shock cultural oor Engels

shock cultural

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

culture shock

Debes haber experimentado alguna clase de shock cultural.
You must have experienced some kind of culture shock.

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Esta vez estoy entrando por la puerta de atrás, despacito, para evitar el shock cultural.
This time I'm arriving through the back door, slowly, as to avoid the cultural shock.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Buena parte de ello se debe a un síndrome bien conocido con el nombre de «shock cultural».
Much of it has been due to a well-recognized syndrome known as ‘cultural shock’.Literature Literature
¿Qué tanto fue para ti el shock cultural?
How much of a culture shock was there for you?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Le espera un shock cultural cuando lleguemos a Londres.
You’re in for a culture shock when we reach London.Literature Literature
—Laura se detuvo, bruscamente abrumada por el shock cultural—.
Laura stopped, suddenly stunned by culture shock.Literature Literature
Viví algunos años en Terra y conozco muy bien el shock cultural.
“I lived a few years on Terra; I know all about culture shock.Literature Literature
—Ah, sin duda el Primer Obispo es un especialista en shock cultural y exobiología.
“Ah, and I’m sure the First Bishop is an authority on cultural shock and exobiology.”Literature Literature
Cuando superó esa barrera inicial de shock cultural, a Yuxia le pareció divertido.
Once she had pushed through an initial barrier of culture shock, Yuxia found this amusing.Literature Literature
El shock cultural borraría sus recuerdos, rompiendo el millón de lazos invisibles que atan a los amantes.
Culture shock would rip his memories away, snapping the million invisible threads that bind lovers.Literature Literature
Hábleme sobre el shock cultural.
Tell me about the culture shock.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nunca había salido de Doveren toda mi vida así que me pareció un shock cultural.
I’d never been out of Dover my entire life so it was like culture shock.Literature Literature
Había volado a través de medio mundo a tanta velocidad..., el shock cultural había tenido extraños efectos colaterales.
She’d flown around the world with such bruising speed—the culture shock had odd side effects.Literature Literature
—Idris no revela que el verdadero shock cultural lo ha experimentado al volver.
Idris doesn't say that the real culture shock has been in coming back.Literature Literature
—Tiene que haber sido todo un shock cultural, estar allí.
“Must have been quite the culture shock, going there.”Literature Literature
"El neurólogo... diagnosticó mi mal de «'shock' cultural""...»"
The neurologist ... diagnosed my trouble as 'culture shock' ...""Literature Literature
Es un «shock» cultural en la sociedad de uno mismo.
It is culture shock in one's own society.Literature Literature
Es un buen ejemplo de shock cultural.
It is a case of cultural shock.Literature Literature
Dragones be Oriente Si un dragón volara desde Europa hasta China o Japón experimentaría un shock cultural.
Any dragon to wing his way from Europe to China or Japan would experience some serious culture shock.Literature Literature
La llamada a Vancouver le había hecho experimentar un escalofrió de shock cultural.
The call to Vancouver had sent a shiver of culture shock through him.Literature Literature
los primero dias, o tal vez la primer semana, es una especie de shock cultural.
The first few days, or maybe the first week, is kind of a culture shock.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tuvo bastante shock cultural.
There was a fair amount of culture shock.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En el aislado Oriente de aquel siglo, el shock cultural tuvo que ser inmenso.
In the insular East of that century, the culture shock must have been immense.Literature Literature
La pobre va a sufrir un auténtico shock cultural.
This is definitely going to be culture shock.Literature Literature
Espero que te siga invitando; esta gente podría beneficiarse con un cierto shock cultural.
I hope she keeps you around; these people can use the culture shock.Literature Literature
Un puto shock cultural, amigo.
Total fucking culture shock, my friend.Literature Literature
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