se rascó la cabeza oor Engels

se rascó la cabeza

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

he scratched his head

Cuando piensa, se rasca la cabeza.
When he thinks, he scratches his head.

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—Longstreet se quitó el sombrero, se rascó la cabeza—.
Longstreet took off his hat, scratched his head.Literature Literature
El cocinero se rascó la cabeza y consultó un calendario salpicado que había junto a la caja registradora.
The cook slicked his hand across his head and checked a spattered calendar next to the cash register.Literature Literature
Turan, el panthan, se rascó la cabeza.
Turan the panthan scratched his head.Literature Literature
Uno, y él se rascó la cabeza sobre éste, parecía ser un gorrión.
One, and he scratched his head about this, appeared to be a sparrow.Literature Literature
Sin duda, las cosas siempre pueden empeorar, así que... —Se rasca la cabeza.
“Things can certainly get worse, so...” He scratches his head.Literature Literature
Bob se rasca la cabeza y dice: —Mh, sí... lo olvidé.
"Bob scratches his head and says, ""Oh, yeah ...I forgot.’’"Literature Literature
Se rascó la cabeza tratando de acordarse de lo que había hecho con el aparato.
He scratched his head trying to recall what he had done with the machine.Literature Literature
Sam se sentó y se rascó la cabeza, bostezando como una caverna.
Sam sat down and scratched his head, and yawned like a cavern.Literature Literature
Gary se rascó la cabeza, se plantó ante la pantalla de televisión y murmuró «¡ah, sí!
Gary ran a hand through his hair, went to stand in front of the television, and mumbled, “Oh, yeah . . .Literature Literature
Asintió lentamente y se rascó la cabeza.
He nodded slowly and scratched his head.Literature Literature
Gómez se rascó la cabeza en un intento de digerir la observación.
Gomez scratched his head in an attempt to digest the remark.Literature Literature
De pronto, se rascó la cabeza y pareció hacer un descubrimiento gozoso.
All at once, he scratched his head and seemed to make a welcome discovery.Literature Literature
El jefe de carpinteros se rascó la cabeza y dijo que consultaría con el escenógrafo.
The head carpenter scratched his head and said he'd consult the set designer.Literature Literature
El señor Bird se rascó la cabeza con un gesto teatral.
Bird scratched his head theatrically.Literature Literature
—Pero —Gentius se rascó la cabeza—, ¿no estarían furiosos al saber que su espía había sido asesinado?
“But,” Gentius scratched his head, “wouldn’t they be angry that their spy had been killed?Literature Literature
Ahora fui yo el que se rascó la cabeza.
Now it was my turn to scratch my head.Literature Literature
Lozano se rascó la cabeza, intrigado.
Lozano scratched his head, intrigued.Literature Literature
Fitcher, siempre imperturbable, se rascó la cabeza y murmuró: —Depende de la paga y del propósito, señor.
Fitcher, ever stolid, scratched his head and mumbled: ‘It hangs on the pay and the purpose, sir.Literature Literature
¿Y si se rasca la cabeza con el teléfono en la mano?
What if you scratched your head with your phone in your hand? SELINA:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kiernan mostró el salvoconducto confederado que Niles Norman le había conseguido y el soldado se rascó la cabeza.
Kiernan produced the Confederate pass that Niles Norman had procured for her, and the soldier scratched his head.Literature Literature
Cuando explicó su idea a Arístides, el cabrero resopló y se rascó la cabeza.
When he explained his ideas to Aristides, the goatherd puffed his cheeks and scratched his head.Literature Literature
Mahler se rascó la cabeza, entró en la cocina y cogió una cerveza.
Mahler shook his head, walked out into the kitchen and got himself a beer.Literature Literature
Se rascó la cabeza tratando de recordar qué más le había pedido Héctor.
He scratched his fingers through his black hair trying to remember what else Hector had asked him.Literature Literature
Ollie se rascó la cabeza y miró al soldado.
Ollie scratched his head and looked at the soldier.Literature Literature
La pregunta queda flotando en el aire un rato, y Emma se rasca la cabeza. con gesto pensativo.
The question hangs in the air for a while, and Emma scratches her head thoughtfully.Literature Literature
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