romperse el cuello oor Engels

romperse el cuello

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to break one's neck


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—Si trata de gatear hasta lo alto de las rocas, no tardará en romperse el cuello —dijo—.
``If he tries to scramble over the top of the rocks, he will get a broken neck in a very short time,'' he said.Literature Literature
El peor criminal que Reese hubiera conocido jamás había muerto al romperse el cuello.
The worst villain Reese had ever known had died from a broken neck.Literature Literature
¿Es capaz de bajar sin romperse el cuello?
"""Are you capable of climbing down without breaking your neck?"""Literature Literature
Podría caerse y romperse el cuello.
He may fall and break his neck.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La vi ser atropellada por un autobús... y romperse el cuello y sigue andando.
I saw her get hit by a bus and break her neck and she's still going.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Modificó la trayectoria del hombre y probablemente lo salvó de romperse el cuello.
It changed the man’s trajectory and probably saved him from a broken neck.Literature Literature
Probablemente tuvieron suerte de no romperse el cuello.
They were probably lucky they didn’t break their necks.Literature Literature
—La señorita Cash ha tenido suerte de no romperse el cuello como el pobre duque que falleció.
‘Miss Cash was lucky that she didn’t break her neck like the poor Duke that was.Literature Literature
Puede caer y romperse el cuello
He may fall and break his neckopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
El hombre podía romperse el cuello si no sabía cómo caer, pero esto no preocupaba a de Gier.
The man might break his neck if he didn’t know how to fall but de Gier wasn’t concerned.Literature Literature
Viven sobre los árboles, y si caen corren el riesgo de romperse el cuello.
They live up trees and if they were to fall they'd risk breaking their necks.QED QED
Él acaba de romperse el cuello
He just broke his own neckopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Solamente había caído un palmo, no lo bastante como para romperse el cuello.
She had dropped only a few inches, not nearly enough to break her neck clean.Literature Literature
Y prefería romperse el cuello a darle esta satisfacción.
And she'd much prefer to break her neck than to give him that satisfaction.Literature Literature
Como si fueran a romperse el cuello!
I wanna feel like somebody's gonna snap their neck!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Guardaban silencio, limitándose a subir los escalones helados, concentrados en no resbalarse y romperse el cuello.
They were keeping silent, just climbing up the icy steps, focused on not slipping and breaking necks.Literature Literature
Sin luz podía romperse el cuello o, peor aún, una pierna.
Without light she could break her neck, or worse, break a leg.Literature Literature
Pero el puede romperse el cuello y ser un lisiado por siempre.
But he could break his neck and be crippled forever.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por suerte, se las arregló para llegar a la biblioteca sin tropezarse, estornudar, desmayarse o romperse el cuello.
Thankfully, she managed to make it to the library without stumbling, sneezing, fainting, or even breaking her neck.Literature Literature
Tuvo suerte de no romperse el cuello.
He was lucky not to have broken his neck.Literature Literature
Por mucha prisa que tuviera, no podía correr el riesgo de romperse el cuello en aquellas escaleras desiguales.
Whatever her panicked sense of urgency, she would not risk breaking her neck by charging up the uneven wooden stairs.Literature Literature
Es bastante fácil romperse el cuello cayendo por las escaleras.
Easy enough to break your neck falling down those stairs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Están en la primera planta, así que tuvo suerte de no romperse el cuello al caer.
It's on the first floor, she's lucky she didn't break her neck.'Literature Literature
Le habría servido bien a romperse el cuello o la pierna o mejor aún, su orgullo.
It would have served him well to break his neck, or leg—better yet, his pride.Literature Literature
Bogdan podría caerse de un caballo y romperse el cuello, y entonces ella comprendería...
Bogdan could fall from a horse and break his neck, and then she would realize ...Literature Literature
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