retándolo oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

Compound of the adverbial present participle of [i]retar[/i], retando and the pronoun lo.

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Provoqué a los policías, retándolos a que me arrestaran, ya que ella estaba violando varias leyes de Florida.
I taunted the cops, challenging them to arrest me, as she violated several Florida laws.Literature Literature
También para Joxe Mari, que le hurgaba en los complejos llamándolo boxeador y retándolo a combatir.
Also for Joxe Mari, who ramped up his brother’s complexes calling him boxer and challenging him to fight.Literature Literature
—Correspondió su mirada irónica con una dulce sonrisa, casi retándolo a negar que hubiera sido una proposición—.
She met his wry glance with a sweet smile, almost daring him to deny her talk of a proposal.Literature Literature
—Perderé —dijo, retándola a que discutiera aquello.
“I’ll lose it,” he said, daring her to argue with that.Literature Literature
– Seis meses -repitió el magistrado mirando a Dora con irritación como retándola a que dijera una palabra más.
‘Six months,’ the magistrate repeated, glaring at Dora, daring her to say another word.Literature Literature
La pantalla del ordenador parecía burlarse de ella cuando pasaba por delante, retándola a irse sin más.
The computer monitor seemed to be mocking her as she walked past, daring her to leave.Literature Literature
La presencia extraña seguía tocándola, mofándose de ella, casi retándola a atacarla.
The alien presence was still touching her, taunting her, almost daring her to attack.Literature Literature
Antonio es Cónsul en Roma y Octavio está deliberadamente retándolo.
Antony is consul in Rome, and Octavian is deliberately challenging him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cerraron la puerta de metal y esperaron fuera, mirando a Mazer, retándolo a que empezara a golpear de nuevo.
They closed the metal door and stood outside facing Mazer, daring him to start knocking again.Literature Literature
—Sus grandes ojos azules miraron a Eliot, casi retándolo.
Her big blue eyes looked into Eliot’s, almost daring him.Literature Literature
Había sido algo casi tangible, un hechizo que la envolvía como una red, retándola a resistirse.
It was almost tangible, a spell draping over her like a net, daring her to struggle.Literature Literature
Yo, mirando fijamente a Peto, retándole a que me mirase a los ojos.
Me, staring at Peto, daring him to meet my eyes.Literature Literature
Lanzó una mirada asesina a los zarrapastrosos restos de la partida de caza real, retándolos a que se negaran.
He glared at the bedraggled remnants of the royal hunting party, just daring them to refuse.Literature Literature
Otros lobos estiran las orejas y le enseñan los dientes, retándola, pero los líderes los mantienen a raya.
Others prick their ears and bare their teeth at her in challenge, but the leaders keep them apart.Literature Literature
De vez en cuando un aficionado le paraba en la calle, retándole a luchar.
Every now and then, a fan would stop him on the street, challenge him to a fight.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Sí —contestó ella; alzó la barbilla y lo miró a los ojos, retándolo a llamarla mentirosa.
“Yes,” she answered, lifting her chin, staring him in the eye, daring him to call her a liar.Literature Literature
Echó las caderas hacia arriba, acogiendo cada arremetida de Brian, retándolo a que tomara todo lo que le ofrecía.
She arched up, meeting his every thrust, daring him to take everything she offered.Literature Literature
—Le asestó una mirada desafiante, como retándolo a que mencionara las veces que los había llamado «mitos»—.
She looked at him defiantly, as if daring him to mention the times she had called them myths.Literature Literature
Habría arrugado el ceño y levantado la barbilla, retándolos a todos a pensar que eran mejores que ella.
She would scowl and stick her nose in the air and dare any of them to think they were better than her.Literature Literature
Los dos hombres se quedaron mirando fijamente a Nicholas y a Ghuda, como retándoles a que siguieran a su capitán.
The two men kept their eyes on Nicholas and Ghuda as if daring them to follow their captain.Literature Literature
Becca lo agarró y se lo tendió, retándolo a que lo rechazara, deseando que lo hiciera.
Becca swept it up and held it out for him, daring him to refuse, hoping that he would.Literature Literature
—Entonces —preguntó retándole—, ¿Vas a castigarme por haberme portado mal la primera vez que nos vimos?
“So, are you now going to punish me as you promised you would for my having behaved badly that first day we met?”Literature Literature
Alzó su ceja mirando a Seth, retándolo a decir que ella podía cabalgar con sus faldas arremangadas hasta sus rodillas.
She cocked an eyebrow at Seth, daring him to say she could ride with her skirts hitched up to her knees.Literature Literature
No recordaba el accidente en sí, sólo a Bart Ames retándola a una carrera.
She couldn’t remember the accident itself, only that Bart Ames had dared her to race.Literature Literature
Estaba retándole para que la echara, desafiándole a no decirle cuál era el problema.
She was daring him to order her out, challenging him not to tell her what the trouble was.Literature Literature
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