mudaban oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect indicative form of mudar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of mudar.

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Soortgelyke frases

se mudó a
nos mudamos para
nos mudamos a
me mudé a
I moved to
se mudó a los Estados Unidos


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Su hija había vuelto con Duncan, se mudaban a Francia y ella confiaba en que su padre fuera pronto a visitarlos.
Jean was with Duncan again, they were going to live in France, she hoped he would come over soon.Literature Literature
Se mudaban de un sitio a otro y llevaban consigo a sus funcionarios.
They had moved around, taking their officials with them.Literature Literature
Los santos que se mudaban a Misuri debían llevar un certificado al obispo Partridge, el obispo en Sión, donde se hacía constar que eran dignos de una herencia en Sión.
Saints moving to Missouri were to carry a certificate to Bishop Partridge, the bishop in Zion, verifying that they were worthy of an inheritance in Zion.LDS LDS
Pero lo siguiente que supe fue que Tessa y su hija se mudaban con él, así que supongo que funcionó.
But next thing I knew, Tessa and her daughter were moving in with him, so I guess it worked.”Literature Literature
Llevaban vidas nómadas y en consecuencia no se las consideraba una prioridad si se mudaban.
They lived transient lives and, accordingly, they were not regarded as top priority when they moved on.Literature Literature
Regresé al lado de la reina porque ella y Andre se mudaban al salón de convención desde el vestíbulo.
I returned to the queen’s side because she and Andre were moving into the convention hall from the lobby.Literature Literature
Además, los miembros de la Iglesia que se mudaban de un lugar a otro debían llevar consigo un certificado de su condición de miembro para entregar a sus nuevos líderes del sacerdocio.
In addition, Church members who moved from one location to another were to take a certificate of their membership with them to give to their new priesthood leaders.LDS LDS
Un domingo por la tarde, Néstor nos informó que se mudaban para Miami.
One Sunday afternoon, Nestor informed us that they were moving to Miami.Literature Literature
Algunas se mudaban a otros barrios, o hasta abandonaban la ciudad.
Some of them moved to other neighborhoods, or left the city entirely.Literature Literature
Pero la mayoría de los otros chicos de su edad que se mudaban fuera de sus casas para vivir solos estaban muertos.
But the other boys his age who moved out of their households to live alone were mostly dead.Literature Literature
Los vecinos, preocupados, le pidieron explicaciones y Abduh les anunció que se mudaban a otra vivienda en Imbaba.
The residents inquired anxiously and Abduh informed them that they were moving to another room, in Imbaba.Literature Literature
Una noche, soñó que el señor Guizac y su familia se mudaban a su casa y que ella se iba a vivir con el señor Shortley.
Guizac and his family were moving into her house and that she was moving in with Mr.Literature Literature
Todos los creyentes vivían a pocos kilómetros unos de otros y rara vez se mudaban fuera del área.
All the believers lived within a few miles of one another and rarely moved out of the area.Literature Literature
Siempre se sentía culpable cuando se mudaban.
She always felt guilty when they moved.Literature Literature
Los ojos azul claro ni seguían a su pareja ni mudaban su expresión fría, incluso lúgubre, cuando la tenían delante.
His light blue eyes did not follow his partner, nor did they, when he faced her, change their cold even grim expression.Literature Literature
De ordinario una vez al mes le mudaban la ropa y lo acompañaban al palacio del gobernador.
Every month he came with a change of clothes and then brought him to the magistrates office.Literature Literature
Sí, Brady tenía razón, se mudaban.
Yes, Brady was right, they were moving.Literature Literature
Tu padre era militar y se mudaban mucho.
You're an army brat who moved around a lot.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lo que él no le había dicho a Rose era que se mudaban a una casa de negros.
What he didn’t tell her was that they were moving into a coloureds’ house.Literature Literature
Era una de esas casas a las que las familias jóvenes se mudaban cuando estaban esperando su segundo hijo.
It was the kind of home young families moved to when they were expecting their second child.Literature Literature
Por ejemplo, hubo fieles siervos de Dios que, mientras se mudaban de campamento en campamento en la tierra de Canaán, “declararon públicamente que eran extraños y residentes temporales” (Heb.
For example, while moving from encampment to encampment in the land of Canaan, faithful worshippers of God “publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents.” —Heb.jw2019 jw2019
Su padre trabajaba en la industria de la construcción y se mudaban con frecuencia, viviendo en cuartos de motel.
His father worked in construction, and they moved frequently, living in motel rooms.Literature Literature
Casas apartadas y reconstruidas conforme las familias se mudaban, cambiaban y crecían.
Houses pulled apart and reconstituted as families moved and changed and grew.Literature Literature
Era la primera y, algunas veces, la única cosa que se llevaba cuando se mudaban.
It was the first and sometimes the only thing that he took with him whenever he moved house.Literature Literature
¡Qué rápidamente se mudaban en hombres diferentes, y no mejores!
But how quickly they became different, if not better, men!Literature Literature
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