each other into a hazardous situation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Es mi deseo que no me molesten.
I do not wish to be disturbed.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Que regresen a bordo a medianoche, de modo que no molesten a los invitados.
Have ’em back on board at midnight so they don’t disturb the guests.Literature Literature
—Y el terraplén frente a la casa, para que no nos molesten los curiosos.
‘And the earth bank before the house, so that we are not disturbed by the general public.Literature Literature
Así podremos olerla bien sin que nos molesten.
Then we could all have a good sniff away from prying eyes!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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