pesasen oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect subjunctive form of pesar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive form of pesar.

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Soortgelyke frases

tomando en cuenta el peso o el arqueo
vender a peso
lo pesado
comida pesada
heavy food
de poco peso
light · lightweight · lite
peso fórmula
peso de la prueba
burden of proof
peso inferior al normal
¿Cuánto pesa la carne?


Advanced filtering
No podía ser utilizada para aeronaves que en plena carga pesasen más de # TM
It could not be used for fully loaded aircraft weighing more than # toj4 oj4
Por ejemplo, supongamos que los electrones pesasen tanto como balones de fútbol.
For example, suppose that electrons weighed as much as soccer balls.Literature Literature
Tu padre solía decir que cuando mirabas a la gente, era como si sus almas pesasen.
Your father used to say that when you looked at people, it was like you were weighing their soul.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Y los cargaba como si pesasen lo mismo que el taburete que ella había pensado que traería.
And he was carrying them like they weighed about as much as the kitchen stool she’d thought he would be bringing.Literature Literature
Sasha se agacha y coge en brazos a sus hijos como si no pesasen nada.
Sasha leans down and scoops his children into his arms as if they weigh nothing.Literature Literature
Consciente de su decadencia física, Carlos V no quería que pesasen sobre su hijo las luchas con Bretaña e Inglaterra.
Aware of failing health, Charles V did not want to leave the quarrels with Brittany and England a burden upon his son.Literature Literature
Khouw Ah Soe rió feliz al escuchar mi relato, como si en aquel momento no le pesasen sus penas y problemas.
Khouw Ah Soe laughed happily on hearing my story, as if he wasn’t at that moment being harried by his own troubles.Literature Literature
Y ella no quería que pesasen en su conciencia las almas perdidas de esas mujeres.
And she didn’t want the women’s lost souls upon her conscience.Literature Literature
Ya no había hijos e hijas que le molestasen, ni que pesasen sobre él como una responsabilidad artificial.
There were no more sons and daughters to trouble him, and to weigh on him as an unnatural responsibility.Literature Literature
No podía ser utilizada para aeronaves que en plena carga pesasen más de 30 TM.
It could not be used for fully loaded aircraft weighing more than 30 t.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Era como si pesasen sobre mí montañas y, sin embargo, algo me arrastraba.
There were mountains weighing upon my days; and yet something drew me on !Literature Literature
4 El importe del crédito fiscal se fijaba como porcentaje del coste efectivo de los carburantes y lubricantes, excluido el IVA, pero no podía sobrepasar determinados límites, establecidos en función del peso de los vehículos, incluida la carga, según pesasen menos de 6.000 kg, entre 6.000 y 11.500 kg, entre 11.500 y 24.000 kg o más de 24.000 kg.
4 The amount of the tax credit was fixed as a percentage of the actual cost of fuel and lubricants, net of VAT, but could not exceed certain ceilings, fixed according to the weight of the vehicle and its load, that is to say, under 6 000 kg, between 6 000 and 11 500 kg, between 11 500 and 24 000 kg and over 24 000 kg.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
—Aún no lo somos —repuso el sagoth, como si sobre él todavía pesasen miles de años de civilización y cultura.
"""It is not done,"" said the Sagoth, precisely as though he had behind him thousands of years of civilization and culture."Literature Literature
Cuando se llevó el cigarrillo a la boca, parecía como si le pesasen las manos.
When he moved the cigarette to his mouth, it looked as if his hands were weighted down.Literature Literature
Luego mantuvo sus manos allí durante un momento y las fue separando poco a poco como si pesasen mucho.
Afterwards, she kept her hands there for a little while, and slowly took them away as if they were heavy.Literature Literature
Era como si los ojos me pesasen demasiado para mantenerlos abiertos, pero sintiesen demasiada curiosidad para cerrarse.
It was like my eyes were too heavy to keep open but way too curious to close.Literature Literature
Job 6:2 - ¡Oh, que pesasen justamente mi queja y mi tormento, Y se alzasen igualmente en balanza!
Job 6:2 - Oh that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and all my calamity laid in the balances!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Si éstos no se hubieran aligerado mucho en las últimas jornadas, nunca lo habrían conseguido, pero el sonriente y soñador Bombur era un pobre sustituto de las mochilas cargadas de comida, pesasen lo que pesasen.
If these had not become all too light in the last few days, they would never have managed it; but a slumbering and smiling Bombur was a poor exchange for packs filled with food however heavy.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Conceptualización de un bosquejo de diseño desarrollado a petición del general Francesco Rossi, quien creía que solo los vehículos que pesasen hasta 35 toneladas serían efectivos en una nueva guerra.
Conceptualization of a draft design developed at the request of General Francesco Rossi who believed that only light vehicles weighing up to 35 tons would be effective in a new war.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Siento las piernas como si me pesasen 50 kilos cada una.
Legs feel like if weighed 50 kilos each.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
¡Oh, que pesasen justamente mi queja y mi tormento, Y se alzasen igualmente en balanza!
Oh that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Las oraciones que dijo fueron simples y breves, pero su ritmo, combinado con su suave voz, hizo que sus párpados pesasen casi demasiado.
The prayers she said were simple and brief, but the rhythm of them, combined with her soft voice, made his eyelids almost unbearably heavy.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Calder suspende estos elementos como si no pesasen y los enmarca dentro de un gran aro.
Calder hangs these elements as if they were weightless and frames them within a large ring.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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