pintor de brocha gorda oor Engels

pintor de brocha gorda

Persona que se dedica a pintar edificios.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


Hace que me quiera volver pintor de brocha gorda.
It always makes me want to be a house painter.


Sin mí solo serías un pintor de brocha gorda.
Without me you'd just be a dauber.

house painter

Persona que se dedica a pintar edificios.
A person who is responsible for painting buildings.
Hace que me quiera volver pintor de brocha gorda.
It always makes me want to be a house painter.

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pintor de brocha gordo
pintora de brocha gorda
dauber · painter


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Mientras tanto, cuando cumplí 16 años, empecé a trabajar de aprendiz de pintor de brocha gorda.
In the meantime, at age 16, I started to apprentice as a house painter.jw2019 jw2019
Una persona que se gana la vida como pintor de brocha gorda afronta una realidad muy distinta.
A person making a living as a house painter faces a very different reality.Literature Literature
Por esa razón ahora vivo en Laramie, Wyoming, donde soy pintor de brocha gorda.
Which is why I now live in Laramie, Wyoming, where I’m a housepainter.Literature Literature
Antes de que ese horrible pintor de brocha gorda viniera a traer la perdición.
Before that dreadful house painter went sieg heiling around causing doom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Sin embargo, en su declaración no afirmó que no fuese pintora de brocha gorda, ¿no?
“Yet you did not state she was not a housepainter in your affidavit, did you?”Literature Literature
Garry, ojalá yo hubiera sido pintor de brocha gorda.
“Garry, I wish I’d been a house painter.”Literature Literature
¿Qué diablos pensaba ese lunático pintor de brocha gorda llama do Hitler?
What on earth was that lunatic house-painter Hitler thinking of?Literature Literature
Durante una huelga había trabajado como pintor de brocha gorda.
During a strike he had been employed as a house-painter.Literature Literature
Nicolo, un pintor de brocha gorda.
Nikolo, the wall painter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Te refieres al pintor de brocha gorda?
“Do you mean the house-painter?”Literature Literature
—¿Qué haces en una escalera, como un pintor de brocha gorda, cuando deberías estar cumpliendo con tu deber?
“Why are you standing on a ladder like a housepainter when you should be attending to official business?”Literature Literature
El pintor de Breslavia (un pintor de brocha gorda, no de bellas artes) que tiene tres familias.
The painter in Wroclaw (a house painter, not a fine artist) who has three families.Literature Literature
Un pintor de brocha gorda del sur de Londres.
A housepainter from South London.Literature Literature
Opino que se puede afirmar con seguridad que fui efectivamente, aunque no permanentemente, una pintora de brocha gorda.
I think it might be safe to say that I was indeed—although not permanently—a housepainter.Literature Literature
No digas nunca que Hitler era un pintor de brocha gorda.
Don't ever say that!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No pintor de brocha gorda, ay, de lo contrario ya hubiera podido ganar mi dinerito y retirarme.
Not, alas, a painter of houses, or I should have been able to make my pile and retire by now.Literature Literature
Hace que me quiera volver pintor de brocha gorda.
It always makes me want to be a house painter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Block, empezó como un corriente pintor de brocha gorda y míralo ahora...
Block, started as an ordinary painter and now look at him!Literature Literature
Un pintor de brocha gorda no se convierte en Miguel Ángel de la noche a la mañana.
A painter and decorator doesn’t turn into Michelangelo overnight.Literature Literature
«El tío Josef, el del bigote —le escribía—, se ha peleado con el pintor de brocha gorda»[20].
This is what she had written: ‘Uncle Joseph–the one with the moustache–has fallen out with the painter.’Literature Literature
Él se encolerizó, se acaloró, dijo que prefería a los pintores de brocha gorda.
He got excited, steamed up, said that he preferred the whitewashers.Literature Literature
Mi padre era pintor de brocha gorda y mi madre profesora normalista.
My father was a house painter and my mother was an elementary school teacher.Literature Literature
Sin mí solo serías un pintor de brocha gorda.
Without me you'd just be a dauber.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Un mes después de quemar el libro se largó con un pintor de brocha gorda.
A month after burning the book she ran off with a housepainter.Literature Literature
Su tarjeta de visita dice que era pintor de brocha gorda.
His business card says he's a house painter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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