nos han invitado a cenar oor Engels

nos han invitado a cenar

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

they've invited us for to dinner


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¿Por qué no nos han invitado a cenar últimamente?
Why haven’t we been invited to dinner lately?”Literature Literature
Ya nos han invitado a cenar los caballeros de antivicio.
We're already invited to dinner by the Vice Squad gentlemen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nos han invitado a cenar.
They've invited us to dinner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nos han invitado a cenar dos veces.
We've been to dinner with them twice.Literature Literature
Los HarIeth nos han invitado a cenar.
The Harletts have invited us for dinner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Los Maulik se han enterado de que estás aquí y nos han invitado a cenar esta noche.
“The Mauliks heard you were in town, and they’ve invited us all to dinner this evening.”Literature Literature
Nos han invitado a cenar con ellos —dijo Reyhan, acercándose a ella—.
“They have invited us to dine with them,” Reyhan said as he came up to stand next to her.Literature Literature
Los Goldsteins nos han invitado a cenar.
The Goldsteins invited us over for dinner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nos han invitado a cenar con ellos mañana, si no tienes ningún otro compromiso.
We're invited to dinner with them tomorrow, if you have no other engagement.'Literature Literature
Menájem y Justice nos han invitado a cenar.
‘Menachem and Justice have invited us for dinner.’Literature Literature
Nos han invitado a cenar esta noche en su club.
They’ve asked us to have dinner with them tonight at their club.Literature Literature
—Los Jenkinson nos han invitado a cenar con ellos, mañana, si te encuentras bien.
"""The Jenkinsons want us to dine there tomorrow if you are well enough.”"Literature Literature
Mis padres nos han invitado a cenar —dije.
My parents asked us to dinner.""Literature Literature
Nos han invitado a cenar para enseñarnos la reforma de la casa que Colin compró en Brooklyn Heights.
The point of the dinner is to show off the remodel of the house Colin bought in Brooklyn Heights.”Literature Literature
—Rose y Gerard nos han invitado a cenar cuando vuelvan de Venecia —dijo Lily.
‘Rose and Gerard have invited us to dinner, for after when they came back from Venice,’ said Lily.Literature Literature
—Josh y Molly nos han invitado a cenar el próximo jueves.
‘Josh and Molly have invited us for dinner next Thursday.Literature Literature
Jake y Bishop nos han invitado a cenar mañana por la noche.
Jake and Bishop invited us to dinner tomorrow night.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nos han invitado a cenar para darnos las gracias por cuidar de él.
They invited us to dinner tonight to thank us for watching him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Esta noche nos han invitado a cenar en casa de la señora Whitworthy, y tú tienes que venir.
Tonight we are invited out to supper and entertainments at Mrs Whitworthy’s and you must come.’Literature Literature
Clodia y su hermano nos han invitado a cenar.
Clodia and her brother have invited us to dinner.Literature Literature
Nos han invitado a cenar esta noche, así podrás conocerlos.
They’ve invited us to dinner this evening, so you can meet them.”Literature Literature
—Dolores y Nat nos han invitado a cenar.
“Dolores and Nat invited us for dinner.”Literature Literature
Para resumir, nos han invitado a cenar.
Put simply, we're invited to dinner.QED QED
Giorgio, cariño, nos han invitado a cenar con ellos.
Giorgio, love, they’ve invited us to dine with them.”Literature Literature
Nos han invitado a cenar.
They're having us over to dinner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
61 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.