ojos marrón oscuro oor Engels

ojos marrón oscuro

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dark brown eyes


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tengo ojos marrones oscuros
I have dark brown eyes


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Sin embargo, la mirada de sus ojos marrón oscuro era cualquier cosa menos malvada.
However, the look in his dark brown eyes was anything but satanic.Literature Literature
Lottie le dio una sardónica mirada, sus ojos marrón oscuro llenos de una ternura inexplicable.
Lottie gave him a wry stare, her dark brown eyes filled with an inexplicable tenderness.Literature Literature
Mirándome desde la pared de enfrente se encontraba una belleza deslumbrante, una rubia con ojos marrón oscuro.
That' s me . ' Looking at me from the opposite wall was a dazzling beauty - a blonde with dark-brown eyes.Literature Literature
Morena, de ojos marrones oscuros, siempre iba bien vestida y peinada.
A brunette with dark brown eyes, she was always well dressed and coiffed.Literature Literature
En cambio, miró hacia los ojos marrones oscuro de Donny mientras las lágrimas comenzaron a fluir.
Instead, she stared up into Donny’s dark brown eyes as tears started to flow.Literature Literature
Tenía los ojos marrón oscuro, casi negros, rodeados por abanicos simétricos de arrugas.
His eyes were a deep brown, almost black, and were surrounded by symmetrical fans of wrinkles.Literature Literature
Los ojos marrón oscuro de Don le penetraron, solo intentaron al menos.
Don's dark-brown eyes bored into him, or tried to.Literature Literature
Por el destello en sus ojos marrón oscuro, era claro que él era capaz de leer su mente.
From the glint in his dark brown eyes, it was clear that he was able to read her mind.Literature Literature
Los ojos marrones oscuros buscaban sus más íntimos sentimientos.
Dark brown eyes sought out her innermost feelings.Literature Literature
Tenía los ojos marrón oscuro bañados en amarillo y ribeteados de rojo.
His eyes were dark brown swimming in yellow and rimmed with red.Literature Literature
Sus ojos marrón oscuro, tan insólitos en esta familia, tenían una calidez que la sorprendió.
His deep brown eyes, so unusual for this family, held a warmth that surprised her.Literature Literature
Tenía los ojos marrón oscuro y el pelo negro.
Her dark brown eyes, her dark hair.Literature Literature
Era esbelto, parecía gozar de buena salud y tenía unos ojos marrón oscuro confusamente cálidos.
He was trim and appeared in good health, with a deceptively warm set of dark brown eyes.Literature Literature
Cara sonrió con dulzura, sus ojos marrón oscuro se habían llenado de auténtico calor.
Cara smiled gently, her dark brown eyes full of genuine warmth.Literature Literature
Había algo nuevo en su expresión; sus ojos marrones oscuros la miraron con cautela.
And there was something new in his expression—his dark coffee eyes were wary as they assessed her.Literature Literature
James la mira por el retrovisor, esos ojos marrones oscuros que la tienen apresada.
He watches her in the rearview mirror, these dark brown eyes that hold her captive.Literature Literature
Los ojos marrones oscuros de Daniel me miraron fijamente hasta que bajaron unos centímetros hasta mi boca.
Daniel’s dark brown eyes directly met mine until they dropped a few inches to flicker over my mouth.Literature Literature
Porque te chifla su coche, su sonrisa y religión torcidas y sus ojos marrón oscuro, oh, Cristo.
Because you’re wild for his car and his off-center smile and off-center religion and his deep brown eyes, oh Christ.Literature Literature
Pero sus ojos marrón oscuro ya no portaban ni una traza de ira.
But his dark brown eyes no longer held a trace of ire.Literature Literature
Sus ojos marrones oscuros, sin embargo, eran tal y como los recordaba Natalie.
His dark brown eyes, however, were exactly as Natalie remembered them.Literature Literature
A diferencia de Tyrell, Rex tenía los ojos marrones oscuros, como su famoso antepasado, Stephen de Warenne.
Unlike Tyrell, Rex had dark brown eyes, a throwback to a famous ancestor, Stephen de Warenne.Literature Literature
Clava sus ojos marrón oscuro en mí.
He fixes his dark brown eyes on me.Literature Literature
- El dolor, sencillo y sincero, brilló en los ojos marrones oscuros de Peabody.
Sorrow, simple and sincere, shone in Peabody’s dark brown eyes.Literature Literature
—Vor vio que las lágrimas brillaban en los bordes de sus ojos marrón oscuro, aunque trató de ocultarlas—.
He saw tears brimming at the edges of her dark brown eyes, though she tried to conceal them.Literature Literature
Aquellos ojos marrón oscuro le parecieron cansados y consumidos.
His black-brown eyes seemed to him tired and used up.Literature Literature
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