resignad oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

(Spain) Informal second-person plural (vosotros or vosotras) affirmative imperative form of resignar.
( Spain) Informal second-person plural ([i]vosotros or vosotras) affirmative imperative form of resignar.[/i]

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Parecía muy contenida, resignada, pese a haber perdido a su madre de una manera tan horrible.
She seemed so composed, so resigned, despite having just lost her mother in such an horrendous way.”Literature Literature
Estaba resignado a la razón de mi existencia.
I was resigned to the reason for my existence.Literature Literature
Gil finalmente se había resignado al otro asesinato.
Gil had finally resigned himself to the other crime.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Durante un tiempo se había resignado a una vida breve.
He had been resigned to a short life for some time.Literature Literature
El Magister dio media vuelta, resignado, y regresó al jardín, con Rachelle pisándole los talones.
The magister turned with resignation, stalking back to the garden, Rachelle in his wake.Literature Literature
No recuerdo cuál era el problema, ella me había dicho, y estaba muy molesta, pero también resignada de que tantas personas llegaran a esa situación, y me dijo
I don’ t recall what the problem was, she did tell me, and she was so angry, but also very resigned which so many people become in that situation, and she said “ Well, they won’ t take him to hospital ”.And I said “ Why?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Resignado, Winter se levantó y guardó el Times en su maleta.
Resignedly Winter stood up and stowed The Times in his suitcase.Literature Literature
Ni siquiera se molestó en ponerse de pie y se limitó a alzar las manos sobre la cabeza como resignado.
He didn’t even bother to stand back up and simply put his hands over his head looking resigned.Literature Literature
Todos estamos resignados.
Everyone is already resigned.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lo miró ahora, pero en lugar de encontrar el humor como había previsto, Hugh tenía una expresión resignada.
She glanced at him now, but instead of finding humor as she’d anticipated, Hugh wore a resigned expression.Literature Literature
Al ver su cara resignada sabía que pasaría la noche despierto.
Seeing his resigned expression, I knew he would spend the night awake.Literature Literature
El comportamiento japonés hacía pensar en una actitud resignada a la muerte, muy por encima de la voluntad de combatir.
Japanese behaviour suggested a resignation to death much stronger than the will to fight.Literature Literature
Cualquier cosa menos la mujer derrotada, resignada a su destino, que se había derrumbado delante de él.
Anything but the defeated, resigned to her fate woman who’d fallen apart on him.Literature Literature
—Siempre refunfuña cuando la sacas de la cama —comentó Sebastian, resignado a aceptar la presencia de Boone—.
"""She always was cranky when you got her out of bed,"" Sebastian said, resigned to accepting Boone."Literature Literature
Luego, resignado, se rió de sí mismo.
Then, resigned, he laughed to himself.Literature Literature
Su voz estaba cansada y resignada.
His voice was tired and resigned.Literature Literature
Su mirada era triste, pero resignada.
His eyes were sad but resigned.Literature Literature
La madre, resignada por fin a lo inevitable, había encontrado el momento oportuno para cesar en su resistencia.
The mother, resigned at length to the inevitable, had found the proper moment to end her resistance.Literature Literature
Resignada, Molly cogió a la gata en brazos y la llevó a su habitación, en la parte trasera de la casa.
Resigned, Molly cradled the cat and carried it to her bedroom at the back of the cottage.Literature Literature
Allí me tumbé y cerré los ojos, resignado a mi suerte.
That is where I lay down and closed my eyes, resigning myself to fate.Literature Literature
–dijo por fin, resignado a lo inevitable.
he said finally, resigned to the inevitable.Literature Literature
La expresión de resignada modestia de Guillermo era bastante convincente.
William’s expression of complacent modesty was rather convincing.Literature Literature
—preguntó ella sonriendo con esa extraña expresión resignada que se atribuye a las mártires legendarias.
she asked him with a smile filled with the strange light of resignation one sees in paintings of martyred saints.Literature Literature
Se había recogido el pelo en una coleta y su mirada era resignada y sombría, como si hubiera estado llorando.
Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her eyes were soft and dark, as if she’d been crying.Literature Literature
Ante una actitud tan negativa del Consejo, podríamos habernos resignado y podríamos haber capitulado frente a la imposibilidad de producir algún temblor en la montaña de las exigencias burocráticas de los Estados miembros, y por tanto podríamos haber desacreditado la operación SLIM y hecho caso omiso de los intereses de las empresas, que no dejan de suplicarnos que aliviemos sus cargas administrativas.
We could have resigned ourselves to such a negative attitude from the Council and capitulated due to the impossibility of moving the mountain of Member States' bureaucratic requirements, thereby discrediting the SLIM initiative and ignoring the interests of undertakings which continue to ask for a reduction in their statistical burdens.Europarl8 Europarl8
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