pillarán oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect subjunctive form of pillar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect subjunctive form of pillar.

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te pillé
hide and seek
jugar al corre que te pillo
play tag · to play tag
pillar box
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La gente tiende a trabajar en lo suyo allí, así que no existía mucho riesgo de que, ejem, nos pillaran.
People tend to work on their own there, so there really wasn�t that much risk of, ah, being caught.Literature Literature
Si nos pillaran por algún motivo, podremos decir que hemos ido a ver a Harry.
If for some reason we are caught going there we only need to say we went in to watch Harry.Literature Literature
Si nos vieran con los zorros —si nos pillaran—, sería considerado un «insulto a Ceres».
If we were seen with the foxes—if we were caught—it would count as “an insult to Ceres.”Literature Literature
Algunas gritaban sobre lo que le harían en ciertas partes del cuerpo cuando lo pillaran.
Several were screaming about what they'd do to certain parts of his body when they caught him.Literature Literature
Así que nada de comer o beber en la calle; y que le darían una zurra al que pillaran fumando.
So no eating or drinking in the street; while anyone caught smoking would be beaten.Literature Literature
Supongo que tu chico Lloyd participó en ese trabajo o desapareció antes de que lo pillaran.
I guess your guy Lloyd missed that job or disappeared before they got picked up.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Si los federales querían pasar por cuatro vuelos, tres escalas y un viaje en minivan, que fuesen y lo pillaran.
If the feds wanted to submit to four flights, three layovers, and a minivan ride, they could come and get him.Literature Literature
Luego salimos rápidamente del templo, confiando en que no nos pillaran.
We then left the temple quickly, hoping not to be caught.Literature Literature
Además, a luz del día corría el riesgo de que me pillaran.
And in daylight there was always the risk of being caught.Literature Literature
No, ni me pillarán desprevenido.
No, nor will they find me till i am ready.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Me preguntaba si en esta trena sería delito capital que te pillaran flirteando con la alemanita de cinco dedos.
I wondered if it were a capital crime in this joint to get caught having an affair with “lady five fingers.”Literature Literature
Puede que su madre les haya mandado fotos a los Montiel, pero no podía arriesgarme a que me pillaran buscándolas anoche.
His mom may have sent the Montiels photos, but I couldn’t risk getting caught to search for them last night.Literature Literature
¿Me pillarán por no hablar inglés?
Will I get caught for not speaking English?”Literature Literature
Aunque lo pillaran, ¿qué harían con él?
Even if he had been caught, what were they going to do, whack him?Literature Literature
Te pillarán.
You are gonna get caught.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Casi me daba igual que me pillaran; por una vez, tenía algo que no podían quitarme.
I hardly cared if I was Caught; for once, I had something they couldn’t take away from me.Literature Literature
Si nos pillaran, seríamos los primeros católicos.
If we were caught, we would be the first Catholics.Literature Literature
No me puedo quedar mucho tiempo... Preferiría que no me pillaran haciendo esto.
But I cannot stay long—I would much prefer not to be caught at this.”Literature Literature
Comentaron que querías que te pillaran, después de encontrar tu sangre en los muertos.
They said you wanted to be caught after they found your blood on the corpses.Literature Literature
Solo era cuestión de tiempo. hasta que cruzara la línea y lo pillaran.
It was only a matter of time until he crossed the line and got caught.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La próxima vez tal vez estaría bien que no te pillaran mirándole el trasero.
Maybe next time don’t get caught staring at her butt.”Literature Literature
Sus planes, aunque detallados, no habían incluido la posibilidad de que los pillaran.
Their detailed plans hadn’t included getting caught.Literature Literature
No nos pillarán.
Nah, I'm sure we're gonna make it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pero ahora sé que lo que querías es que no te pillaran.
But now I know you just didn't want to get caught.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He de reconocer que no me pillarán de vacaciones con él.
Admittedly, you wouldn't catch me going on holiday with him.Literature Literature
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