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Ella sentía deseos de hundir su cara en el hombro de Dowell para escapar a aquella mirada procaz.
She wanted to bury her face in Dowell's shoulder to escape the look in those lewd eyes.Literature Literature
Y bien, sé que los voy a desilusionar pero no les voy a hablar del Emperador procaz y vicioso.
Well, I’m about to disillusion you, because I’m not going to talk about that lecherous and vicious emperor.Literature Literature
Colin, poco acostumbrado a un humor tan procaz, esperaba que su sonrojo se atribuyera a su proximidad al fuego.
Colin, who was not used to such ribald humor, hoped his red face would be attributed to his proximity to the fire.Literature Literature
Todos animaron a Tom en su cortejo con comentarios procaces.
All urged Tom on with his wooing with ribald remarks.Literature Literature
No tengas un concepto equivocado de él por haberle oído cantar una canción procaz.
Do not get a wrong notion of him because you heard him singing a coarse song.Literature Literature
El término «alta comedia» se aplica sin excesivo rigor a cualquier comedia que no tenga un humor procaz o jocoso.
The term “high comedy” is too loosely applied to any comedy without physical or broadly jokey humor.Literature Literature
Cantábamos canciones procaces.
Feast days we'd sing bawdy songs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Era la típica cháchara masculina, salpicada de chistes procaces que hacían que se ruborizara.
There was only the usual male banter, with a few ribald jokes that made her cheeks burn.Literature Literature
Archie lo había tapado con una manta y había hecho comentarios procaces.
Archie had covered him with a blanket and made ribald comments.Literature Literature
Detrás de ella oía al universitario contando chistes procaces y al público tronchándose de la risa.
Behind her, she could hear the college kid making ribald jokes and the audience hooting in response.Literature Literature
Estas representaciones procaces (que solo se dan en el manuscrito Angelotti) son sátiras rabelasianas.
These scurrilous representations (which occur only in the Angelotti manuscript) are Rabelaisian satire.Literature Literature
Mientras que Lucy se había vuelto más sensual, más procaz, Mina era más severa y decidida.
While Lucy had become more sensual, more wilful, Mina was more severe, more purposeful.Literature Literature
Me reí de sus chistes sucios y asquerosos y sus comentarios procaces.
I laughed at his filthy, disgusting jokes and his lewd remarks.Literature Literature
Tal como se temía, los guerreros la bajaron al suelo y se la entregaron a Lanther entre comentarios y bromas procaces.
As she feared, the warriors put her down and handed her over to Lanther with many ribald comments and jests.Literature Literature
–Todos los pueblos primitivos son procaces, querido Meredith.
“All primitive peoples are bawdy, my dear Meredith.Literature Literature
Después del Soave y el pollo asado no pude compartir del todo el ánimo procaz de mis amigos.
Over Soave and grilled chicken afterwards, I couldn’t quite get into the ribald spirits of my friends.Literature Literature
Él se reía y les gritaba bromas procaces, aunque la música sonaba tan alta que Catelyn no oía lo que decía.
He was laughing and shouting bawdy jokes back at them, though the music was too loud for Catelyn to hear.Literature Literature
Ella habría replicado con más elegancia a aquella sugerencia procaz.
She would have parried the ribald suggestion with more finesse.Literature Literature
No soltaba juramentos y tenía prohibido que se utilizase lenguaje procaz en su presencia.
He never swore and forbade profane language in his presence.Literature Literature
—Que le den a Hollis —dijo con el mismo tono procaz con el que había descartado a Norwood.
‘Fuck Hollis,’ she said, with the same abrasive glee with which she had dismissed Norwood.Literature Literature
Junto al quiosco de música, unos hombres cantaban canciones procaces y había gente bailando danzas folclóricas.
By the bandstand men were singing bawdy songs and people were folk dancing.Literature Literature
Le han cercenado el labio inferior con un corte limpio; esto confiere un extraño aire procaz al cadáver.
The lower lip has been cleanly sliced away; it gives the corpse an oddly ribald grimace.Literature Literature
Hannah se tendió junto al todavía dormido Ajax y nadie hizo un comentario procaz.
Hannah settled herself by the still-sleeping Ajax and nobody offered any ribald comments.Literature Literature
Uno echa de menos la variedad, el vigor, el lenguaje procaz de Tristram Shandy.
One misses the variety, the vigour, the ribaldry of Tristram Shandy.Literature Literature
Durante años había soportado las burlas más procaces en espera de la hora de la venganza.
For years he had borne the most biting taunts, awaiting his hour of revenge.Literature Literature
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