resignaban oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

( used formally in Spain ) Second-person plural imperfect indicative form of resignar.
Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes <sup>?</sup> ) imperfect indicative form of resignar.

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long-suffering · meek · resigned · uncomplaining


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En cuanto a mí, en vista de que los demás se resignaban, me lo tomaría con calma también yo.
As for me, seeing everyone else had become so reconciled to my absence, I would get used to it as well.Literature Literature
, a lo que sea, a lo que ella y todos ya se resignaban.
— so be it, this was something she and everyone else were already resigning themselves to.Literature Literature
Los aliados estaban muy equivocados al pensar que estos soldados manejados con el látigo se resignaban a la derrota.
The Allies were badly mistaken if they thought that these thrice whipped soldiers were resigned to their defeat.Literature Literature
Habían perdido frente a un adversario más fuerte y se resignaban a su suerte.
They had lost to a stronger foe and became resigned to their fate.Literature Literature
Aunque estaban ansiosos por complacerla, se resignaban a esperar su turno.
Although they were assertively eager to please her, they were content to wait their turn.Literature Literature
Con gran dolor se resignaban a su destino y el resto de sus vidas era una verdadera tragedia.
So they accepted their destiny with heavy hearts, and their whole life would become an eternal tragedy.Literature Literature
Se resignaban ante lo inevitable de un modo que no se da entre los hombres.
They resigned themselves to fate, somehow, in a way that men do not.Literature Literature
Los gobiernos de Roma se resignaban a trabajar con políticos sicilianos que tenían el respaldo de la Mafia.
Governments in Rome were resigning themselves to working with Sicilian politicians who had mafia support.Literature Literature
Esto lo decían cuando finalmente se resignaban a que sus seres queridos desaparecidos no volverían nunca más.
This they said when they were finally resigned to the fact... that their missing loved ones would never be coming back.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
El 27 % de los ciudadanos de Europa y Asia Central se resignaban a la imposibilidad de combatir la corrupción en la práctica, mientras que el miedo a las consecuencias hacía que muchos (30 %) no denunciasen los hechos.
Still 27 % of citizens in Europe and Central Asia feel resigned to the fact that they cannot effectively do anything to fight corruption and fear of the consequences keeps many (30 % of respondents) from actively reporting corruption.cordis cordis
No se resignaban; querían seguir viviendo como lo habían hecho siempre.
They didn’t resign themselves to it, they wanted to live as they always had.Literature Literature
¿Por qué los Treville se resignaban a vivir en aquel viejo caserón, tan lejos de su París?
Why, indeed, were the Trevilles living in an ancient heap of stone so far from their Paris?Literature Literature
Los dos médicos asintieron en silencio, dando a entender que comprendían o tal vez que simplemente se resignaban a ello.
The two physicians nodded that they understood, or at least were resigned to this decision.Literature Literature
Ninguno de los conductores iba furioso, simplemente se resignaban a los hechos.
It was marvelous to see, and none of the drivers were angry, they were simply resigned to the facts.Literature Literature
Personas que estaban a la espera de Dios y que no se resignaban a su aparente lejanía de su vida cotidiana.
They were waiting for God, and were not resigned to his apparent remoteness from their everyday
Los médicos no se resignaban a dejar a Eléa y Paikan.
But the doctors could not resign themselves to leaving Elea and Paikan.Literature Literature
Los dirigentes nazis se resignaban a la perspectiva de grandes pérdidas el día de las elecciones.
Nazi leaders gloomily resigned themselves to the prospect of severe losses on polling day.152Literature Literature
Le insistieron en que aun los maridos más difíciles se resignaban a cualquier cosa siempre que nadie lo supiera.
They insisted that even the most difficult of husbands resigned themselves to anything as long as nobody knew about it.Literature Literature
Rolles se quedó cerca de la puerta, mientras los caballeros se resignaban a someterse al interrogatorio de Athelstan.
Rolles stood near the doorway, whilst the knights resigned themselves to Athelstan’s questioning.Literature Literature
Todos eran gordos y no se resignaban a ver al sobrino tan delgado, a pesar de la preocupación constante por alimentarlo.
They were all plump, and could not get used to seeing Rolf so thin in spite of their constant efforts to nourish him.Literature Literature
Vacas estúpidas, que se resignaban con tan poco.
Stupid cows, content with so little.Literature Literature
Miles de egresados cada año con pocas posibilidades de encontrar trabajo en la docencia, por lo que los maestros se resignaban a dedicarse a cualquier tarea no calificada que se les ofrecía.
The result was thousands of graduates every year with little chance of finding work in teaching, so that teachers resigned themselves to accept any unskilled job they were offered.scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Eran judíos creyentes y se resignaban a su destino, pero nosotros... cómo decir... somos distintos.
They were believing Jews and resigned to their fate, but we—how can I say it?Literature Literature
Ambas mujeres estaban ancladas en la autocompasión, ambas se resignaban a las circunstancias.
Both women were steeped in self-pity; both resigned themselves to their circumstances.Literature Literature
Ese es el momento en el que se resignaban a un nuevo plan de vuelo y retrasaban la llegada a dondequiera que fuesen.
This is when they resigned themselves to a new flight plan and a delayed arrival to wherever they were going.Literature Literature
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