muchos murieron oor Engels

muchos murieron

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many people died

Dice que muchos murieron aquí.
He says many people died here.

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muchos se murieron a causa del terremoto
many died because of the earthquake
mucha gente muere
many people die
mucha gente murió
many people died
muchas personas murieron
many people died
muchas personas mueren
many people die
muchos muertos
many deaths


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Muchos murieron bajo los filos de los cuchillos moros.
Many died under the long knives of the Moors.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron a causa de heridas, desnutrición, enfermedades y agotamiento.
... Many died of injuries, malnutrition, disease, and exhaustion.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron debido a las penalidades.
Many died due to the hardships.jw2019 jw2019
Muchos murieron de hambre o por las nubes gaseosas que contaminaban la atmósfera.
Many died of starvation or from the gaseous clouds smothering the atmosphere.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron por el intenso calor, no quemadas, o sofocadas o envenenadas por monoxido de carbono.
Most people were killed by the fierce heat, not burnt or suffocated or poisoned by carbon monoxide.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Entre los pocos que sí contaron con ese privilegio, muchos murieron a consecuencia de haber comido demasiado deprisa.
Among the minority who did, death often followed when they ate too fast.Literature Literature
Al año siguiente hubo escaramuzas entre vascos y criollos en las que muchos murieron.
The next year saw skirmishes between Basques and Criollos in which many died.Literature Literature
Por consiguiente, Jehová los castigó enviando serpientes venenosas, y muchos murieron a consecuencia de sus mordeduras.
Jehovah therefore punished them by sending poisonous serpents among them, and many persons died from serpent bites.jw2019 jw2019
Muchos murieron por exceso de trabajo, accidentes y explosiones.
Many were killed by overwork, accidents, and explosions.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron en el camino, Agne.
Lots of people died along the way, Agne.Literature Literature
Como cabría esperar, muchos murieron al instante.
As you might expect, many people died instantly.Literature Literature
Aunque muchos murieron debido a la radiación.
And when they did, the radiation started killing them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Muchos murieron en la cueva.
Many people have been felled in that cave.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Muchos murieron; tal vez cinco millones y no todos a consecuencia del bombardeo.
Many died; perhaps five millions, and not all of these as an outcome of the bombing.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron de hambre y a causa de la brutalidad del trato.
Many of them died from hunger and brutality.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron; otros perdieron su ganado bovino, sus ovejas, sus caballos, sus ropas, su plata y sus joyas.
Many were killed; others lost their cattle, sheep, horses, clothes, silver and jewels.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron en las cámaras de gas.
Many of them died in gas ovens.Literature Literature
En efecto, muchos murieron, pero su actuación demoró el avance enemigo y contribuyó a salvar la cima.
Many of them died, but their charge delayed the enemy advance and thus helped to save the vital hilltop.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron de malnutrición y agotamiento.
Many died from malnutrition and exhaustion.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron, pero los supervivientes, las mujeres y los niños buscaron refugio en las minas.
Many were killed, but the survivors and women and children took shelter in the mines.”Literature Literature
Muchos murieron, pero aun así siguen siendo tantos que no cabe ni un alfiler.
"""Quite a few have died, but there are still so many that there is no place to put one's foot down."Literature Literature
Muchos murieron de shock anafiláctico, a pesar de fuertes dosis de antihistamínico y cortisona.
Many died in anaphylactic shock despite the administration of massive doses of antihistamines and cortisone.”Literature Literature
Muchos murieron y muchos más se volvieron inútiles y tuvieron que ser exterminados.
Many died and many more became useless and had to be terminated.Literature Literature
Muchos murieron debido a las enfermedades traídas por los europeos, entre ellas enfermedades venéreas.
Many people were killed by diseases, including venereal disease, introduced by the Europeans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
–No quiero parecer irrespetuoso, Abuelos, pero muchos murieron de hambre siguiendo los «sueños» de Llamador de Cuervos.
“I don’t mean disrespect, Grandfathers, but many starved following Crow Caller’s ... ‘dreams.’Literature Literature
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